
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 24

Aggrieved, helpless, hopeless, all kinds of sad emotions, instantly filled Riya's chest.

She couldn't stop shaking all over!


Why the young master? !

Could it be that his mind has never been put on the orphanage?

Is he talking to himself about some things about the orphanage as a rehearsal for the subsequent forcibly occupying the land of the orphanage? !

A feeling of suffocation filled Riya's mouth, and the pain caused her to die.

it hurts!

So sad!

If it was another boss, she should be more angry and want to argue at the moment, right?

But now, knowing that the owner behind the forced demolition of the orphanage was Amit, for some reason, Riya was enveloped in that heartache.



Or, is it a cat-and-mouse game?

"Master Amit..." A soft cry caught Riya's attention.

She raised her head with tears in her eyes, and saw Amit walking out of the community behind the orphanage. It was the same familiar and handsome face, but when she saw it again, Riya felt a sense of remorse in her heart. Shame flooded.

She rushed up recklessly.

"Riya, why are you here? What are you doing here at night?" Amit looked a little flustered, and couldn't help but look at the orphanage that had been demolished in half. At the same time, he glanced at the orphanage just now. Shout out to your subcontractor.

There were still tears on Riya's pretty cheeks, looking at Amit's flustered appearance, her heart was full of sadness.

I'm afraid even the young master didn't expect that she would appear here tonight?

Otherwise, why are you so nervous?


She really didn't want to believe that Amit would be such an unscrupulous boss, but the facts were in front of her, and she couldn't allow her to doubt!

"Why are you crying? Who bullied you?" Amit stretched out his hand distressedly, trying to wipe the tears from Riya's face.

Riya struggled violently amid the betrayal and the past fantasy, and all kinds of thoughts in her mind were entangled in chaos.

The anger in her heart had already been suppressed to the extreme. She had planned to open her teeth and claws to scratch Amit, but standing in front of him at this time, she could only vent all her grievances on her fist.

"Why? Why you!? Why did you demolish the orphanage, so many children finally have a place to live, why do you want this land?!"

Riya slammed into Amit's arms with grief and indignation, two small fists slammed hard on Amit's chest, beating like raindrops, two lines of clear tears fell, and a string of lights flashed under the demolition lights at night. The string is crystal clear,

"You bastard, big bastard! My colleague is right, you are such a young man who just makes fun of people, why do you bully me! Why?!"

Amit has a tendency to be abused, and despite Riya's beating in his arms, not only did he not stop it, but he deliberately puffed out his chest.

let's hit!

Hammer it!

Work hard!

The harder you smash it, the more guilty you will feel when you know the truth later.

When Riya in his arms was about to lose his strength, Amit grabbed her wrist with one hand and asked back with grief, "Riya, what are you talking about? What do you mean by occupying the land of the orphanage? ?!"

Because of excessive anger and vigorous exercise, Riya's pretty face was not only covered with tears, but also flushed red.

Looking at that handsome face so close to me, how close I was in my dreams countless times, it was even more painful!

She pointed to the demolition site, "The orphanage has already been demolished like this, the facts are in front of you, what else is there to explain?

From the very beginning, when you asked me to stay, you were ready to forcibly occupy the land of the orphanage, right? "

It's no wonder that she was thinking about this. When Amit smashed the blue-and-white porcelain of the Rupee Dynasty, the first request Amit put forward was for her to persuade the dean to sell the land of the orphanage at a low price.

After all, they are all businessmen!

Seeing that there is no other way, we can only use the means of forced demolition!

And the dean hurriedly called her over on the phone, and then said that she was okay and hung up suddenly.

It's also because she doesn't want her to provoke the big boss Amit!

Everything is clear!

Amit was silent, bearing Riya's anger silently, and then she pointed at her nose and scolded her without saying a word.

It wasn't until Riya calmed down that he opened his mouth slowly, frowning tightly, his expression full of pain, and mocking himself, "Riya, in your mind, I am such a selfish person, for a little land. Do you not hesitate to deceive your villain?"

Riya's heart thumped, as if she had done something bad, and subconsciously softened, but she turned to look at the orphanage that had been forcibly demolished, and scolded, "Isn't it? You still want to be here. Continue to quibble?"

The quarrel between the two attracted the attention of a large number of workers at the scene, including a silver-haired grandmother who came out of the community.

"Riya, why are you here?" The dean unconsciously put on a smile when he saw Riya, and when he got closer, seeing that the atmosphere at the scene was not quite right, he said suspiciously, " Master Amit, Riya, what's the matter with you? We quarreled?"

"Dean, don't be afraid, we are reasonable, even if we say it out, don't be afraid of him!" Riya took the dean's rough palm and stood there, biting her lips, extremely firm.

There was a resolute look in her beautiful eyes, as if she was blocked in front of Amit that day and was slapped by Rahul, exactly the same!

She is not afraid!

Because I don't feel wronged, and I feel that I am doing the right thing!

"What are you afraid of? Riya, what nonsense are you talking about? Why does it seem like Young Master Amit is a big bad guy?" The dean laughed bitterly.

With a questioning face, Riya pointed to the orphanage that was demolished, "Isn't he a bad guy? Even the orphanage was forcibly demolished."

The dean rolled his eyes, "Riya, why are you talking nonsense again? What is forced demolition? Our orphanage has been in disrepair for a long time, and it is already a dilapidated building, and demolition is a matter of course.

Besides, Master Amit has already bought an apartment in the Sunshine Community as a new orphanage, and the area has increased by four or five times! From now on, every child will have his own little room. "

With that said, the dean handed over the real estate deed left by Amit in his arms and smiled kindly, "Young Master Amit, it is a blessing for our Sunshine Orphanage that you can help, this real estate deed is indeed unacceptable, it is too precious. Now, as for the 50 million Rupee, even tearing down our ten orphanages is not worth it.

Doing business, where is the reason for you to lose so much? "