
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 21

Amit was seated under the warm reception.

The gifts that she brought with her were also carried by Asha Patel and placed in the living room.

The entire Patel family was lively, and dishes were constantly being brought to the table from the kitchen.

"Nephew, it's hard to come here, I have to accompany Uncle for a drink today."

Raj Patel sat in the main seat and filled the wine glass for him himself.

The tea is overflowing, and it is for sending off guests.

The wine is full of affection, it is to welcome guests.

Amit didn't rely on his family background, he got up and raised his wine glass, took the initiative to toast, and touched it lightly at the mouth of the glass lower than Raj Patel, and said modestly: "It's the boy who doesn't understand the rules, and he even asked Uncle Raj to pour the wine, I'll give you a glass of wine, please."

Say it!

One or two cups of Maotai, face up and face down, not a drop left.

"Hahaha, nephew, where do you get your rules? I look a little frizzy when I look at this old antique." Raj Patel took a sip, and the reproach in his mouth seemed displeased, but in fact he was extremely satisfied.

The more you look at Amit, the more pleasing to the eye, the direct son of the Sharma family in Mumbai, the real top descendant of the aristocratic family, is the same generation with him, even if the sentence is abrupt, Raj Patel is not happy, but he does not dare to do anything harmful to Amit thing.

But Amit didn't have it, and he was still a kid. He really had rules and everyone's demeanor.

A hearty meal.

Three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Raj Patel drank a bit too much, and his face was a little flushed. He smiled and said, "Nephew, why don't you inherit the family business in Mumbai city, why did you open an investment house in Delhi City?"

Delhi City can be regarded as a relatively rich big city in INDIA, but it also depends on where it is compared. Compared with Mumbai, it seems insignificant.

He didn't want to inherit such a great family business and came to this Delhi City. Those who didn't know it thought that Amit had failed to win the succession in the family.

Of course, those who knew a little bit wouldn't be so cranky. After all, in the Sharma family of Mumbai, there was only Amit, a grandson, and there was no such thing as a direct succession.

Amit's cheeks were flushed and he was a little dizzy, he laughed at himself, "Uncle Raj doesn't know anything, everyone in Mumbai said that I, Amit, are a playboy, I only know how to rely on the strength of my family, and I don't have any skills at all. , and also said that any person, even if it is a dog who has my family background, can do better than me."

"Nonsense! A group of jealous people who talk nonsense!" Raj Patel scolded, but he agreed in his heart, and asked back with a smile,

"So my nephew came to Delhi Market on purpose, not relying on the energy of the family, wanting to make a career on his own, and wanting to prove it to those who are skeptical? Then why did he come to visit my Patel's house alone?"

Amit nodded and rubbed his eyes in a daze, "Uncle Raj started from scratch, with just his husband and wife, he broke into this big family business, and has a pivotal position in Delhi City, whether as a newcomer, or It's a junior, it's a matter of course to come to see Uncle Raj and ask for advice."

Even Raj Patel didn't notice that when Amit pretended to be drunk and deliberately said the word husband and wife, Jisha Patel's small fist under the table clenched silently.

"Hey... My nephew doesn't know anything!" Raj Patel also became embarrassed when he talked about himself, "Uncle, I'm already old, no matter how brilliant Patel's family business is, it won't bring it with life or death , don't look at my Patel family now in full swing, when Uncle I kick my legs, the tree falls and smashes away, who knows what it will be like?"

"How could it be?!" Amit's eyes widened. In the eyes of outsiders, it was obvious that he was drunk too much. He loudly rejected Raj Patel's opinion, "How could Uncle Raj say this? Who doesn't know that the eldest Miss Patel family is very young and has already managed the family business of the Patel family in an orderly manner?

Such business elites have no idea how many people have rumored that Miss Bai has the style of Uncle Raj. With Miss Bai in one day, the foundation of the Patel family will continue to be brilliant! "


Did he really think so?

Jisha Patel's beautiful eyes shone brightly, staring at Amit's direction, trying to see through his thoughts when he said these words.

But no matter how she stared, Amit in front of him still looked dizzy. It didn't seem like it was intentional at all, but more like an idea imprinted in his mind. While drunk, he said it all.

Raj Patel's face is not very good. He has been in the business world for many years, and his alcohol intake is even greater. His face is red, but his thinking is still clear.

Hearing Amit's remarks, he was even more displeased.

Women are women after all, and in the end they still have to marry into someone else's family, so how can they inherit the family business of Raj Patel?

He did not shy away, and said bluntly, "Jisha is indeed capable, but after all, she is a daughter, and she is troubled by trivial matters. I am afraid that she cannot fully focus on running the family business."

It's this sentence again!

Again, as a woman to prevaricate, to deny her efforts!

Jisha Patel's eyes were red, and her body was shaking with anger, and the two buttons on her chest began to bear more and more burdens!

She wanted to speak to refute, but she didn't expect to be preempted by someone.

"Uncle Raj, your idea is wrong." Amit's voice grew stronger, "In ancient times, Rani Lakshmi Bai joined the army for family , but now Jisha Patel is in the business world, isn't it a good talk?

what happened to the girl? Who says women are inferior to men? ! At least in the boy's eyes, Miss Jisha is far better than me!

If Uncle Raj is not at ease, there is no need for it. With Miss Jisha's ability, is it more than enough to find a son-in-law? In this way, you can not only implement your own destination, but also devote yourself to managing the family business. Isn't it killing two birds with one stone? "

For a while, Raj Patel and Jisha Patel both fell into deep thought.

This sentence is the finishing touch, and indeed made both of them consider the feasibility of this approach at the same time.

Just when Jisha Patel made up her mind and was about to find a son-in-law who came to the house, Raj Patel, who had come to a conclusion after thinking, waved her hand, "My nephew has drunk too much, so let's go back earlier."


Amit felt dizzy when he heard the words, and slumped on the ground, drunk and passed out.

Raj Patel was stunned, looked at the butler who was waiting beside him, and said bluntly, "Where's Young Master Amit's driver? Forget it, arrange a room and let him rest here for a night."

"Go to my room, my room!" Asha Patel raised her arms excitedly, she was very happy, that's great, the handsome big brother is drunk, so he doesn't have to leave tonight, he has a chance to be alone!

Raj Patel came with scrutiny eyes, and Asha Patel shrank her neck immediately, "I'm going to sleep in the study next door, with the background of a handsome big brother, if she randomly arranges a servant's room for her to live in, when he wakes up tomorrow What should I do if I'm angry?"

"Butler, arrange someone to send Master Amit to Asha's room." Raj Patel sighed, got up, left the dining table, and walked straight to the study.

While Amit was being carried upstairs, Jisha Patel was sitting on the dining table, biting her lip, and looking at her father's back, the desolation in her heart increased a bit.

Her biological father, there is no outsider willing to trust her, how ironic is this? !