
I'm Rimuru (Tensura)

Slime Clash, a mobile game that grants players the ability to traverse the vast Tensura Universe. Allowing them to embody their favorite characters, select different starting locations, and explore varying timelines. A devoted player finds himself unexpectedly transported into the universe of Tensura, awakening within the body of his game character, Rimuru. Armed with his limitless potential as Rimuru, and knowledge as a transmigrate, he sets out to shape his destiny. __________________________ Got this idea from Luxuriant.

GoldenOsiris · Anime und Comics
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3 Chs

I'm Rimuru

In a modest bedroom filled with darkness, a young man lay nestled within the folds of his blankets.

His eyes were fixed intently on the glowing device in his hand, fingers moving across the screen with practiced ease as he played his favorite game, Slime Clash.

The game, a beloved pastime for many, offered players the chance to immerse themselves in the rich Universe of Tensura. From the bustling streets of Tempest to the fiery depths of hell, every corner of the universe was theirs to explore.

And for our protagonist, it was more than just a game—it was an escape, a way to lose himself in a world of adventure and possibility.

Slime Clash was unlike any other mobile game; it granted players the freedom to choose their favorite character, select their starting origin, and explore different timelines. With each decision, the player's journey would unfold in unique and unexpected ways, shaping the course of their destiny.

The man reminisced on his previous choices, a faint smile tugged at the corners of his lips, Rimuru had been his character of choice. Most would call it cliche and boring to choose the main character, nevertheless he could care less, Rimuru's powers were the most interesting to him, not to mention his character design was cool. 

And as for the timeline, the decision to start right before the Orc invasion had been an easy one. It was the start of Rimuru's dangerous journey as a leader, and where he attained the Demond Lord Seed.

You were given the option to kill 10,000 Orcs and evolve to a True Demon Lord immediately, allowing him to become one of the strongest at the beginning, opening more opportunities for the future.

After a year of dedicated play, the man had honed Rimuru's abilities to near-perfection, and his character's stats were practically maxed out, allowing him to become a God.

As the man was playing the game, a sudden notification popped up.

[If you were given the opportunity to awaken in the universe of 'That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime', would you accept?]

The man raised an interested brow, before simply pressing yes.

'What's there to lose? Either it's real or fake.' He shrugged, but his eyes widened as he suddenly felt his vision contort.

[Then please enjoy your journey as, Rimuru, The Chaos Creator.]

Before he could speak, everything went black.


In another part of the cosmos, deep within the Jura Forest on the Cardinal World, a small village nestled among the ancient trees. Inside a rustic wooden building, a long table filled the room, with people seated on each side engaged in what seemed like an important conversation.

At the head of the table sat a figure with long striking blue hair, their eyes closed in serene repose adorned in old wool clothing, beside them were one pink haired ogre, and a purple haired one, wearing matching clothes.

After a few seconds, the androgynous figure's golden eyes slowly fluttered open, revealing a calm gaze tinged with a flicker of confusion, before settling into their usual composed expression as memories steadily flooded his consciousness.

'I'm Rimuru...' He concluded with a sense of certainty.

It felt natural, as if he had seamlessly slipped into this new identity. His memories of his previous life remained intact, yet now he inhabited the body and mind of Rimuru Tempest.

Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Rimuru surveyed the room and its occupants, his mind racing to process this unexpected turn of events. Despite the initial disorientation, a sense of purpose began to take root within him.

'Surprisingly I don't feel astonished.'

He wondered why he seemed rather indifferent to the situation, before instantly coming to a conclusion.

'Unique Skill: Sage Mind'.

It was one of the skills he had obtained when he played the game, and currently, he had it. The skill was created by fusing Great Sage into him as one being, allowing him to retain all the abilities of his Unique Skill, but with less potency.

Reflecting on his past experiences, Rimuru remembered the moment when he merged Great Sage into his game character's body. It was a defining moment, a culmination of countless battles and strategic decisions. Through this fusion, Rimuru gained increased attack speed and unparalleled analytical abilities, surpassing even the most skilled players in Slime Clash.

But now that he was actually reborn as Rimuru, it seemed that due to this fusion, he had lost Great Sage for it. They were essentially the same, but rather than another separate AI doing all the calculations for him, or controlling his abilities, he himself now attained those capabilities.

However, the transition had its drawbacks; the potency of his newfound skills was diminished compared to the original skill. It was as if his slime mind couldn't fully grasp the immense power of Great Sage, but like Great Sage, it could also evolve, so their was potential for it to be greater.

It seemed that was the only ability he had brought from the game, everything else was the same as canon.

With all this information swirling in his mind, Rimuru couldn't help but feel a sense of exhilaration at the prospect of facing this new challenge head-on.

His lips curved into an amused smile, a glint of excitement in his eyes, 'What an intriguing turn of events... Being reborn as Rimuru Tempest is truly a dream come true.'

"Lord Rimuru!"

The sudden call from Benimaru snapped Rimuru out of his reverie. He met the gaze of the red-haired Kijin, recognizing the future loyal subject who stood before him.

"Yes?" Rimuru questioningly replied, his tone calm.

Benimaru's furrowed brows betrayed his concern as he addressed the matter at hand, "What do you think is causing the sudden Orc Invasion?"

Rimuru's mind quickly connected the dots using his memories.

'The Kijin, such as Benimaru, Shion, Shuna, Hakuro, and Kurobe, have only recently arrived and were given names by me... Now, we're tasked with figuring out how to deal with the Orcs.' He noted inwardly, acknowledging the presence of Shion and Shuna who sat at each of his sides.

As he pondered the situation, Rimuru's thoughts drifted more into the memories of his past life, providing him with valuable insights that allowed him to answer the question immediately.

"The sudden invasion, which is unusual for Orcs, is most likely instigated by external forces." Rimuru began knowingly, "Earlier, you mentioned this supposed Demon Lord named Gelmud; he's likely the instigator. However, I suspect there are others involved, pulling the strings from behind the scenes."

His words hung in the air, eliciting a mix of surprise and concern from those gathered around the table.


"Can it be?"

"That does make the most sense."

Benimaru frowned as he asked another question, "But what reason would he have to do so?"

Rimuru grabbed his chin in a thoughtful manner as he responded, "Well most likely he's attempting to sow chaos and disorder in the Jura Forest in an attempt to control it. But it seems he also wishes to use the bloodshed and negative emotions as a catalyst to create a Demon Lord."

The people at the table couldn't help but stare at him in complete astonishment when he said, 'To create a Demon Lord'. It was evident that Rimuru's insight into the situation was much more than he let on.

Souei's eyes suddenly widened as he tapped his ears lightly, "Sir, it seems one of the body doubles I had scouting the-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Rimuru raised a knowing hand, signaling for him to stop, "It's the Dryad, isn't it? Let her in."

Souei appeared stunned by Rimuru's awareness, swiftly nodded in understanding, while the others looked on in bewilderment, wondering what was going on.

"Hasn't it been several decades since the last time a Dryad showed itself?" Rigur the robust goblin remarked, still in shock from Rimuru's previous statement.

Nevertheless, without delay, a serene green aura permeated the room as a swirling mass of vine-like energies twirled at the center of the table, gradually taking shape into a green-haired woman dressed in matching attire.

Rimuru seemed unsurprised as he leaned his elbow against his armrest, his face resting against his fist as he watched the situation unfold calmly.

His allies however flocked by his chair in defense, warily staring at the newcomer atop the table.

The Dryad gently smiled as she spoke, "I'm surprised you knew... Ruler of Monsters, and all those who are loyal to him, forgive me for this unannounced visit. I am Treyni, a Dryad, it is a pleasure to meet you."

Rimuru's smile grew slightly as he introduced himself. "I'm Rimuru Tempest. I suppose you're also here to seek my assistance in dealing with the Orc Invasion."

Treyni's smile widened as she gracefully descended to the ground, "Indeed, I have come to request your aid in defeating the Orc Disaster."

Before Rimuru could respond, Benimaru stepped forward, his expression wary, "That's quite a selfish request from someone who just appeared out of nowhe-"

His words faltered as he sensed a shift in the atmosphere. Slowly turning, he caught sight of Rimuru's close-eyed smile, which seemed to be the complete opposite of the formidable aura emanating from him, indicating his displeasure.

"I appreciate your intentions, Benimaru, but please refrain from interrupting me." Rimuru's tone remained eerily calm as he regarded the red haired Kijin.

A bead of sweat formed on Benimaru's brow as he stepped aside, offering a nervous chuckle, "My apologies."

The others tensed up by his reaction, taking note to never interrupt the blue haired slime.

Nonetheless, Rimuru dismissed the incident with a light-hearted wave, "No worries, just wanted to make that clear."

He then turned his attention back to Treyni, an easygoing smile appearing on his face.

"As for you...

Sure, I don't mind defeating the Orc Disaster."


First chapter!

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