
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 23

Amit took the Maybach's backseat to the false invitation of "My nephew will come next time when you have more time" after breakfast at Patel's house.

Driving the car away, the soldier said with emotion, "Young master, from now on, I will help you instead of peeing against the wall!

This Patel family is also a wealthy family in Delhi City, especially that Raj Patel, who started from scratch when he was young, and now has tens of billions of assets.

Unexpectedly, Young Master, you visited this time and captured Raj Patel. "

"Captured?" Amit sneered, "Only a stunning beauty like Jisha Patel is called a capture, and as for an old man like Raj Patel, at best it can be regarded as admiration.

Besides, do you think Raj Patel has really made friends with me? Don't look at his eager appearance, I'm afraid I can't wait for me to go as far as I can.

Raj Patel? This name is not good, I think he should change his name to Aunt May! "


The soldier couldn't help laughing out loud. Although Raj Patel was very attentive and polite, the young master's performance was absolutely prudent. In front of Raj Patel, he respectfully held the disciple's salute, as if he was treating his predecessors.

As a result, as soon as he went out, he changed Raj Patel's name to Aunt May!

Grab the asparagus!

Anyway, during this period of time, he could see that the young master's whole person has changed, and he has a smile on his face with you, but he may be scolding your mother for selling out.

Old silver coins!

With a cough, the soldier said sternly, "Young master, you have asked the blood tiger mercenary group under investigation to come to Delhi City, and there is something unusual about Miss Riya.

It should be contacted with Rohit, but due to Miss Riya's identity, it is not convenient for us to check her chat history. "

The Blood tiger Mercenary Group is an organization founded by the Son of Luck outside the country. It is not a huge force, but it can definitely have its own place in the chaotic African land.

As the founder of the mercenary group, Rohit is even more famous and has the power to kill life and death.

Of course, that would have to be outside the country, and back in INDIA, a tiger would have to lie on its back, and a dragon would have to be on its side!

Mercenary group?


Express, do you want to know about the same-day delivery service?

Once in INDIA, the members of the Blood tiger Mercenary Group lacked hot weapons, and their strength had to be at least 100% off.


There is still more than half a month before the return of the son of luck. The members of the Blood tiger Mercenary Group should not appear in Delhi City at this time. Could it be that he changed the plot and caused Rohit's return to be earlier?

"Go back, and Rahul's side, let him..." Amit ordered the next thing to do in an orderly manner.

A few days ago, Rahul, who was beaten by him, apologized to him through various channels, and promised to do everything to atone for his sins.

People who happen to use real estate companies can prostitute for free, so why not prostitute?


With Amit's identity, how can he be called a prostitute?

Give Rahul a chance at redemption!

"There are still not enough people!" Amit leaned on the seat, took a deep breath, and looked out the window.

Even Rohit has an organization like the Blood tiger Mercenary Group, and by his side, there are only dozens of bodyguards like Junzi.

The manpower needs to be expanded again!


It was night and the stars were shining.

Riya was wearing a black silk dress with a high waist, which perfectly set off her slender figure.

On her way to the orphanage, she was full of chaotic thoughts.

Rohit is back, and there are different meanings between the lines, as if it hit the master's conjecture.

Also, someone has been sent to meet her.

Want to see you?

On one side is the younger brother whom she has protected since childhood, and on the other is the young master who breaks into her dreams every night.

Either way, it's hard to let go.

Although Rohit's words had a strong meaning, maybe she thought too much?

No more!

The next time they really meet, she will make it clear to Rohit, and show that she has always regarded her as a younger brother.

After thinking about it, Riya's face gradually opened with a smile, and scolded with a smile, "Rohit, this guy is now developed, and his courage is getting bigger and bigger. He used to call me Sister Riya, but now he's not big or small. Call me petite.

I don't know what the dean called me to do at night, in such an excited tone? "

With curiosity, Riya stepped up and came to the old orphanage that was old and dilapidated in memory.

When she saw the scene in front of her, Riya was dumbfounded.

There are ruins everywhere, and the orphanage that was originally a small orphanage disappeared, even the walls that were wrapped outside disappeared, and the entire volume shrank by half.

Standing at the gate of the Sunshine Orphanage's rainbow board, this is the signboard of the orphanage.

This is how the same thing?

The orphanage was demolished?

"Who are you?! What are you doing, why did you demolish the Sunshine Orphanage?! You are illegal!"

Riya ran up, dragged a foreman who was instructing the demolition, and asked loudly.

It has long been known that a real estate company has been interested in the Sunshine Orphanage, but the compensation for the demolition has not been negotiated. The real estate company is willing to pay, and even half a new orphanage cannot be built.

If it is dismantled, the children will no longer have a place to accommodate them!

"Who are you! What are you doing here? Didn't you see the demolition?" The contractor frowned, "Don't yell at me, I'm just a job picker, if you can, go to Boss Amit, who ordered the demolition. ."

Boss Amit?

"Which Boss Amit?" Riya asked not to be outdone.

Sunshine Orphanage has her childhood and her dreams!

She wants to repay the dean, she wants to earn a lot of money, and then donate it to the dean, so that he can provide a peaceful home for more homeless orphans.

But now, looking at the ruins in front of him, Riya felt that her dream was instantly destroyed and dilapidated!

The subcontractor rolled his eyes angrily, "Boss Amit of the investment bank under Sharma investment! Don't get in the way here, okay? Go farther!"

The staggering Riya who was being pushed back sluggishly retreated in her beautiful eyes.

In his mind, the young master with a gentle smile gradually overlapped with the unscrupulous boss who violently instructed the workers to demolish the orphanage.


Why the young master? !

This is impossible! ! ! "

Riya squatted on the ground almost collapsed, the tears in her eyes couldn't hold back anymore, they slipped from the corners of her eyes, and the bean-sized tears fell on the dusty demolition site, contaminating the dust on the ground with a large area. moist.