
I'm the hero whom you ignored

Brian was the most handsome weakling in his entire school. The bully Billy always tortured him by punching and kicking him leaving wounds and bruises all over his body. He had a reason for doing that. Because the beautiful girl Meera, whom Billy had a crush on, liked Brian instead of him. However, as always Brian bore the pain. Until... One day Brian's sister was kidnapped by a vampire which made him turn into an entirely different person. The always weak boy suddenly turned into a hero who saved not only his sister, but the entire human world.

XOXO_LtlSunFlwr · Fantasie
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6 Chs

Regaining the powers

Tears welled up in my eyes and started flowing down to my cheeks. As I said before, I didn't like to show my weakness in front of my grandpa. However, I was devestated and heartbroken. I couldn't control myself as I covered my face, using my both hands and started sobbing like a helpless puppy. I should thank my grandpa as he didn't interrupt me and let me cry for a while. Regret was the most dangerous world I ever knew. Now, I was feeling that more than anyone else. It was all my fault. If I didn't want to take my stupid revenge, this would never happen.

"Why didn't they try to kidnap me instead of her?" I asked, after stopping my sob. Grandpa shook his head. "I don't know either." I clenched my fists. "Grandpa, I guess you know my decision." He chuckled when he heard my words which were filled with determination. "Yeah, I'll ask Shan to prepare the necessary things." I nodded my head saying, "Okay, Can you take me to the unalloyed room?" Grandpa let out a 'hmm.' "Finally you are ready to inherit your parents' powers. But I never would have thought that you'll gain them due to such circumstances." "Neither did I" I uttered.

The unalloyed room was a sacred place. No one could enter there that easily. The servant who cleaned that room, washed himself in spiritual water everytime before entering. Today, I did the same as him. The butler prepared me some holy water which was slightly hot with rose petals and jasmine fragrance. I cleaned myself and stepped out of the bathtub. I wiped my skinny body which was lack of muscles using my towel and wore a pair of black trousers, my upper body was completely naked. Then I took a very deep breath before entering the unalloyed room. As soon as I stepped inside, my nostrils filled with my mother's fragrance. I tried hard to prevent myself from crying. It has been more than eight years since she passed away.

I loved my mother so much that I couldn't bring myself to see her belongings which made me tear up whenever I encountered them. This fragrance was the same. But I made up my mind to be strong. I was doing this for my little sister. I closed my eyes for a while and opened them again. There was a huge, old wooden box in the corner of the room. I took out the silver key from my pant pocket and unlocked the box. There, my mom's red cloth was safely kept inside. She used to wear it around her waist. It was the source of her power which her grandmother gained more than hundred years ago. Her grandma was gifted that red piece of cloth from an Indian deity.

Passing from generation to generation, finally it belonged to me now. As you can see, my mother was an Indian woman.Her name was Seethadevi and she met my father during one of her missions in Indonesia. I kissed the cloth respectfully and put my forehead on it. I'd seen her doing this everytime she wore this cloth. After that I unfolded the cloth and tightened it around my waist. When I looked at myself in the mirror, my appearance started changing in rapid speed.

My skin was so fair, it was milky white. My father was an European man so I got my skin colour from his genes. But now my skin turned to honey colour. It started glowing like golden. I smiled proudly. Finally I gained my mom's skin tone. When I was a child, I craved for her skin colour and was upset because of my pale skin. My white skin was also good and healthy but I looked like a delicate girl with it. But now I looked more manly.

My eyes were also blue like my father's. I looked like a photocopy of his young version. But now... I became the perfect combination of my parents as my eyes also turned grey like mom's. Only my hair colour wasn't change. It was still orange brown. But my hair length changed as my short, wavy hair now reached the bottom of my neck.

Finally my gaze fell on my father's ring and his sword. His silver sword was the most powerful weapon in the entire human world. Just by a single wave of that sword, two hundred monsters would be destroyed without a trace. I took out the sword and waved my hand a few times, holding it. Suddenly I felt a massive pain all over my body. The sword was released from my grip and fell to the ground. When I looked at the mirror, my eyes wide opened as I saw the changes of my body.

It would take months for a person to have steady muscles but within a mere second, I literally got eight packs! I couldn't believe it. I never thought that my father got his muscles by using such a way. What a power! Any boy would crave to gain this power without doubts. When I wore my father's ring, My eye colour changed again. Now it became a combination of blue and grey. The irises turned blue while the outline remained grey. Even I myself was mesmorised by my eyes which looked like the moonlight dropped upon the ocean.

The next step was to regain my own powers. I found the wooden box where I kept my necklace. Inside my necklace, I stored my superpowers. Speaking of which, I never got a chance to use my powers. Apparently, I eventually had a chance. Or maybe I'm forced to have a chance. However it was my fault as I digged my own grave. There's nothing I could do apart from facing it.

I wore my necklace. It didn't cause a differance of my physical appearance. My powers weren't that great compared with my parents' powers. Nevertheless, I just decided to keep the necklace with me. This time, I had to face this challenge all by myself. Thus, even the tiny bit of power was useful for me. After getting all the powers I could get, I went outside the analloyed room. My grandpa was outside, waiting for me.

"Do you need my powers too?" He asked out of nowhere, causing me to be dumbfounded.