
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs


"How's the investigation going?" Amit wiped the corners of his mouth and asked lightly.

The soldier withdrew his smile, and when he talked about business, he became serious, "Asha Patel and Jisha Patel are sisters, both from the Patel family in Gujarat City. Acting general manager, as for Samantha, her identity is a bit sensitive, and it seems that she will be deeply involved with special organizations."

Amit nodded, the efficiency was not bad, "Is there enough manpower?"

The soldier smiled bitterly, "Sisters of the Patel family have bodyguards by their side, and Samantha is also accompanied by a group of people at all times. Ordinary people have no way to follow them, and they have to mobilize good people from the bodyguard team in the villa."

"The number of bodyguards in the villa can't be small. If there are not enough people, you can recruit them. You can arrange this matter, and you need to find someone who knows the bottom line." Amit stared at him with a face of approval, "You can pay attention to the treatment, and from today onwards. , the salary of all bodyguards will increase by 5,000, and your salary will increase by 10,000."

The soldier was in a trance for a while, and then there was a deep emotion in his heart.

Even the recruitment of private bodyguards is handed over to him. In the young master's heart, has his status reached such a high level?

God has eyes!

Young master, he is finally not a ripper who only sees girls!

"Work hard, it won't be long before you will have a car and a house. You don't have to save money for a month to go to Xianzhilian Club three or four times. When you have money, you will live in it every day. Done!" Amit walked to Aditya's side and patted him on the shoulder.

As a veteran of the special forces, the soldier is definitely a good player in terms of skills. Even if he played against Ye Feng, who had just returned from abroad, he could last hundreds of rounds.

And, in terms of loyalty, the soldier is definitely qualified.

In the original work, in order to cover Amit, he even risked his life to intercept the chasing Ye Feng, preferring to be severely handicapped and temporarily save Amit's life.

Such a loyal man, how could Amit be reluctant to let go of his power?

"Master!" The soldier gritted his teeth and sincerely grabbed Amit's palm on his shoulder, "Don't worry, I will definitely complete the task, from now on, you will never let me go east, and I will never go west. , you let me chase the chicken, I will never chase the dog!"

"Okay, I believe you!" Amit calmly used some strength before he pulled out his palm, "Drive in the car and accompany me to buy some clothes."

There are endless clothes at home, change a set every day, and don't wear the same kind of clothes for a month.

But Amit disagreed with the original owner's taste, wishing to have the brand's logo printed on his heart, for fear that others would not know how valuable the clothes he was wearing were.

He was about to write the words "rich second generation" on his forehead.

In comparison, Amit prefers to be more restrained.

He looked at Riya who was walking on the second floor, and shouted, "Come down."

Riya was a little embarrassed, and her cheeks were still stained with a little bubble girl. Amit took a step forward and scratched on her cheeks. Riya took a step back in fright, lowered her head shyly, and faltered. My, "Am... Master Amit, do you have anything to order?"

Amit squeezed the foam on his fingertips and took a look at Riya's slender figure. The blue and white cleaning clothes were particularly dazzling, "Come out with me, pick some clothes yourself, and wear this cleaning clothes. you was walking around in the house, looking unsightly."

Riya hesitated for a while, but finally nodded and agreed.

She wanted to say that there was a change of clothes in the house she rented, but the cleaning last night, especially when she saw the luxury in the villa, she felt that she was wearing her old clothes as a nanny here, which was a sign of Amit's identity. kind of defilement.

In particular, I was afraid that Amit would be disgusted by what he was wearing, and he would be fired!

I plan to use a little of my savings to buy two sets of slightly more expensive clothes.

The soldier drove Amit and Riya to the mall, and stopped.

Walking into the mall from the entrance, the two received a lot of attention.

"Wow, what a handsome boy, he must be the eldest young master of some family. He looks so handsome and has a good figure!"

"Damn it! He smiled at me, my God! How could there be such a healing smile? It's going to die! It's going to die!"

"He's literally the Prince Charming of my dreams!"

"Hey, who is the cleaning Aunt next to the handsome guy? It's so close, is it on purpose? I don't even look in a mirror to look at myself to see what kind of virtue it is, why is it so shameless? I thought it would be enough to get close Was spotted by the handsome guy?"

Riya, who was wearing a cleaning suit, followed Amit, and received the attention of the guests. She lowered her head guiltily and did not dare to look into the eyes of those people.

Amit's temperament is like that of the crown prince in the ancient palace nobles. No matter who sees it, he will sigh and praise from the heart.

And she was like a humble maid, so humbled into the dust that she didn't deserve to be by Amit's side at all, so she subconsciously took a step to the side and moved further away.

"Just this store, you go and pick two pieces."

At the door of a women's clothing store, Amit stopped, pointed to the inside and said, and after leaving Riya behind, he walked forward and went shopping by himself.

He entered an Italian private designer's suit shop, selected more than a dozen sets of clothes in the shop, and replaced the clothes he was wearing that smelled of money with suits. Amit's temperament became more and more low-key. Introverted.

"Master, if I hadn't followed you every day, I would have thought you had been to Korea. It's amazing. It feels like your whole person has changed, and you have become more handsome!" Aditya sighed sincerely, a little I don't even have the thought of stalking the horse, I was really shocked by the brand new Amit.

Amit straightened his tie, took the receipt from the nerdy-faced female clerk, and threw it into the clothing bag, smiling without refuting.

98's charm value, are you kidding me?

He glanced at his watch, "It's almost ten o'clock, Riya is still not well?"

The soldier held a large bag and a small bag in both hands, and said actively, "I'll look for it."

"You look like you're fully equipped, let's take your clothes back to the car first and wait outside." Amit glanced at it and shook his head, "I'll go find her."

Going back to the previous women's clothing store, I glanced inside, but I didn't find Riya's figure. Instead, I saw a familiar blue and white stripes in the direction of the corner.

Stepping up to take a look, it was Riya, who was wearing a cleaning suit, crouching in the corner, sobbing!