
The Weight Of The Truth.

- Well dear, then the story goes like this:

Looking completely different, Amaalid approached Israel. And the princess was able to spend a precious moment close to him. Over time, the new Amaalid and Israel became friends. But, when their friendship was about to turn into something else, Ismir intervened again.

Ismir was ready to end both of their lives, this time forever. But then Kiru intervened. Both gods clashed and their combat was about to destroy the continent. For a hundred days, the fight between the two gods continued. Until Ismir was very close to extinguishing Kiru. Then Nanda, the god of the seas and rain, intervened.

Nanda saved Kiru from being destroyed and in the process nearly killed Ismir. In the end, Ryzil the supreme god intervened. Ryzil punished the gods for nearly destroying each other. He turned them into beasts and condemned them to remain among men forever. Since then the gods left the mortal realm.