
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 18

Seeing Riya running upstairs in a hurry, Amit smiled in his heart.

Well-behaved and sensible, caring little padded jacket, Riya is worthy of the name!

Step by step, this time the progress may be a bit too fast for Riya.

But it's not too big of a problem, as long as the next few days calm down a little, Riya will relieve herself.

"Master, there's something going on in the Patel family." Aditya walked in from outside the house, stood beside Amit, looked around, and asked suspiciously, "Miss Riya isn't there?"

Soldiers are still very good in some aspects. The treatment of ugly ducklings and swans is completely different.

After seeing Riya's brand-new look, the name began to change.

"Upstairs." Amit pointed to the nanny room upstairs, "It's alright, go ahead and talk, what's the matter?"

The soldier nodded and said bluntly, "There was a quarrel from the Patel family, and our people approached and checked, and found that it was the father and daughter of the Patel family who were arguing.

Moreover, according to the meaning of Jisha Patel's few words, our people found in the market that a large number of cash-outs have occurred in Patel's company recently. "

"Understood." Amit pursed the corners of his mouth and evoked a playful smile.


The opportunity to attack the Patel sisters has finally come!

Not to mention Asha Patel, who is a nympho, and Jisha Patel, a big loli, she is definitely the No. 1 person in the business world!

Among the top financial students returning to China, most of them went out to gild and have a good resume. Unlike Jisha Patel, she really has real talents and practical learning.

Moreover, he also possesses extremely strong psychological qualities, making him the future queen of the business world!

This has been verified in the original work.

How could Amit let go of such a talent?

Since he came to this world, he naturally needs to spend money, so he can't go to the Sharma family to ask for everything.

One or two times, 1 billion and 800 million Rupee is simple, but what if the family thinks that he has nothing to do, and he is dragged directly to Mumbaito inherit the family business?

He didn't want to be tied up!

There are still a lot of happy days not to enjoy!

If you start a company by yourself, you can't stay in the company every day busy with your business. What's the difference between that and the previous life?

Jisha Patel is his best entrusted person. As long as Jisha Patel is taken down, according to Jisha Patel's conscientiousness, attention to detail, and unreserved devotion to his man, Amit can definitely relax and become a shopkeeper!

Just do it!

Amit personally called the Patel family and said that he wanted to visit.

After all, the identity is placed there, even the Patel family can't have any intention of rejecting it. After a few polite calls on the phone, the matter is finalized.

When it was time for dinner, Amit turned his attention to Riya who was drinking papaya soup from time to time.

Looking at Riya's head, it was lowered and never raised.

She felt that she was too shameless. She had clearly said thousands of times in the upstairs bedroom that she would not drink it, but when it came to the critical moment, when she saw the appearance of the young master, all the self-admonitions were broken without attacking, and the drink was very special. A lot, my stomach is bulging.


White House,

In the bedroom on the second floor, Asha Patel was lying on the bed, flipping through a brand-new comic book in her hand. The male pig feet on it were all super handsome guys with flowers and halos.

As for the plot?

Rotten to death!

But Asha Patel doesn't care, she just likes looking at super handsome guys like this, and the rest are secondary.

Asha Patel, dressed in a cute loli style, is fascinated by the comics. Her legs wrapped in two white stockings are kicking occasionally on the soft bed, her cheeks are pouting, and her cheeks with some baby fat look special. cute.


The door was opened, and Jisha Patel, who was wearing the standard black silk OL uniform of a business woman, walked in. Seeing her innocent sister lying on the bed, she took a deep breath.

With a lot of worries, after meeting such an innocent sister, she can only spoil her.

"Asha, how many times have I told you, don't lie on your stomach all the time, it's not good for your health." Jisha Patel stepped forward, looking at her younger sister, who had a heavier load than girls of the same age since childhood, and warned her with concern.

Asha Patel snorted and moved her body.

Jisha Patel shook her head with a wry smile. She was really full of grievances, and she had no way to tell anyone, so she could only hold on by herself, and said with a forced smile: "Do you have a boy you like, Asha?"

"No!" Asha Patel shook her head decisively, "Those girls in the school are so clueless, they all say that this is school grass and that is school grass, but after I went to see it, they were all ordinary, not handsome at all. !

My boyfriend, he must be the kind of very handsome! Then it was very special to me. "

"Little Fool" Jisha Patel fondly scratched the tip of her sister's nose.

There are fools as well, at least they won't fall in love with a boy casually. In this case, even in a few years, they won't agree to the marriage arranged by their father at will.

As long as she is still white, she will never allow her father to do anything against her sister.

No matter what, no matter who, you can't!

"Sister! Are you angry again? I heard it, you quarreled with dad, right?" Asha Patel grabbed her sister's palm and muttered, "Don't quarrel with dad, okay? Dad is very good to me. Yes, sister, you are better to me, I don't want you two to quarrel."

"Are you okay?" Jisha Patel asked herself.

If measured according to the standard of normal people, Raj Patel's way of raising his daughter is indeed a good one.

It's a pity that the younger sister is still kept in the dark. As long as she grows up a little more, she will know that in the eyes of her father, girls are never family, they are just sacrifices for profit!