

Sequencee yawned at the breakfast table.

'It's been so long since I felt like this..'

He didn't really didn't know how to think of it. The sensation of having a complete rebooting after years felt foreign to his mind who had run on short one hour naps all this while.

He felt more sluggish than he did clear and fresh. Even as he dug into the plate of noodles, he struggled to focus.

Of course, his fever-like condition earlier did happen, Schwii did get out of the bed because she needed to use the washroom, and Sequencee's condition returned to normal a few hours later.

Schwii was concerned, but thought if Sequencee said he didn't have any issues, then it should be fine.

"You're looking really tired today," Ro said.

"Do I?"

"Really. Did something happen yesterday?" Ro asked again.

Lilian nudged him to tell him to shut up. Confused, he turned to her. She then whispered her deductions to him. He blinked a couple times and nodded.

As for what it was Lilian said– Sequencee and Schwii thought to just let it slide.

"Sequencee, if you're not feeling well you should head to the infirmary immediately, alright?"

"I got it."

Iona cleaned the tables and plates while they got themselves ready for today's class. Ro and Lilian left first to find the instructor in charge of the exchange student programme list. Sequencee reinitiated the elemental beads which he had extinguished during his sleep.

"Hm? This is odd."

"What is it?"

"No. Nothing.."

Schwii was unconvinced.

"I had a dream last night," she said.

"Hm? What dream?"

"We went on a date."

"A date? Where to?"

"I'm not sure where it was. What I do know is that it's around the city here. It was one of the best dreams I had till date. So much that I wish it would happen in real life."

'I don't think I've actually brought Schwii out on a date..'

"Then let's go on a date this weekend."

"I can't believe I had to hint you on that," Schwii sighed.

Sequencee felt guilty.

"A date is better than no date. I'll look forward to it," she said with a troubled smile.


They stepped out of the apartment.

"See you later Iona."

"See you."

"I'll be waiting for your return, Your Highness."



Instead of heading straight to the elevator, Schwii stopped Sequencee from leaving the hall and had them wait in front of Leticia's apartment.

"We're waiting for them?"

"We can, can't we?"

"Not to say we can't.. you know, I had a dream too last night, but it was fuzzy. I don't really remember much of what it was except I think.. maybe I returned to the past just a little."


"Right. I saw the black knight.. ah, you don't know who the black knight is, don't you?"

"No. Not at all. If I knew who it was, I would've sent people to investigate his background. Even Iona doesn't know about him."

"Isn't he part of the demon army?"

"I don't know for what reason it is; the black knight moves independently from father's command. Though he takes orders, father doesn't actually have complete authority over him. That was what I was told the last time I queried. In short, he's hiding something."

"Doesn't that make the knight the real culprit behind my mother's death? But why did he need to go so far? What did we ever do to him..?" The thought of it made Sequencee furious.

"I.. can't deny that but.."

"Sorry. Let's not talk about this anymore."

Sequencee took in deep breaths to calm his rambling mind.

The door opened.

"Eh?" Quora muttered.

"Morning," Daizo greeted.

"Morning," Schwii bowed her head. Sequencee greeted as usual.

"Anything?" Quora asked.

"We thought to wait for Nynim and Leticia before heading off."

"Ah? Those two?"

"They already went," Dorry said.

"What.." Schwii showed a rare blank expression.

Quora and Daizo bursted out in laughter. Sequencee too found her expression endearing.


Star Auger.

A strong wind swirled around the ensemble. The mage's robes, and even some of the girl's skirts fluttered.

A humongous drill shaped spell clouded overhead. Condensing, compressing, refining. The light of the grand spell seemed to flow towards the tip where colours distorted into black. The sound of crackling as the friction of air created a strong static field, charging the grand spell with another layer of veneration.

At the signal, the mages of the ensemble slowly retracted their support. Now it was up to Sequencee to add the finishing touches.

He closed his raised fist tight. The grand spell disappeared, but the vague sense that something was wrong could still be felt.

Here, one wrong move from Sequencee could potentially destroy the stage and hurt the members of the ensemble.

He released the spell.

As if a giant hammer descended from the sky, the air ripped so loud it threatened to tear everyone's eardrum. The multi shockwave created caused the metal stands which the papers were clipped onto to fall. The mages had to brace themselves. At a speed that surpassed that of sound, a flash of light accompanied by the sharp shrieks of the grand spell's disintegration at the barrier.

Only then did the strong wind still.

Sequencee took off his earbuds. So did the other mages.

"Wonderful, don't you think? Let's take five," Din said to everyone.

The members of the ensemble relaxed their grip on their staff and wands, proceeding to chat with one another.

Things were progressing on this side, Sequencee was slowly beginning to understand why Judy gave him this assignment.


"Be clear when to move in to give support, when to stand back to avoid bumping into each other!"

The students were divided into parties of five. Two vanguards in front, two mages in the center, one rearguard behind. This was the basic formula which could be altered depending on the human resources available.

Sometimes there wouldn't be enough fighters to fill in the spot so one of the mages would need to take the role of rearguard– this was where magic CQC comes in handy.

That aside, coordination of attacks and understanding of one's team's tendency is important to prevent friendly fire.

The iron golem struck down the ground. The two vanguard circled around to the back from different directions. Giving the clear to the mages in the middle, they fired powerful fire phoenixes towards the core.

Unscathed, the golem charged towards the mages. Erecting a barrier, the rearguard shifted to act as a temporary vanguard to take the aggro from the golem. From behind, the two fighters brandished their weapons clad in mana and struck down hard.

Another wave of magic was hurled towards the core of the golem. At the short pause, one of them slipped under and gave a clean blow towards the core in the center.

Of course, that wasn't enough to take down this A-rank monster, nevertheless..

"Next team!" Jonnathan commanded.

The group was swapped out with the next. A different style of coordinated attack was launched at the golem once more.


"Good job everyone!"

The previous team high-fived each other.

Things were also progressing on this side.


"Sequencee, Schwii. Thank you for everything," Lilian said, shaking their hands in turn.

"Yeah. Thank you so much," Ro bowed.

"Do take care," Schwii said.

"Toodles," said Nynim.

"See you Lilian.. I'll miss you," Leticia came up to hug the lavender haired girl.

"I'll miss you too. Do take care," Lilian hugged her back.

"I know Lilian and I are out so you have the room to yourself," Ro slugged his hands over Sequencee's shoulders and whispered. "But, remember to stay safe and wear protection okay?"


"I know you're genuine. My best to you while we're gone."

Today was the day Ro and Lilian would be leaving as exchange students for Eluive's Prestigious Academy for Heroes.

"Ro, let me know how far Dylan has come to achieving his goal when you return," Sequencee said.

"What goal?"

"He said he wanted to build a harem."

"Oh.. will do, definitely," Ro grinned.

"Ah, we need to go now. Ro! Let's go, let's go!" Lilian yelped, pulling her bag.

"Alright. See you next month everyone! Let me help you with that."


Holding Lilian's luggage, Ro charged into line while she followed behind.

"I smell spring," Nynim exaggerated a sniffing gesture.

"You think?" Leticia said dubiously.

"What do you think, Schwii? Do you think they have a thing for each other?" Nynim asked.

"It's hard to tell. There hadn't been any obvious signs," Schwii said as she watched the crowd trying to jam themselves into the line of caravans.

"You two didn't take the offer in the end?" Sequencee asked.

"Nah. I think it's much better to enjoy the academy. After all, we can't possibly miss your upcoming performance on stage, can we now?" Nynim smiled shrewdly.

"Yeah, yeah.."

It wasn't blind guesswork that they knew about Sequencee's participation in this year's competition for the magic concert. The news was all over the place.