
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs


"What's the matter? Is it so difficult for you to choose two clothes? Why are you crying here? Are the clothes ready?"

Amit sternly reprimanded.

"Master Amit, can I change to another store? The one you chose is too expensive, and I can't afford it." Riya choked, her speech was a bit intermittent, one hand wiped her tears and the other placed her lower abdomen She was a little overwhelmed before, as if there was a hand in there to give her a sense of security.

Amit frowned coldly, "Change to another house? What's the difference between the clothes you wore before? This is the house, go in now!"

His tone was firm and unwilling to refuse.

Riya lowered her head and didn't dare to speak. She followed Amit, like a little follower, and walked into the store again.

"Yo yo yo, who doesn't have eyes, just freshened the air for a while, and then it stinks again?" A young woman dressed in gold and silver came over, she leaned forward. Orchid pressed her nose with her fingers, as if smelling something foul, and made a gesture of vomiting.

She looked at Riya who came in, rolled her eyes, and said in disgust, "It's not you or what? You are a cleaner and come to Fendi's brand store to buy clothes. Is this where you came from? You When cleaning for two months, I can't even afford a bag!"

"I... I can afford it!" Riya stubbornly walked to the counter and glanced at the price of the bag. The series of numbers blurred her vision.

Moreover, she was afraid that she would make the young master lose face and be fired!

In that case, she will be handed over to the police and ruined for life!

"I...I don't buy bags, I buy clothes!" Riya walked to the hanger, walked around from beginning to end, and didn't say which one to choose.

Nine thousand eight hundred eighty-eight, eight thousand eight hundred eighty-eight, eleven thousand eight hundred...

After looking at dozens of clothes, the cheapest ones cost more than 8,000 rupee!

Eight thousand rupee, Riya originally had it!

She has been working for more than a year, and she has saved 50,000 rupee to save money!

But some time ago, the dean wanted to help the children in the orphanage buy beds uniformly, and solicit donations from the residents. Riya donated 45,000 in one breath!

She still has 5,000 rupee left on her body. With the rent paid in advance, this money is enough for her daily food and clothing, and it can be used for nearly four months!

But when it comes to buying luxury goods, let alone tens of thousands of bags, a piece of Gucci clothes, she is not able to buy it now, she is willing to buy it!

The gorgeous woman stood in front of the hanger, fanning the air in front of her nose, with a sarcastic expression, "What's the matter, isn't it affordable? You pick one and pay for it.

What are you doing wandering around here? If you can afford it, you should buy it!

Dragons give birth to dragons, phoenixes give birth to phoenixes, and sons born to mice will burrow. You, a commoner at the bottom of the society, should stay in your garbage dump. Don't run into such high-end consumption places and pollute the air. dirty my eyes. "

"What's wrong with cleaning? My own money is clean, why don't you let me come here? Is this shop opened by your family?" Riya's aggrieved slender body trembled, "I didn't let you Look at me, why do you say that to me? Although I am wearing cleaning clothes, I am very clean and have no odor at all. Why do you scold me like this? I have never provoke you, why do you bully people? "

Riya, who was scolded, was like a little wild cat with fried fur, fiercely refuting and questioning in the direction of the gorgeous woman.

However, she was too timid, perhaps because of her personality.

Even in such an angry situation, the rebuttal words became weaker and weaker at the end, like a fight that could not be beaten, scolded and scolded and could not win, and could only obediently curl up in a dark corner, silently. Licking the little wild cat that was covered in blood from wounds.

"My God, can you stop crying here? Go back to your garbage dump! It's so noisy, no one cares? Where is the shopping guide, where is the shopping guide?! We customers are your gods, can you? Can't you keep this kind of cleaning out of the store? It's an insult to me to confuse my taste with cleaning!"

Amit squatted down beside Riya under the pretentious voice of the gorgeous woman, and handed out a silk scarf, "Stop crying, wipe your tears."

"Thank you." Riya took it subconsciously, wiped her tears, and shrugged gently on Yao's nose.

She stood up, held the silk scarf in her hand, and looked at Amit ashamed, "I'm sorry, I stained your silk scarf, I'll wash it and return it to you when I go back."

"This silk scarf is not mine." Amit pointed to the display cabinet beside him, "I pulled it from there."

"Ah?" Riya was dumbfounded, and stood up as a sculpture on the spot.

"You! You!"

The gorgeous woman almost fainted in anger when she saw this scene.

She was attracted to that silk scarf, and it was haunting her boyfriend for a long time, but she was not willing to buy it, but now it was taken by Riya to wipe her nose? !

"You're finished, you're out of luck! You can't even afford a single piece of clothing, and you even ruined a limited edition Gucci scarf. Do you know how much this scarf is? Forty-two thousand rupee! Just Even I haven't made up my mind to buy it, but you have soiled this silk scarf!!!"