
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 9

"Ding! The heroine Riya has mood swings, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +300."

"Ding! The heroine Riya's favorability has risen, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +500."

"Ding! The heroine Riya's favorability continues to soar, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +1000."


Riya raised her small head, and in her big watery eyes, there was a sparkling light flowing.

Amit, who is close at hand, has a rich and beautiful facial features, like the special effects of opening a boyfriend's perspective, becoming delicate and angular, and around him, there are also shining stars, bulingbuling flashing.

For a time, Riya's brain was filled with the domineering oath.

"Little bastard, don't run if you have the skills, if I don't break your legs today! I'm not named Rahul!"

Rahul's fierce words awakened Riya from his daydream.

She patted her cheeks with both hands, shook her head vigorously, and scolded herself in her heart!

Riya, Riya!

Why are you so shameless?

What are you thinking about!

Master Amit only cares about the Sharma family's face and does not allow the Sharma family's nanny to be bullied.

Not for you alone!

Stop being selfish!

But even if he figured it out, Riya's heart was still wrapped in a strong sense of security.

"What's the smirk?" Amit couldn't help laughing at Riya, who was laughing there for a while, cupping her cheeks for a while, and pouting her lips for a while.

Does this little girl understand so well?

Almost what was thinking in his heart was revealed on his face, just like a blank sheet of paper.

Riya shook his head, "It's nothing, Master Amit, let's go quickly, if the person he called comes over, we won't be able to leave."

"Let's go? Why are you leaving? He didn't count on you!" Amit stood there, no matter how much Riya pulled, he didn't move at all. Instead, with a little force, he pulled Riya into the ground. into his own arms.

Just like a frightened little white rabbit, Riya quickly bounced out of his arms, nodding shyly.

Such an intimate act, the little girl who had never had such contact with the opposite sex, was really a little flustered.

Amit is very satisfied with Riya's current performance, first cold and then hot, coupled with his charm, two-pronged approach, to capture the favorability of a simple girl like Riya, it's not too simple!

The constantly harvested Destiny Villain value proves his point of view.

Amit looked at Rahul who was scolding on the phone, and sneered, "Isn't it just calling people to shake people? Who can't, I shake too!"

In less than ten minutes, people from both sides shouted, and they all came together.

In addition to the good deeds of some guests in the shopping mall, they formed a group and looked lively.

"What's the fun of this, it's over, my handsome guy is going to be beaten up, the gap between the numbers is too big!"

"It's all said to call people, how handsome, big brother, he only called such a guy!"

"If one person can fight again, can he still fight a group? Isn't this looking for abuse?"

A group of little girls panicked, for fear of seeing the tragic scene of the little brother being beaten up next.

On Rahul's side, because he worked on the construction site all the year round, he often used violence to solve the situation, so he raised a group of thugs. They are all sturdy and strong like oxen.

On the other side, it seems a lot more monotonous. The soldier is alone, and he acts as a cow and a horse. Not only does he have to cover the field, but just now when the people on the opposite side were not there, he even ran to help Riya. The large and small bags were sent to the car.

A father and a mother.

"Master Sharma, aren't there other people in the villa? What if we can't beat him?" Riya was a little nervous, and there was a large area of ​​Wuyangyang opposite, and everyone seemed to be strong, much burly than a soldier.

Amit didn't answer, and looked at Rahul's direction with ease, "Just a few people? Are you ready?"

"I see how long you can be arrogant!" Rahul grinned viciously and spoke to the thug, "Give it to me! Break this guy's arm and reward him with 100,000 yuan, and break a leg with 200,000 yuan!"


Wealth is moving!

The dozen or so thugs, like wolves descending the mountain, swooped in Amit's direction.

The fastest guy had come to Amit, and the soldier who had been standing there like an ancient pine moved, almost forming a phantom and kicking it out.


The nearly one hundred and eighty-pound strong man flew out several meters upside down like a sack full of gravel!

"Sell some strength and solve it within three minutes. In the evening, you and your brothers go to Kitty Su Pangaea Club to spend, and I will pay for it." Amit patted Junzi on the shoulder.

The soldier's eyes lit up and he laughed, "Young master, this is what you said, three minutes? You look down on me too much, don't you?"

As soon as the words fell, he rushed out, like a tiger out of its cage, and instantly tore a gap in the team of a dozen thugs.

Where is this fight?

It's clearly a murder!

In front of the soldier, these ordinary thugs couldn't even get close to them. With a hand knife, one person fainted on the spot, kicked out, and flew for several meters!

three minutes? !

In less than a minute, the thirteenth thugs all fell to the ground, howling piercingly.


Everyone present took a deep breath.

The f**k, is he still human? !

Why so cruel? !

By one's own strength, in such a short period of time, all the dozen or so thugs have been abolished? !

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would hardly dare to imagine what just happened in front of me!

Including Riya, they were all shocked by the terrifying skills of the soldier.

Amit was the only one who was so bland, and was not shocked at all by the soldier's skill.

If he didn't even have this ability, how could Junzi fight against Ye Feng for hundreds of rounds?

If Amit's physique is twenty-six, then the soldier must be at least eighty or ninety. As for Ye Feng, it is estimated to be more than ninety, or even close to one hundred!

Rahul was in deep shock and recovered his senses. He took a deep breath and stared at Amit solemnly, "You are really capable, you can even find this kind of bodyguard, it seems that Arjun Sharma is guarding you. It's really serious!"

"It's a pity!" He pointed to the camera in the shopping mall, "You're still one step away from chess, young people will be more mindful in the future, in today's society, it's not like you have big fists, so you can have no scruples! You, and this bodyguard , one broke my arm, and the other seriously injured so many people! Even if I pay a big price today, I will send you in for a year and a half!"