
I'm the Greatest Cultivation Teacher

With a glance from his eyes, all tremble. A mere stare robs mortals of their longevity. What happens when the Son of Destiny, meant to inherit untold power, vanishes from the world for countless years then suddenly returns? A story of the Greatest Cultivation Teacher and his Legendary Students! _____________ Cover is not owned by me, so if you would like me to take it down please say so.

CocoonedDaoist · Fantasie
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67 Chs

Enter, Logean Wuji

"This is the mountain village of Akna-Logea."

It was barely dawn. Scant clouds and dim light enlivened the top of an abnormally massive mountain: Mount Logean. Built into the mountaintop itself was an expansive village containing multiple wide channels that ran deep and far.

As the mist of some low clouds dispersed against the rocky mountain face, two cloaked people could be seen walking up the mountain, staring down at the flattened mountaintop. One of them was a red-haired woman, looking curious and excited. The other was a man in brown clothing, seeming overly content with life.

There were various ancient structures on the flattened summit foundation: ancient courtyards, palaces, pagodas and mansions. However, at the epicenter was a shallow fountain of water. It would be more accurate to say it was a man-made pond, circular, clear and fresh, yet stagnant.

Built in the middle of it was a stone islet, a small open temple with numerous pillars and a stone chair. Despite the overall antiqueness of the ruin, that temple seemed to be trapped within an endless cycle of time, detached from the mortal world.

The man and woman stepped toward the center, passing by the empty houses, lonely pagodas and quiet palace halls. Before long, they were standing right at the edge of the pond and staring at the calm water. Ever so often, the wind would dance across the surface of the water, causing tiny ripples and gentle waves.

"It's such a beautiful, peaceful place. I feel like my cultivation base is rising just by standing here." The woman removed her cloak and mask, taking deep breaths through her tiny nose. Following her lead, the man did the same and took a great big sniff.

"Ji'er, do you know? There's a legendary tale about this very village, passed down through the generations."

"Oh? I've not heard of any legend. How does it go?" The woman, Ji'er, squatted down by the water and stared at it, slightly transfixed. The man stood just behind her, smiling warmly as he gave the place a cursory glance.

He was the guide, Mister Hong. For almost four years, he and a few others had been accompanying tourists to Akna-Logea, making the experience even more memorable with stories and such. He was pleased with himself even more this time, though, as he had been the first to act when the beautiful tourist, Ji'er, came asking for a guide.

Puffing up his chest, he cleared his throat and began to tell her the story, "Legend has it that, many years ago, this mountain village was home to the terrifying Logean Clan."

She stared at Mister Hong as he came over to sit next to her, continuing his story under her curious gaze.

"You see, the story of the Logean Clan goes a little like this: Logean Zi and his wife, the Empress of the Thirteenth Void herself, Xuyue Zailiang, crafted this mountain from the ruins of the United Sect."

"United Sect? What's that?"

"The United Sect was a school created by the Sovereign Gods. According to the legend, this school encompassed all universes, dimensions and planes- even uniting past, present and future. It was something us mortals cannot hope to ever comprehend, even partially."

"You're right, even that explanation leaves me with more questions. Do continue, Mister Hong."

"Right. After the passing of the Final Moon Father, nothing was the same in the Mythical Realm. A large number of people began aiming for his position as Emperor-Absolute, but Logean Zi was who he named as his successor. Because of this, outside parties began to sneak into the United Sect to try to find an angle they could use against Logean Zi. The Logean Clan Leader, Logean Zi and his wife, Xuyue Zailiang, disbanded the United Sect and then destroyed it forever. Taking only the finest materials from the site, they came to our realm and built Mount Logean."

"Why would they do that? Why not stay and fight to secure his succession?"

"Who knows? The story is that the Empress of the Thirteenth Void was entering the final stages of her Million Year Pregnancy."

"A m-million years!? She was pregnant for a million years!?" Ji'er couldn't imagine it. Just a regular pregnancy of around nine months was unbearable. Just what would a million years of pregnancy be like? To Ji'er, it sounded like hell.

"Actually, this is a misconception. Though the term itself is 'million year,' her pregnancy actually lasted for quite a few millions of years. Million Year Pregnancy just has a better ring to it for the sake of the story."

Ji'er's jaw fell open wide, revealing her snow white teeth and bright pink tongue. She knew that those with higher cultivation bases would have longer pregnancies, as the child within them would have a higher concentration of potential from both parents. Still, it was hard to fathom just how much potential it would take for a child to require millions of years just to be born.

"In the final months of her pregnancy, great signs began to fall from the Walls of Primal Chaos. No existing law permitted the birth of their child and so, in an attempt to protect their child, they built Mount Logean in this particular lesser realm. Here, the sustainable laws are much weaker. Thanks to this, and immeasurable effort from all clan members, and Logean Zi himself, Xuyue Zailiang was able to give birth."

"Of course, this is just how the story goes."

"What about the child?"

"Their child? The day he was finally born, it is said that the Wall of Primal Chaos splintered and unknown forces from the Omniverse came through, shattering every spatial, temporal and material barrier just to grant him untold blessings."

"That child was the Logean Son of Destiny. The Prodigy of the Realm: Logean Wuji!"

Ji'er gasped, recalling the numerous stories she had already heard which mentioned this name. She had wondered who this person could be and was now being told exactly who he was. He was the son of Sovereign Gods, someone with unparalleled potential.

"Logean Wuji grew to the level of a Sovereign God by the time he was one year old. After that, not much is recorded of his early life. When he was eighteen, he and his parents, along with the entire Logean Clan, departed without a word. Ever since they mysteriously left the realm, the mountain has remained empty, barren and desolate. No one dared remove or add anything to it, nor did anyone dare come here to live."

"Despite these things haven took place many millennia ago, most of the people in this realm have great respect for the Logean Clan, Logean Zi, Xuyue Zailiang and, of course, Logean Wuji."

Ji'er suddenly regarded the place in a new light. She felt like she had finally removed a veil from her face and was able to truly see the place for what it was. A sense of respect filled her, and admiration could be seen in her bright green eyes.

Suddenly, she looked over to the islet and noticed a man dressed in black. He sat on the stone chair, a flute in hand, and looked out at the rising sun behind them. He hadn't been there a few seconds ago, but seeing how the man nonchalantly sat there like he owned the place, Ji'er felt a bit annoyed.

"Mister Hong, just who is it that is bold enough to sit on the Logean Clan's property?"

"Eh?" Mister Hong frowned. He hadn't received word of anyone else coming up the mountain today. With him being one of the few guides, it was quite odd for him to have not been alerted. When he turned over, still confused, a look of shock overcame him and he instantly shot up to his feet.

"Mister Hong, what is it-"


Ji'er pouted at how he cut her off, but disregarded it and continued to stare at the man. He had not moved, but instead had closed his eyes. His black robes were thin and loose, swaying with every soft gust. He held a bamboo flute in his hands, but showed no signs that he would be playing it.

It just seemed like he was reminiscing and in silent, meditative contemplation. The more Ji'er looked at him, the more she felt like his demeanor and figure were somewhat familiar. Even Mister Hong was speechless when he saw him because of this.

At the very back of their minds, they felt a vague sensation of having seen this person before somewhere. Looking closer, the man seemed young; he looked no more than twenty years old. There was a necklace of some sort peeking out from under his robe, right where the pale skin of his chest could be seen.

His jaw was strong and round, lips peach-colored with a snub nose just above them. His neck was broad and muscular while retaining the grace and elegance of a dignified, reserved noble. His eyes were bright and silvery, but once he closed them he made his two spectators realize that staring into his eyes caused them to be out of breath.

The man's hair was long, dark and a bit shiny, as if moist or tinged with bright white strands. The further the sun rose, the more his hair shone in the light, yet it also seemed to make him even more striking to look at. His brows were a bit thin and dark, growing in perfect angles above his eyes.

"This… This man… This man!" Mister Hong was unable to form a complete sentence. He was taking steps backward in denial, not daring to believe what his eyes were surely deceiving him with.

That was because, sitting on the stone chair within that open temple, was a person who looked exactly like the ancient statue depicting Logean Wuji. It was only then that Ji'er realized as well.

"It can't be…"

The two were in shock together. It was a long while until they dared to speak, and even then they were hesitant. All the while, the man they suspected was Logean Wuji remained motionless. The sun rose over the horizon of clouds, bearing its light down on him which he welcomed.

Mister Hong worked up the nerve and tiptoed back over to the edge of the pond. He swallowed hard then said, "Esteemed Sir, we apologize for the intrusion."

There was no response.

Mister Hong became annoyed. Why hadn't this idiot woman come over and apologized?

He turned around to glare at her, motioning for her to do the same thing he was doing. Copying his posture exactly, Ji'er came over and bowed to the man saying, "Terribly sorry, Esteemed Sir. We were merely admiring your beautiful home."

The man's eyes suddenly opened again. Shockingly enough, he turned his head and looked right at them!

They felt their chests tighten. Breathing was impossible for as long as he looked at them, which was only a few seconds. Even so, those few short moments couldn't have passed by fast enough. They felt like countless years of their life had passed them by in such a short time. It was so exaggerated that they had even started to age visibly.

Shaking in fear once he looked away, Mister Hong and Ji'er immediately got down lower to kowtow to him. "Forgive us," they cried in unison.

The man sighed, instantly reversing the ill effects his stare had caused them. Their years of longevity returned to them immediately.

"I apologize for this. In my reverie, it seems I forgot to rein in my presence."

Hearing his soft voice that seemed to blend perfectly with the natural sounds of the world, the two people hurried to respond, "We dare not accept Esteemed Sir's apology. Anything you do to us is well within your rights!"

Blinking, the man smiled bitterly and waved his hand. The wind heeded his command and brought the two of them back on their feet.

"That's enough." After he said that, he stood up. As he did this, the atmosphere slowly transformed. Though they could not feel it, they were certain that he had just suppressed his presence for their sake.

"Actually, it was because of your story that I started feeling melancholic."

Mister Hong immediately became petrified. He was about to drop to his knees again but the man raised a palm and stopped him in his tracks.

"No need to apologize. You reminded me of those events, and I became sad. Memories are strange like that. They can allow a past experience to attain a plethora of emotions that weren't felt originally ...and can allow one to truly understand the error of their ways…"

With that, he fell silent and once more gazed at the sun. Mister Hong and Ji'er were sweating bullets. Could this man really be who they thought he was?

Ji'er found the courage and stepped forward, head low. She asked, "Would this Esteemed Young Master do us the favor of telling us your esteemed family name and distinguished given name?"

Her question brought the man back down to earth. He smiled and once again looked at them, though this time there was very little pressure. Revealing his pearly white teeth, the man closed his eyes and kindly answered.

"My name is Logean Wuji but, please, call me Wuji. What are your names?"