
I'm Secretly Married to a Big Shot

"Hubby, I don't want anymore, I feel terrible..." "Baby, be good, finish up this medicine." The handsome man embraces the woman in his arms, coaxing her tenderly as he feeds her the medicine. Qiao Mianmian stumbles upon Mo Yesi, the most esteemed scion in all of Yuncheng City, and ends up sleeping with him for the night. After he offers her benefits in exchange for their marriage, the newly appointed Mrs Mo suddenly has the power to have everything she ever wished for. "Hubby, I slapped the Movie Queen Cheng Feifei today, was I too much?" "Baby, does your hand hurt? Let me rub it for you." "Hubby, I maxed out your credit card, are you angry?" "Baby, are you happy with your purchase? Let me know when you need more." "Hubby, I'm tired today, I don't want to move..."

Gentle Dance · Urban
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3023 Chs

It Was Actually Gong Zeli

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Su Ze realized that the public was watching them. He wasn't embarrassed by the attention, so he raised his voice and said, "Mianmian, I was wrong. I will never do anything that would hurt you in the future. I can swear in front of everyone.

"Everyone, please be my witness. Let the heavens strike me if I don't treat my girlfriend well in the future."

The pedestrians thought that they were fighting.

They thought that the guy was at fault.

But because of Su Ze's good looks and good attitude, they took his side and helped him. "Miss, you can see that your boyfriend is really sincere in his apology. He really cares about you. Just forgive him."

"That's right. Every couple fights. It's a part of a healthy relationship."

"Young lady, you should forgive your boyfriend. I feel that he's close to tears already."

"I agree. Young lady, you…"

The other pedestrians joined in the commotion.