
I'm The Alpha's True Luna

“Turn him into a gay," Grayson said coldly. She ran in front of Grayson and bent down, "Master, please punish me instead. I was the one who approached him and enticed him. Please punish me…," Grayson stooped down to her level, "You don't want him to be gay because you like his dick. You enjoyed him fucking you, and you both had feelings for each other. Are you willing to die for his sake?" __________________________________________________ Shayanne refused to accept her status as Alpha Grayson's breeder; she despised him. He treated her evilly, but she cannot escape his fury. Alpha Grayson saw her fucking with his Gamma and challenged him to a fight to see whether he still had the combat abilities he taught him years ago. He realized he had been lured by his property. But he failed to overcome him, so as a punishment, he turned his Gamma gay. Shayanne was taken aback; could she truly embrace her role as his breeder? Someone who raped her forcibly; someone who never considered her feelings. __________________________________________________ "Make me pregnant again, and I vow I will make your heir survive until childbirth. I promise to accept my responsibility as your breeder; please give me a second opportunity. I am willing to be pregnant again; you can fuck me right now. Perhaps I'll get pregnant sooner. Fuck me, Master, please,”

Nira_Onami · Fantasie
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14 Chs

Chapter 8: Unexplainable Feelings

When Valentino opened his eyes the following morning and looked over his shoulder, he noticed Shayanne soundly dozing next to him.

He got up to take a closer look at her and said, "She looks so beautiful even when she's sleeping," He was drawn to her cute face and decided to brush a strand of her hair.

He said, wiping away the tears that had stained her face, "I know I might have done the bad thing, but seeing you happy makes me happy as well,"

He overreacted to her yesterday night, and the guilt is still tormenting him, "Anne, I'm sorry I hurt you,"

Shayanne opened her eyes as if she heard him, and they locked gaze, unable to look away from each other for the last few minutes, "Was I disturbing your sleep? I mean, do I make you uncomfortable?" She murmured and whispered.

"I don't believe you do; did you sleep well? I didn't want to wake you awake yet," He said, "Yes, I did. I hope I kept my promise last night?"

Valentino remained silent for some minutes, unsure of what to say. The recollections of how he had been so hard on her flooded his mind, and the feeling of his extreme desire remained a source of agony for him. 

And he couldn't help but feel terrible about going so far till she complained of exhaustion.

"I was too harsh on you last night, even if you stick to your words, but I couldn't. I'm sorry I put you through that suffering," he said sincerely, "I'm delighted to hear that, and you weren't that hard. I believe I was too exhausted during the day, therefore I became tired," she remarked, smiling at him.

"You need to take a shower, and I should probably bring you some food before you return to your room. But I don't think you'll be able to get to the bathroom," Valentino stood up and carried her on his arms, the duvet covering her nakedness.

Shayanne kept her gaze fixed on him the entire time. She remembered what happened last night--how he kissed her so passionately, how she experienced a blowjob for the first time, and how he had warned her not to moan.

As she recalls everything, she smiles briefly. He truly made her feel great.


Dickey came inside Shayanne's room, smiling lightly as she approached her.

"How are you feeling this morning?" She inquired, sitting closer to her on the bed. Shayanne shuffled backwards and unwillingly murmured, "I'm fine, is my face pale?"

Dickey examined her intently and offered a gentle positive nod, "You're looking pale. Do you experience any similar stress yesterday?"

Shayanne nodded slowly in dissent, and a giddy feeling surged through her. She caressed her forehead and closed her eyes, her vision gradually disappearing.

"I'm just feeling dizzy," she whispered faintly, and Dickey gently assisted her in lying on the bed, "I believe you should relax more frequently; please keep me updated on how you are feeling. Maybe..…"

"Please don't tell Master; I'm simply dizzy and will be fine in due time. I know he needs his baby carrier to be strong, and he'd be furious if he discovered I was continuously weak. I'll improve soon," she urged. 

Dickey exhaled lightly and grinned, "It is your body system, and you will grow it over time. However, since you refused to inform Master, I will personally request that someone bring you some fresh nutrient diets and fruits. You must regain some strength in order to prevent your body from constantly malfunctioning," Dickey explained.

"You need to rest, so I will leave you alone. Take care of yourself, and always let me know if you're experiencing any unusual symptoms, "Thank you, ma'am," Shayanne said before closing her eyes.

Dickey's gaze was fixed on her, trying to figure out what was going on, when she noticed her body had the scent of a different wolf. Her body picks up on his scent for a reason; at first, she thought it was just because of her close relationship with him.

But there's more to it; there has to be a strong connection between the two. Perhaps this is why she and her unborn babies find the scent too appealing.


After hunting everywhere for him, Shayanne spotted him in a corner, looking miserable. She hurried up to him and stood in front of him, saying, "Valentino, what are you doing here? Isn't this spot too quiet to be alone in? Or, what if something happened to you and you never sought assistance?" She asked, flinging a thousand questions at him with a goal in mind.

"Fortunately, I will not be injured by anything. Have you been looking for me? Do you need anything?" Valentino inquired, his gaze directed away from her and toward the floor.

Shayanne pouted her lips and scowled an angry expression as she realized what was causing his gloomy mood and character changes.

"Do you blame yourself for what happened between us? I'm sorry; I shouldn't have asked you to do anything you think is inappropriate between us. If you choose not to speak with me, I will leave and offer you some privacy…..," She mumbled and turned to leave; after a few steps, he grasped her wrist forcefully.

"I do not want you to leave; you can stay. I don't blame myself, and I don't want you to. Are you bored?" Valentino said quickly, grasping her wrist more strongly. When he realized he was holding it too tightly, he removed his hand from her and she turned to face him.

"Yes, I only wanted to communicate with you; that would make me feel better. I just don't like it when you ignore me; it hurts," she mumbled, "And I'd like to apologize for making my attitude harm you. Close your eyes," Valentino asked, and she did so with expectation.

"Open it," he said. When she opened her eyes, she noticed something that piqued her interest, and she chuckled while gazing at it, "Fire butterflies; wow! They're stunning, look at that…," Shayanne exclaimed joyously, pointing to the fire butterflies in the sky.

She began circling them, and they followed suit, as if she were their protector. A fire butterfly flew down to her palm and shook its wings enthusiastically. The butterfly turned to face Valentino.

Shayanne quickly understood and released the butterfly from her palm, which flew to Valentino but turned to ashes as soon as it landed on his palm.

"Did you murder that butterfly? But why?" Shayanne asked painfully; she was becoming connected to the butterfly, but he destroyed it, "I didn't kill it because I intentionally want to, it happens because I'm the maker of them," he said.

"You manufacture them; how is this possible? You're not…, "I am a hybrid, part witch, half wolf. However, I do not consistently use my power. This would be the first time I used it since my mother died,"

Shayanne let out a gasp and stared at him, stunned, as the environment sensed her worry, "Are you scared of me?" he inquired, his voice tinged with pain despite his efforts to conceal it.

"I'm…. I am not sure, Valentino. But are you saying you haven't been a human all along? Or, what does this mean?" 

"Yes, I do not want you to start hating me. But, it appears you are already terrified right now," he whispered, "You will not injure me, huh?" She stutters, and he shakes his head negatively.

"Can you turn into a wolf before me? I just wanted to know how it feels to see you shift into your genuine creature," She said, a voice solid and determined, "You'll get scared if you see my wolf, are you sure you want to see me transform?" He inquired gently.

"Yes, "If you find it too scary, simply remain calm. Don't try to run away from me; I don't want to turn you into prey. Okay? I need to undress before I shift, or my clothes will get ruined," 

Valentino unbutton his trousers; she had closed her eyes before he began undressing, and seeing how she had permanently locked her eyes, a smirk spread across his face.

In a short while, a wolf's growl rang in the air, and his fangs emerged, followed by a change in his legs. He closed his eyes and let the wolf take full charge; in a few time, he was standing three feet away from Shayanne.

Shayanne encouraged herself before cautiously opening her eyes. She shifted backwards as she noticed the big wolf in front of her, peering attentively at her. Is it Valentino?

"Valentino, is that you?" Shayanne muttered, and the wolf just remained immobile, raising his fur in response. Shayanne gazed at him and examined him closely, saying the wolf is quite lovely.

The wolf approached her cautiously, and she took each step away, terrified within herself, "Why are you following me? Do you want to kill me?" She stuttered and breathed heavily to catch her breath.

The wolf shook its fur again, his eyes filled with grief and disappointment. With tears in her eyes, she looked at the wolf and detected a sense of sadness in his gaze; was Valentino hurt?

Breathing deeply, she recalled Valentino's words, and as his voice replayed in her memory, she began walking massively towards the wolf, eyes closed and panicked. When she finally reached the wolf, she paused and opened her eyes.

"I am confident that you will not hurt me. So, I won't run away from you," Shayanne told herself, softly bringing her hand towards the wolf, where her tiny palm gently caressed the animal's hair. And she recalls how soothing the wolf was when she caressed him.

"You're beautiful, really beautiful," Shayanne chuckled at the wolf and peered into his eyes, which sparkled even more. The wolf suddenly began to move backwards; she wanted to say something but couldn't find her voice. Suddenly, the wolf began to transform back into his human shape.

Fortunately, she had closed her eyes before he began shifting. "Open your eyes," he instructed, "But, you're naked?" She mourned, "You have seen me naked before, so don't be shy. Silly girl, you…," Shayanne opened her eyes before he finished his statement. She was staring at him, but he wasn't naked; he had put his clothes back on.

"I'm not naked, you were scared when you saw me?" Valentino inquired with a sneaky expression, "I'm sorry; I thought you wanted to kill me,"

"It's normal to feel that way, and I'm not upset with you. I'm glad you didn't run away," he said, "Would it hurt you if I run away from you?"

"Certainly, I'll be hurt, but you weren't. You made me proud," Valentino said jarringly, lightly knocking her forehead, "Can I ask what his name is? Or did you both share the same name?"

"No, he has a name. His name is Orion. He has a short temper, but he managed to keep it under control for you. Or should I say safety?" He declared, causing a smile to develop on her face.

"That means Rion likes me, which is wonderful. He's so cute just like you," she said subconsciously, but a scream escapes her when she realizes what she just uttered, "I didn't mean that, Rion,"

"When did you change my name to Rion? That is my wolf...., "That is your nickname from now on, and you must embrace it. Because Rion likes me, I've decided to nickname you 'Rion'. Isn't that a beautiful name for Orion? Does he like it? Rion, do you like it?" She replies in a teasing tone, and Valentino smiles to himself when Orion admits he likes the name.

"You're smiling, which suggests he like it. Rion, why are you not saying anything?" She screamed joyfully, clapping her hands silly. Suddenly, he grabbed her hand, and as they came into contact, he felt a strange thrill sweep through him.

He tugged her along with him, and she giggled uncontrollably, enjoying his speed.