
I'm not a dear, I'm a prowler

She squinted up at him.

He wasn't incredibly taller than her, but it was enough,

Especially when he stood so close to her, ignoring all shreds of self preservation in her.

The fact was she still didn't know anything about this man that he hadn't told her. He'd certainly assumed she should know and fear him, but she'd not heard anything of him.

Could it be possible, though, that he knew something? Could he have a key clue she'd been missing out on? Something that could actually start her down a path to get the answers her whole family needed?

"...And what do you mean by that?" She finally asked the man.

He seemed amused by the question, chuckling to himself as he continued walking, "It means you ought to be careful, lest you wish to end up like the late king of Ceiori."

Isabelle faltered at that.


Obviously the goal of the entire investigation was to find out what happened to King Elymus of Ceiori.