
The root of evil (3)

in the end, Nan Xu was still destroyed ...

He came back to his senses.

Roger sighed in his heart.

As for the situation in the slums ...

The leader of the kilt Warriors said with a pained expression,

they ate a lot of stones, poisonous needles, and Mercury, so the possibility of survival is very low ...

Roger nodded.

He had already expected this outcome.

Even though he had informed the rulers of the area, the subarong family, the moment he discovered the abnormality, he was still in a daze.

The latter had also taken emergency measures.

But the girl of pain did not do it on a whim.

These people had already accumulated so much trouble that it was difficult to turn back.

With this thought ...

He couldn't help but feel a little sad.

Ever since he came to midseashire.

Roger had been thinking about a question.

Would his arrival change anything?