
I'm the Ninth: The Chronicle of the Hidden One

The world had undergone an evolution. The earth changed over time and now the world as if came back to an ancient time... Every country has its types of power and ability... Some countries became magi, some countries became cultivators, some strength, and many more... But base on everyone, eight exceptional individuals achieved incredible power that helped them reached the top since the start of evolution. But... Are they really just eight? Or the other one just doesn't want to show up? Or maybe, he's still not ready! This is a story of a young man named Jayson. He became an orphan since he was ten when his parents suddenly disappeared out of the blue. No one knew where they go and no one can think of any possibility. When he became an orphan no one helped him, no one cared about him. That's why when he gained the power to gain strength by killing, he didn't care whoever he offended. Tag: Strongest, Hidden, Yandere, Powerful, Level-Up, Killing, Orphan, Super Ability, Evolution, Harem, Cultivation, Samurai, Ninja, Magic....

Seniority_Y · Fantasie
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2 Chs

The Evolution of World

Ten years ago when suddenly the biggest events happened in this world. Without any scientific explanation, the sky turned blood red, the sun disappeared and the destruction started. Many people had died and billions of property had been destroyed. No one knew what was the real reason for this to happen.

Hopefully, this 'Great Catastrophe ' didn't continue, but it stopped after a week...

Then it already stopped, the damage it gave wasn't minor at all, but this was the biggest calamity the world ever had experienced. Half of humanity had been cleaned and almost all structures destroyed. All humans felt desperate and scared, when they saw the crushed bodies like a meatloaf everywhere, no one can stand it, everyone can't help but cried.

And there was always one question on everyone's mind 'What's going to our World from now on? '

But their worry had been answered the same day when the catastrophe stopped because suddenly, the sky that finally came back to normal once again changed. The sky turned into the blinding light that caused many to lose their eyes.

The light turned brighter and brighter until it exploded and became a rain of light.

Those who can still see we're amazed and those who can't see was healed when the rain of light touched them...

At that time, the rain poured on everyone and therefore gained power... A power that humans always dreamt of.

Some gained the power of strength, the power of speed, the power of the elements, and many more...

One by one, everyone showed their abilities and started to show off, even some fought just to see who was the strongest.

But to everyone's shock, eight individuals showed their might and pronounced themselves as the eighth emperors of power.

Jonathan, the power of space.

Gabriel, the power of light.

Wang Lei, the power of qi.

Su Yang, the power of the wind.

Malakas, the power of strength.

Scorpio, the power of poison.

Lucifer, the power of darkness.

Mega, the power of fire.

They were the strongest and undefeated of the age...

No one dared to fight for the title as they saw the strength of the eighth with their own eyes. They can only look up ad watch with awe.




Ten years finally passed by...

The world had undergone many changes, the seven continents had been washed while the new continent was born. All remaining humans decided to live in just one continent to secure each other (although not). Everyone has power, so they decided to name the continent as domineering as it sounds. The God Continent. Yes! Everyone believed that from then on, they were already God.




Chura City - Market

"Hey! Stop! You Bastards! "


"Commmeeee back!! "

Many people were walking in the street yet three people in armor and holding a sword were running. If you looked closely you can see them running in a certain direction. Without intending to slow down, even some passersby were hit and fell to the ground by the three armored people.

They were shouting while running but people don't care at all. As if nothing was happening, they just walked straight and didn't bother.

The world had evolved and everyone had changed. This incident wasn't new and not that exciting to watch.

All of them continued their business...




Twenty meters away from the three armored men, a young man that looked like at the age of eighteen was running like a cheetah. Compared to the three men wanted to catch him, he just wearing a tattered old brown shirt and short, he was running desperately while holding an expensive bag in his hand.

Without even care, he was shamelessly pushing everyone and everything in his way.

The young man's name is Jayson, an 18 years old boy. He also gained power when the 'Rain of Power' happened. And the ability he got was speed. He can run fast, three times faster than normal people.

After a while of running, he found out that there was no route in front of him, a dead end. After looking around for a while, he changed his path and ran towards his right side. There was another route and he was running without any direction. As he ran and ran deeper, he found out that there wasn't anyone on his way. But who cares? Just run!




After a while... Another dead end showed up... A wall that taller than him four times... Blocking his way, there wasn't any other way, to the left and right were also a wall. He was trapped.

He swiftly decided to turn back and try if he can still run, but just he turned around, three figures appeared in front of him.

Wearing a black full armor and a black sword. They are the three who were trying to catch him all this time.

"Haha! " The three can't help but laugh as they gasping for breath.

"No other way? " One of the three asked.

"Do you think you can just escape, just like that?! " The other one said with sarcasm.

They were from the Dragon Tattoo Group, a group of robbers that lurking in this place. It's just that Jayson stole something in their territory and they won't accept this.

Stealing in their territory was the biggest sin other could commit. And this day while they were trying to find a target, they saw a beautiful woman holding an expensive bag without any guard. This type of target was the easiest to rob, but before they could execute their plan, another figure showed up and stole the bag before them.

The three were dumbfounded, they were frozen...

They only woke up when the woman shouted for robbery.

The three of them hastily activated their power (Samurai) and ran to catch the little guy.

And now... He was cornered by them...

"What about! " The one that still not speaking a while ago also spoke. He was intending to say Jayson to give them the bag.

"Hahaha! " But instead, Jayson laughed and ran forward.
