

Their eyes only had to meet for a split second, so they both understood that what came next could not be stopped. At least, that's what it seemed to Kalina. In any case, she and Valian leaned in simultaneously until their mouths met. 

¡Oh, his lips! They melted against hers. How was it possible to feel so much? Endless sensations erupted throughout her body. Damn… Kalina had no idea what to do, while Valian seemed like an expert. He was devouring her mouth as if he were a kissing master. It was as if his lips were dancing on hers.

Then he swayed away a little bit and looked at her with those burning eyes that did not seem human at that moment. His gaze seemed to burn. ¡Heavens! 

Within the whole cloud of desire, Kalina could notice that his pupils had lengthened.

¿What the hell…?