
I'm the Reincarnation of Zero Two

Basically this story is about a guy who's a reincarnation of 02 'from Darling in the FranXX' but has no memories of his past gets reincarnated as 02 and is in shared multiverse where the people who have reincarnated or people from Anime, Manga and any other entertainment or any alternate versions of them can travel and live there. He tries to gets use to his new (in other words old sense he was only told by 'the creator' that he is her 4th and soon the 5th reincarnation) life and everything that comes with it. ___________________ *Disclaimer - This story doesn't have any type of romantic relationship between MC and any other character but love exists only as family love or friendship. ___________________ This is my 2nd novel and English ain't my Forte so don't expect a novel without some mistakes. Updates will be as I feel like it so I wouldn't overwork myself and give out crap chapters everyday.

Lithnox · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs

The Death 1


"Are you sure that you want to do this? You know there's a chance to lose a part or even all of your memories forever if this goes bad, especially in your current condition."

"Nothing bad will happen. The worst that could happen is if my memories and experience aren't copied in right order and besides I already left a few parts of my memories throughout a few places. So quit worrying I probably will reincarnate in that shared universe that you've created 8 years ago and we'll meet again."

"Ugh... if only I haven't spent my whole energy destroying almost all VIRMs in existence then I could at least save you from death."

"Ahhh... don't be such a drama queen. It's not like I haven't reincarnated 2 times already and you know that because we have been friends since near the end of my 2nd life."

"But still..."

"Just do it. We don't know how much we can copy in this short amount of time just in case if something bad happens."

"Fine I'll copy your memories but try to hold on as long as you can. I maybe still have a way to save you."

"Geez just start already. It's not like we have all day you know."

"Alright Alright I'm doing it."

"Also if something goes wrong and I'll forget about everyone can you fulfill these few wishes after I'll reincarnate. Remember you promised it. So listen closely..."



"Got it?"

"Yes I did. I'm not a child you know."

"You know that a lot of 'grown-ups' are just overgrown kids with superiority complex."

"And what does it have to do with me?"

"Aren't you also acting like child a lot. I mean you have thrown a tantrum because you had to do your duties as the 'creator'. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)"

"You're the one to talk."

"Ha ha mayb..."

"Did you really think that you can get rid of us by eliminating a lot of us at the same time?" - The last remaining VIRMs came out of nowhere and started to approach the two people in front of them while talking.

And at the moment they finished their last words they had launched an attack aimed at the 'creator'. Making the 'creator' to defend himself at the same time disrupting the procedure.


"Hmm... It's seems you deeply care about  this creature. Then don't mind if I do."

Then they proceed to teleport behind his friend and then they started rapidly stabbing the person as if that person was made from just pudding.


"no. no no no. No No NO NO NONONONO..." falls to his knees.

"Wonderful that's what I liked to see. See /stands behind the almost dead person and putting seemingly something like arms on that person shoulders\ you aren't so almighty after all. All of you so called God's are just people with powerful personas  trying to act as if you're some sort of a diety. H..."

The 'creator' stands up with a such strong resentment and anger that if looks could kill, he would've killed by sheer glance and starts walking, then he faster and faster and faster until it's just him running up next to VIRM and launching a powerful attack that incinerated him into oblivion.

And after all that he rushed next to his dieing friend trying to use everything that he's got to save his friend.

"Please just hold on, please, please, please..." 'He' desperately tried to heal 'his' friend to 'his' best abilities but it wasn't enough.

"...listen I don't have much time anymore..."

"Don't say that."

"...You'll have to just to reincarnate me into that new universe that you have created it's not a big deal you know. We'll meet in my next life so for now farewell..."

"No don't say that, please, just hold on We'll find a way, there's always a way isn't it?" Tears rolling down his eyes as 'he' said that.

"...goodbye for now, also tell Ichigo and Goro ''till the next time''..." And as finished her last words her head dropped down.

"Not literally, more like her head doesn't have energy anymore to raise her head over her shoulders. If you guys didn't understood."

"...that's not how it works you idiot..." 'He' said that while sobbing.



"Ugh... Finally that took long enough. I swear these lockdowns aren't making my life any easier but at least I finally done one thing from my bucket list and that's move to Japan or at least I will study here for about 1 or 2 years here if I'm lucky but it still counts."

And I started going to the nearest train station that I could take. While listening to music.

"JP train network and metro in Japan are somewhat interchangeable for me so I'm gonna name metro as trains and train lines for now until I change it later, maybe."

When I got to the train station I hopped into a train that had a nearest stop to my destination and I sat down onto empty seat next to the window so that I could look into my new environment with calm excitement.

"He's currently calm but also excitemented"



"Finally I arrived at my new apartment. Hmm... It's a bit smaller then I expected but still it's a lot of space here. Okay I'll leave my bag here and I'll go try some local dishes.

It seems that they also left a cheap bed here too huh. Well at least I now know on what I'll sleep today. It's not like I don't have where to sleep but even I know that even cheap bed is better than sleeping on small inflatable mattress. Alright it's time to explore a bit of Tokyo today cause I really don't think I can contain my excitement any longer."

After putting down all of my bags next to my 'new' bed I went to explore and eat a lot of local dishes mainly desserts but that's not the point the point is that I finally am in the land of the rising sun, Japan.

And as of now it hasn't disappointed me yet. No litter on the streets, almost no crime rate if you don't count those perverts and nice scenery in the parks or on the edge of the city.

'Hmm... it seems that it's getting late as of now. It's better to hurry back to my apartment I haven't slept for 36 hours. Uhh... Just a few more minutes and my first day in Japan is going to end.'

You probably want to know who am I don't you. You probably think my name is John something something Smith but sorry to disappoint you, that's not my name. My name is Augis Stervan. Yeah it's a weird name with a weird surname and I gotta live with it. Also it's pronounced 'Au-gi(like you would gi from Gintama)-s.




"Finally... I'm back. Ugh... I... feel so... tired awwwww... Maybe I'll just... text my... parents that I'm safe,... charge my phone and... just go to sleep already."



^peep peep peep peep...^

^yawn...^ "ugh... why did I set this as alarm clock sound again? ughh... Well then let's get ready, shall we?"

And as I said that I immediately dressed up and breakfast and left to go to my new school so that I would know my schedule and a bit of the schools layout.

'Should I take a train to school or should I just walk there. Hmm... Nah I'll take the train. I definitely won't walk 30 min through Tokyo in this intense heat especially when it's gonna be hotter as the day goes by.'

As I had a internal monolog with myself in my mind I was already near the station. After crossing the last crosswalk to the station I noticed a girl trying to get up from the street and what makes this situation even worse is that a full-sized truck was about to hit her. Truck driver was trying to stop the truck to his best abilities but it was too late and he can't stop his truck from hitting that girl.

I ran near that girl and pulled her towards myself and it worked. I was able to save her and she only scraped her legs. She was very lucky that I was here otherwise she would've been on the other side. And as I let her go her mother came and thanked for everything and went somewhere more safe to attend to her daughters wounds.

But as I was about to leave a monster trucks wheel hit my back and making me fall down and fracturing all my bones on my back and front. Apparently the truck driver was trying to make a fast turn to avoid hitting the girl but because of that he hit a building and it seems he was transporting monster truck wheels to some sort of event, maybe?

After observing the situation I realized how lucky I was that any of my fractured bones didn't damage my lungs or heart then it would be game over for me.

And as I said that another wheel landed on me and my undamaged organs were now, well damaged. Trying to see what was happening I tried to look around and I saw people trying to make some space while the mother of that child that I saved was desperately calling ambulance.

'Huh... It seems it was never destined for me to live here in Japan. Ugh... If only that truck was not going as fast as it did then maybe i would've survived in some way. Ugh... I guess... this is goodbye world... It was fun while it lasted.'



So this is my second novel that I wanted to make for long time but I was too lazy to start it so yeah.

This novel won't be so heavily story driven only few chapters at the start should be at this time and story will progress passively after that so that's that.

Updates won't be consistent because I don't want to overload myself with too much stuff both in real life and here but if have questions I will try to answer them without spoiling the story.

Also sorry for the cringe the middle of the chapter.


Lithnoxcreators' thoughts