
I'm stronger than the hero but want to stay unnoticed

A young men that have terrible grade at school and a non-existent social life get into another world, he was finally happy to be free from his original life but he didn't know that what he hated the most was going to happen slowly but surely.

Tatsuyayuki14 · Fantasie
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28 Chs

Second floor is so much harder

After taking our break it was time to get back to work, after the first floor, we had a choice to make between going into the second floor or going underground. Jeremia recommended that we go to the upper floor before doing anything else, he explained to us that after breaking the crystal that makes the tower stay it will collapse in a day so we could have time to go underground, even though we would have to be quick.

Now then time to go to the second floor, do I have to say that it was a bad idea, do I really have to ? Oh, I don't think so, just seeing how many monsters were behind the door, after just opening it slightly we had to close it almost immediately.

- Mike : "What was that ? I can't protect us from that swarm of monsters"

- Me : "Can you open it just a tiny bit, I'll shoot a fire arrow to get rid of them"

- Jeremia : "Huh what about us ?"

- Me : "Don't worry it'll be okay"

Mike followed what I said and open just enough for me to shoot some arrows, when that was done I also did throw a whole bottle of oil. Mike then immediately closed the door, the monsters were screaming, trying to push the door, punching it...But the door is pretty solid and we were behind it to protect it, we let time pass and we decided to go when we couldn't hear any more screams.

- Mike : "Now the problem is all those flames"

- Me : "Take that and put it on it'll protect you quite well"

I gave them some big covering hoods, hopefully, I was smart enough to buy 1 more for myself before, I had to give it to Jeremia but that's not a problem. I did go first for them to trust me on that, and they followed me, we still decided to go quick to eliminate every other type of danger. When we finally were out of the fire we could see a long corridor supposedly empty but with surely a LOT of traps.

I didn't know what type of traps were here and didn't know either if the rocks are enough to detect them. They could be some light detection trap, some other mysterious trap, and that was making me afraid of going further. I asked Jeremia to bless the rocks I was throwing, even just a slightly less probability can be taken.

But this time, we were not as lucky as before, we did trigger some traps, nothing very deadly but it's because we were taking so many precautions. It also had a slight problem, we were taking so much time just to walk 20 meters and I don't want to get caught up by another hunter team or monster coming from the lower floors.

- Me : "We can't even see the boss door and we are fighting for hours, it's starting to get a little complicated"

- Mike : "Oh don't tell me you are already tired, I was expecting more from you"

- Jeremia : "He is right, we all the amount of monsters coming from the walls, the traps we have to avoid, and everything, it's starting to take too long"

I was complaining a lot, but it's not like I could do anything else, we could try to brute force until we get to the boss's room but I don't want to be dead at the end of the day. Because of the evasion and speed I put on everyone's equipment we were mostly safe from the little traps.

So many monsters, of all types, were coming again, even coming through walls, skeletons archers, goblins, spiders, poisonous frogs, and every annoying monster I could ever think of.

At one moment so many monsters were coming that we had to back out a little, what was things harder for us was that I had little to no arrows left, which means, I had to use my whip. What I didn't know was that with level 3 on my power, my whip was more effective than my bow in a close fight. My whip with [precision] and [mulplication] was making a lot of damage with the [blessing] coming from Jeremia.

- Mike : "Woah your whip is really becoming more and more dangerous"

- Me : "Even I didn't know that it could be that useful"

With that new element in my hand, we finally could go a little bit quicker, clearing, trap after trap, a swarm of monsters being terminated, and my arm starting to hurt we finally were at the boss door.

- Jeremia : "We have to clear it quickly before night comes out"

- Mike : "If this boss goes into berserk, we might die without a chance to escape"

- Me : "Oh no, it's a boss spider"

- Mike : "With all those spiderwebs it's gonna be almost impossible to fight"

- Me : "Get away, I'm gonna use my last arrows to burn them all"

With my last arrows, I put [fire] on them and shot at the spiderwebs, the amount of fire coming from that was so big that I didn't really know if I made the situation really better.

Now we will have to fight in a boss room where there is an angry boss, little spiders that were not burned, and some really strange types of monsters.

When we started to fight we immediately regretted it because the fire in itself was not causing that much trouble but the monster definitely was trouble.

- Jeremia : "Those things are web-shooters, they shout spiderweb everywhere, eve, with that amount of fire it's still annoying as hell"

We were getting stuck and freed by the fire but even when we were freed, more spiderwebs were shooting at us. The boss in itself is not a fighter type but it makes spawn more spider soldiers and web-shooters. My whip allowed us to move somewhat freely but didn't get rid of enough monsters. And this time we were not quick enough, the night was here, and the boss entered the berserk mode, because it was not an attack type it was not as annoying but the boss made the monster coming from it more powerful and also made their number increase by a lot every minute.

I'm sorry for being late, my pc doesn't work so I had to connect everything to another account. The next chapter is fighting a berserk boss, with a damn lot of monsters. Please cheer the mc because it's not gonna be easy, anyway if you got any ideas for the rest of the story please let me know about it in the comment. Anyway, I hope you all have a good time and see you in the next one.

Tatsuyayuki14creators' thoughts