
I'm really in the Doraemon!?

[Note: The system will make its appearance in Chapter 10.] As an average individual, I never imagined that the cliché trope of a truck, often seen in otaku culture, would be the means to transport me into a parallel universe. Initially, I believed that my new surroundings were merely another version of reality, a parallel world. However, much to my surprise, I found myself in the universe of Doraemon—a beloved anime and comic from my previous life. (Note: There will be some difference in novel's timeline and the canon, to have a stable pace. Due to the canon have inconsistent timeline in every episode since it's a kids comics and it almost have the same pace as Detective Conan.) (Read advance chapters in Patreon.com/NewComer714.)

NewComer714 · Anime und Comics
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36 Chs

Bonus Chapter: Zeno, are you there!?

Advance chapters on my p@treon.com/NewComer714.


In Nobita's room, Doraemon was taken aback when the door swung open, revealing a remorseful and guilty Nobita.

Nobita poured out the entire story to Doraemon, desperation in his eyes. "Doraemon, since you gave me this gadget, you must know a way to bring them back, right?"

"Them?" Nobita referred to Takeshi and Suneo, whom he had erased with the gadget.

Doraemon's expression grew solemn. "There's no way to bring them back anymore. You erased them, didn't you? When the Dictator Switch is used, their existence can only fade according to the Dictator's will." Doraemon's words carried a note of helplessness.

Nobita's sense of disbelief deepened. The realization hit him like a ton of bricks – he had erased two individuals. And it wasn't just about any two people; it was Takeshi and Suneo, his childhood friends. But even if they weren't his friends, the weight of his actions wouldn't diminish.

He had essentially committed an act worse than murder. In fact, what he had done was even more horrifying – he had obliterated their very existence from the world, to the point where people who once knew them would forget they ever existed.

The gravity of the situation dawned on Nobita. The gadget Doraemon had given him was undeniably cruel and terrifying.

Doraemon, witnessing Nobita's internal turmoil, left the room in silence. Yet, as Doraemon exited, Nobita's sense of helplessness only grew stronger.

Collapsed on his bed, Nobita held his head in his hands, the voices of Takeshi, Suneo, and even Takeshi's baseball teammates echoing in his mind. His parents and even Shizuka added to the chorus of reproach.

Even Ken's voice joined the fray. Having just conversed with him before erasing Suneo, Ken's imagined voice scolded him as well.

Lastly, even Doraemon's voice joined the chorus of reprimands.

And so, within the confines of his mind, a cacophony of voices berated Nobita...


As Doraemon left the room, he concealed a wily grin and slipped an invisibility cloth into his pocket. With a swift motion, he employed the cloth, rendering himself invisible. His purpose was simple: to clandestinely observe Nobita's actions.

Curiously, Doraemon pondered whether Nobita might try to erase him using the dictator switch. However, the gadget's effects were powerless against Doraemon due to his robotic nature from the future. Not only that, he held a dictator switch himself, and as one might expect, the two gadgets nullified each other's effects. This immunity allowed him to retain memories even when others, like Nobita, forgot. Thus, although Takeshi and Suneo were erased, Nobita still remembered them.

In the midst of his torment, guilt, and hallucinations, Nobita slammed his hands onto the ground in frustration. Amidst his exclamation, "Everybody, be quiet! Just disappear, all of you!" his right hand inadvertently landed on the dictator switch.

Realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. Nobita's expression contorted in terror as he slowly turned his head to observe his hand resting on the dictator switch.

Oh no!

Panicking, he hastily removed his hand and dashed downstairs.

Doraemon, observing the situation, felt a pang of sympathy. Sorry, Nobita. This is for your own good, he thought.

Nobita then called out for Doraemon or his mother, his voice tinged with urgency. Hurrying back upstairs, he peered out the window. Despite the stillness, something felt awry. The neighborhood was eerily silent, devoid of the usual sounds of insects, dogs, and cats. It was as if sound waves had been snatched away from Nobita's perspective. The only perceptible sounds were faint appliance hums, such as the soft buzz of a light.

"Everyone's disappeared!" Nobita exclaimed in panic. "Doraemon! Mom! Takeshi! Suneo! Shizuka! Ken!" he mumbled, the words tumbling from his mouth like a desperate plea.

Failing to find anyone, Nobita left the neighborhood in search of his friends. He visited the Minamoto, Goda, and Honekawa residences, finally arriving at the Hayashi residence. Throughout this journey, Doraemon trailed behind.

Meanwhile, after finishing his dessert, Ken accessed his inventory and tapped on the dictator switch logo, expanding the gadget's information.

[The Dictator Switch : Also known as "The Lesson for a Dictator," this gadget is the result of futuristic trial and error by various scientists. Its power lies in its ability to temporarily erase living or non-living entities, even wiping the memories of those who knew the erased target. The fascinating part? The Dictator Switch can even resurrect the vanished target at an earlier time with a mere whim. Now, thanks to an upgrade by the system's stardust, we present to you the Advanced Dictator Switch! This souped-up version boasts even more impressive features. It can erase entire planets or galaxies, leaving only the user untouched. And unlike its predecessor, the Advanced Dictator Switch can permanently erase targets – they cease to exist until the user decides to bring them back, good as new. Oh, and let's not forget, the Advanced Dictator Switch can even erase those who were immune to the regular Dictator Switch! Plus, users of the Advanced Dictator Switch gain immunity to any version of its counterpart.] (Zeno Vibes)

"Jackpot!!!" Ken thought with sheer amazement. Just as he got lost in his contemplation, the doorbell chimed.
