
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs


"No, I won't make this mistake again." Riya shook her head quickly.

She is really helpless now, and she has no room to make up for the loss.

If Amit really called the police, she would go to jail!

Amit squinted his eyes, thought for a while, and then slowly said, "The cooks in the villa are really not very skilled, but there is a shortage of a full-time nanny, so let's stay and try for a while, if you can do it, you can Stay, you can't do it anymore."

"I can do it, I can do it, I can do it!"

Riya nodded hastily, "I'm very capable!"

"Ding! The plot has changed, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +1000."

The villain is worth it!

The corners of Amit's mouth rose slightly, evoking a playful smile, which added a wickedness to the face that was originally refreshing, "If you can do it, you won't know until you've done it. The salary is based on the monthly salary of 10,000 yuan. Food and lodging."

"A monthly salary of 10,000?!" Riya was taken aback.

Amit was suspicious, "Is it too little?"

"A lot, a lot, a lot!" Riya simply shook her head.

As a cleaning lady, she worked hard for a month, and it was only 5,000 yuan, and she did not cover food or housing!

Now this treatment is like a pie falling from the sky!

"Ding! The heroine Riya has mood swings, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +200."

Amit was amused by Riya's surprised expression. In the original work, Riya was a girl who was pure and kind-hearted to the extreme.

Simple to the extreme, don't think that the salary is less, it's okay, and it's more blunt.

The black-hearted capitalists don't squeeze such a simple little girl, who will they squeeze?

Is the monthly salary more than ten thousand?

For Riya, of course a lot!

However, the premise is to compensate the Yuan Dynasty blue-and-white porcelain worth 8 million. Even if it is full and there are no other expenses, Riya, who is in his early twenties, has to work for nearly seventy years before he can pay it off.

After being sold, Riya was still filled with joy, feeling that she had met a big boss who treated her well!

Incomparably grateful and grateful!

The changes were made little by little, and the cycle was gradual. After arranging Riya's affairs, Amit returned to the bedroom.

After dialing the call from Anjali , who just hung up, she said strangely, "Is something wrong?"

This was the first time that Anjali had called him, which was a little strange.

Anjali pondered for a moment, then said bluntly, "Come to my house tomorrow."

"No time."

After that, Amit hung up the phone.

There is nothing to be courteous, and it is either a traitor or a thief.

He didn't think he had such a great charm. In just one day, he would completely change Anjali 's views.

"Ding! The heroine Anjali has violent mood swings, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +500."

Soon, the phone rang again. No matter how good-tempered Anjali was, she couldn't hold back.

Second time!

Being hung up one after another was something she never thought would happen to Amit!

Sure enough, men are big pigs' hoofs, and they change their hearts faster than their faces!

"My mother is here, and I want to call you for dinner. At least we are still a contract couple. According to the agreement, you should come." Anjali worked hard to suppress her anger, and when she spoke, her tone was very stiff.

"What time?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."

"it is good."

After a few words, the phone was hung up again.

"Ding! The heroine Anjali has violent mood swings, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain value +600."

tsk tsk!

Listening to the system prompt of the mechanical sound, Amit clicked his tongue, refusing to have the villain's value, and promising to have the villain's value too!

Anjali is simply a small mobile treasury!

Too capable of producing villain value!

He threw his phone aside, lay on the big soft bed, stretched his waist, began to think about the next layout in his mind, and fell asleep unconsciously.

At six o'clock, Amit, who was accustomed to getting up early, opened his eyes on time. After getting dressed, he went downstairs and found that on the dining table, breakfast was already set, steamed buns, soy milk, fritters, and millet porridge.

On the seat next to her, Riya was still lying there, wearing a blue and white cleaning suit, and fell into a deep sleep with delicate and even breathing.

He looked around, UBSD's villa, just moved in, some places have not been touched, there will be a little dust, but after a night of time, it becomes clean and spotless.

Don't think about it, you also know that Riya has been busy all night.

The three-story villa, with an area of ​​nearly 700 square meters, was cleaned as it is now. It can be seen that Riya really cares about this job, and really does not want to be fired, or is afraid of going to jail.


Amit, who was sitting in the main seat drinking porridge, accidentally choked, and the sound he made woke the sleeping Riya.

She rubbed her sleepy eyes in confusion, and her pretty face was pressed against the back of her hand, and a piece of delicate skin appeared uneven red and white. When she saw Amit sitting in the main seat, she suddenly woke up with fright and supported her. He hesitated and said, "Master Amit , yes...Is the breakfast I made unpalatable? I only make these home-made breakfasts. If you are not used to it, I can go and learn it. I learn quickly and will definitely be competent. this job."

After taking a bite of the bun, Amit shook his head, "No, the taste is not bad, it should have been lighter earlier.

The changed clothes are in the bathroom, do not use the washing machine. "

Riya nodded solemnly, carefully pulled the chair away, for fear of making a harsh sound, and then walked towards the bathroom on the second floor dizzy.

After a while, General Amit, who was having breakfast, called over and pointed to the seat beside him, "Sit down and have something to eat?"

After the soldier sat down, he shook his head with a smile, "Master, I have eaten."

After Amit finished eating the steamed buns between his chopsticks, he said casually, "I will tell you to go down later and clean up a bedroom for Riya as a nanny's room, so that she has a place to rest."

The soldier looked at Riya who was on the second floor and whispered softly, "Master, don't you really want to keep this girl?"

Amit, who was drinking millet porridge, half raised his head and glanced sideways, "Why, no?"

The soldier showed an embarrassed smile, "It's not impossible, it's just early, isn't it too simple?"

Glancing at the light breakfast on the table, compared with the original cook in the villa, it is like a sky and a place, the difference between clouds and mud!

To say that Riya is a top-notch beauty, that's fine, he wouldn't ask such an ignorant question ignorantly.

But the key point is that Riya looks rustic, like a mud leg from the countryside, like a village girl, what is the young master thinking?

He found that the young master not only became handsome, but his temperament became more refined, and even what he was thinking in his heart was unpredictable.