
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs


Under the pretentious voice of the gorgeous woman, the shopping guide, who was deliberately avoiding, finally couldn't hold back and came over. Seeing the scene in front of her, her scalp was numb.

"I... I didn't mean to." Riya nervously held the silk scarf, her soul was about to be frightened, "This silk scarf is not dirty, I will take it back and wash it... If it is cleaned, I will return it. "

The shopping guide lady shook her head bitterly, "This is not a good customer. According to the regulations in our store, this silk scarf is no longer eligible to be sold at the counter again."

Under the shocked eyes of the three girls, Amit held the silk scarf and gently wiped the tip of Riya's nose, as if he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder, and said comfortably, "It's finally clean."

He looked at the silk scarf again, "Unfortunately, the silk scarf is a little dirty and can't be used anymore. How about I buy it for you?"

The silk scarf was handed to the gorgeous woman.

The gorgeous woman also froze for a while, and subconsciously asked, "Why give it to me?"

Amit showed a warm smile like a spring breeze, "After all, dirty things go well with dirty things."

"You dare to scold me?!" The gorgeous woman admitted that since Riya entered the store for the first time, she would ridicule more fiercely, and a large part of the reason was because Amit was standing beside Riya.

She is jealous, she is jealous.

How can a lowly cleaner stand with such a handsome guy?

But now, Amit was about to point at her nose and scolded her as a broken shoe. The gorgeous woman immediately froze, baring her teeth and roaring, "Do you know who my husband is?"

Amit shook his head innocently, "I don't know, why don't you call me to meet me?"

"Wait for me, if you don't have a little memory today, my mother will give you your surname!" The gorgeous woman twisted her waist like a teddy, and left with her buttocks thrown.

"Young Master Amit! This silk scarf..." He held the silk scarf in his hand at a loss, feeling a little flustered in his heart.

Did Master Amit stand up for her just now?

No way?

Will not!

Who is Young Master Amit, and how could he come forward for her?

What qualifications does she have?

It must be that Master Amit heard that the woman was annoying, so he deliberately sent her away.

Amit chuckled, the passive skill affinity and LV6 produced a critical attack, and the genial smile, like a summer breeze, blew on Riya's flustered heart, making him feel a coolness and comfort, and suddenly it made Riya's troubles. Little red cheeks, like a ripe apple.

"Ding! The heroine Riya has violent mood swings, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain Score +800."

"If you like this scarf, keep it. It has been used anyway. If you don't like it, just throw it away as garbage."

Baby riya grabbed the silk scarf and shook her head reluctantly, "I don't lose it, but... I can't afford it."

Amit said as he should, "I asked you to buy some new clothes. It is a necessary supporting facility to be a nanny. The same is true for this silk scarf. It is for you."

He pointed to a few pieces of clothes in the store that were hung individually on the showcase, and patted Riya's slender shoulder, "This one, that one, and that one, try them all."

Riya, who couldn't refuse Amit's request at this moment, obediently walked into the fitting room with the clothes handed over by the shopping guide.

After a while, Riya came out with a new look, wearing a long skirt.

Black tone, high waist.

The folds of the skirt corners of the upper body are more appropriate, and there is a translucent lace outline at the most charming chest position of women. Although it is small, it gives people a sense of unforeseen expectations.

Two straight and well-proportioned legs, stepping on high-heeled shoes with suspenders, added a bit of height.

Coupled with the pretty face of Riya's natural de-carving, it looks extraordinarily fresh and playful.

The shopping guide's eyes lit up and she sighed sincerely, "It's so beautiful!"

She is in the clothing industry, so she naturally knows that people rely on clothes and horses rely on saddles.

But Riya, who changed her clothes, seemed to have transformed from an ugly duckling to a black swan.

The gap is too big, never seen before!

In comparison, Amit appears to be much calmer. As the heroine, can Riya be good enough?

It's just that her previous life was too poor, she didn't eat well, and she wore poor clothes, which made her seem ordinary.

Continue to live in his villa for a while, after a little polishing, it is Anjali Verma of Verma International, Riya also has the ability to compete with one.

"This one is good, wrap it up and try another one." Amit made the decision easily.

Riya, who changed into another set, carefully walked out of the fitting room.

The white suspenders revealed Riya's crystal clear collarbone. The smooth and sinuous curves are all showing people her slender figure. A pale pink skirt is only an inch above the knee. The location, for Riya, has never been tried before.

She twisted, but boldly looked in Amit's direction, her voice soft as a mosquito, "Young Master Amit... does it look good?"

"It's beautiful, it's packed, the next one."


A dozen or so pieces of clothes are extremely suitable for Riya, either pure, playful, or pure royal...

Riya's figure is like a natural clothes hanger, so it is very suitable for wearing this kind of figure-showing clothes.

"Mr. Amit has a good eye, and the clothes he picked are especially suitable for Miss Riya." The shopping guide smiled sweetly.

She found that chatting with Amit was really interesting, even if it was a bland topic, it still made people want to continue.

"Then I'll accept the compliments from the beautiful women rudely," Amit shrugged noncommittally, "Wrap up all the clothes I tried on just now, they all look good, yes, and that silk scarf."

Riya murmured, "Too many, these clothes are very expensive."

Amit turned his head, and the corner of his mouth raised a playful arc, "Is that blue and white porcelain you broke expensive?"

have to!

One word kills the day.

Riya was speechless, so she could only act as a bag-carrying tool.

"Swipe your card."

The operation of the shopping guide was smooth and smooth, and the reminder sound of more than 400,000 cash in the account rang in her ears, and she realized that she came over.

What are you obsessed with?

Just now, she made a big list of 400,000 rupee, and she can get tens of thousands of rupee just from the commission!

Why, before that, she didn't feel at all, and she didn't even wonder if Amit could pay the bills?

Just as Amit and Riya walked out of the store, there was a familiar and annoying voice outside.

"Husband, it's right here, right here, just now there was a pair of dog men and women who said they were broken shoes, you have to decide for them!"