
Chapter 12

In the first rays of sun Arthur had already arrived at the place that had become familiar to him during the last three weeks.

Today was the day he was to begin his duties as a Novice Elder and get some students who would be your base force within the sect, Arthur is slightly excited about this prospect for the future.

Walking toward a tree, Arthur quickly climbed one of its branches and when he made sure it was properly camouflaged, he sat quietly to wait while he pulled some fruit stuck to the branches around him.

His students will play a key role in his future plans, so Arthur asked Eleanor to "sift" the information he would pass on to him, warning him only about those disciples who appear to have characteristics of resilience and persistence, after all Arthur prefers to teach people who have great willpower and little talent than someone talented but without any kind of motivation, thinking in the long run the first type of person will achieve greater achievements.

He made a point of observing even for a short time the targets chosen by Eleanor, only after feeling satisfied with the efforts of these disciples did he decide to contact them.

While chewing a fruit Arthur noticed the arrival of a beautiful young woman with black hair at shoulder height and eyes of the same color with about 5'3'' high and a beautiful body still in formation.

She walked in fast paced steps without being able to hide the enthusiasm in her face, approaching the river she looked everywhere with a questioning look, without finding anything she let out a long sigh and a disappointed look appeared on her face while kicked the tree near in a moment of anger.

Arthur had fun with the girl's action, he knew she would be the first to appear today, so he decided to hide to see what her reaction would be when she arrived and couldn't find him.

The day Arthur joined the sect she didn't want to let him go and now, ten years later she finally has the chance to be close to him again, she would surely be excited about this reunion.

Descending from the tree he approached and put his hand on her head spreading his hair in a mess.

Scared she jumped back as she entered in guard with a tense face, but soon after realizing it was Arthur her expression changed again to a bright smile.

Running towards Arthur she hugged him cheerfully like a child receiving a gift "Good morning, big brother"

Arthur nodded happily with nostalgic eyes watching the girl "You apparently haven't changed anything Alice"

A few minutes passed while Alice talked non-stop sharing how the last ten years of her life were, her good, sad memories, achievements, her training, events.

Arthur used this conversation to understand little by little the events that happened in the last years in the world outside the sect, since all he knows of the world outside is the knowledge of the former owner of the body, and since the other joined the sect ten years ago, he has never left that place.

While trying to organize all the information he received in his head, Arthur noticed the approach of two young people

"Alice, they have arrived, while we are near other people call me an elder, avoid calling me a brother near others"

Alice's eyes opened in surprise and confusion but she quickly nodded, she spent so much time telling about what had happened over the past ten years that she completely forgot to ask why she had been called here, so she turned her head to watch the two figures approaching.

The two young men are tall about 6' tall, the one in front has a shaved head, black eyes and a cold expression on his face, his tanned skin and muscular body already revealing his identity as a member of the Higher Body Sect even without watch his mantle of novice disciple.

The other young man of similar height wears the same clothes but has a thin body and light skin, the only visible part of his face are the green eyes, his blonde hair covers most of his face and ears, what the hair cannot cover is hidden behind a white mask, this brings an air of mystery to this young man.

The bald young man continues walking slowly forward as he looks at Arthur with emotionless eyes, completely ignoring Alice and the young blond man who follows a few dozen steps behind him.

Apparently without feeling offended by this action, the young blond keeps alternating his look between Arthur, Alice and the cold young man as if he were trying to find out something.

As he approached Arthur, the cold young man bent over and shouted "Good morning, elder".

Soon after, the young blond man repeated the same gesture but in a tone of weak voice, loud enough only for those around him to hear.

Arthur nodded as he asked the three of them to stand side by side in front of him.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Arthur, I'm one of the Novice Elders in the service of the sect and I'm willing to sponsor you as my students, what do you say?"