
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 17

In the living room, Amit sat on the sofa, let go of Riya's hand, and said suspiciously, "Riya, do you feel uncomfortable when I hold your hand? Otherwise, why do you always Are you trying to struggle so hard?

Or, do you already have someone else in your heart? "

"Ah?!" Riyawas startled, Hua Rong paled, "Young master...you, how could you say this?"

Her heart was beating wildly, and out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at Amit, who was sitting on the sofa with a sad face, his head was already a mess.

What does this mean, Mr. Is it...

Compared with modern times, Riyawas at the age of cardamom, and her love was just beginning. It was inevitable that she would become extremely sensitive in these relationships between men and women.

Especially Amit, who can make her have the same dream for several nights in a row with just a smile, can't help but think about it again and again.

It's like when an ordinary boy is in class, the always unsmiling and glamorous class flower suddenly turns his head to look at him one more time, and he will think wildly in his heart, does this bitch like me?

Otherwise, why do you always look back at me? Is he going to confess to me?

So what am I going to refuse? Or to accept?

In the puberty period, not only boys, but little girls are no exception.

Riya is in the middle of it!

She pinched her whitish fingers and fought fiercely against the corner of her clothes, not knowing how to speak.

What if the young master misunderstood and became angry, and he would never hold her hand again?

But if she said no, the young master will become more and more courageous in the future, and she will be a little scared.

For a while, I was in a tangle.

Amit chuckled when he saw the girl's twisted gesture, "You don't have to worry too much, there's nothing to worry about, if you have someone you like, just tell me, I already know all of your things. Well, after the big deal, I'll be fine with my hands and feet.

That boy's name is Rohit, right? You grew up with you in the Sunshine Orphanage. You were still a childhood sweetheart, but now you seem to be missing?

You don't have to worry, I believe that good people have good luck, he will definitely come back one day, maybe this day is not too far away. "

Every word was like a dull knife, making a cut on Riya's fragile skin.

In the end, Amit stabbed a sharp knife into Riya's heart, "I wish you all the best of luck."

"No, it's not like this, young master, you misunderstood!" Riya hesitated in a panic, and his words were a little crying.

When they were young, Riya and Rohit were indeed childhood sweethearts, but at such a young age, how could they possibly understand the love between men and women?

What's more, Riya used to help Rohit fight against the bad boys in the orphanage, and many were beaten by Rohit.

The two of them are more like brothers and sisters in adversity, even in the early stages of the original work.

"Why are you crying?" Amit stretched out his hand, pulled Riya's delicate body into his arms, and helped wipe his tears, "Did I say something wrong?"

"Hmm..." Riyapursed her small mouth in grievance and hummed from her nasal cavity.

Amit asked curiously, "What if I want to pursue you when Rohit comes back?"

"Impossible! Rohit has always regarded me as a sister." Riya shook her head, but after seeing Amit's unbrowded brows, she continued to add, "If Rohit is really like what the young master said , I... I won't promise him either, I just treat him as a younger brother."

"Ding! The fate of Rohit, the son of luck, dropped by 1000, congratulations to the host for getting the villain of destiny +10000!"


Hearing the system beep, Amit felt relieved.

He was just giving Riyaa dose of vaccination, and he didn't expect to have such an unexpected harvest!

Holding Riya, who was still trembling in his arms, Amit's mind was swaying for a while. Although the little girl was light and soft, her skin was still smooth and tight, especially the pair of slender and delicate legs, wrapped in white stockings. In him, it is inevitable that there will be a bit of charm.

"Master..." Riya muttered in her heart and wanted to bow her head.

Amit quickly changed the subject and pinchedRiya's thigh, "It's been so many days, why are you still so thin? You didn't eat well when the young master was away?"

"Eat it!" Riya snorted lightly with her cheeks red.

She could feel that the young master was no longer entangled in the matter of Rohit, and she felt much better.

It's true, I don't know why the young master likes to think so much, how did he make her and Rohit a couple?

She really treats Rohit as her own younger brother, and how long has Rohit been missing, whether she has forgotten her sister, I don't know.

"Let's add a dish in the evening, add a butter chicken And naan to the usual eight dishes and two soups."

Riya snorted subconsciously, and was wondering why she wanted to add an extra butter chicken And naan, when she saw Amit's eyes resting on her chest, her pretty face flushed.

He quickly escaped from Amit's arms.

"What's the matter?" Amit asked Erlang's legs without blushing or panting.

Riyas norted shyly, turned around like a lark, and ran briskly to the nanny room on the second floor.


After closing the door, Riya threw herself on the soft bed with blushing cheeks, buried her head in the pillow, and kept repeating the word 'bad guy' in her mouth.

After a long while, he covered his face so red that he let himself go, breathing the air greedily and greedily, and still couldn't help thinking of what happened just now.

She made a grip with her hands, placed it on her chest, and weighed it carefully, falling into self-doubt.

Is it really too small?

Master, does he like that plump type?

Does drinking butter chicken And naan really make you grow up?

Thinking about it, Riya quenched herself again and scolded herself for being shameless.

She cupped her cheeks with both hands and rubbed it angrily, "Ahhhh! Riya, why do you always like to be so cranky, young master, what does it have to do with you if he likes big ones, you are not allowed to think wildly, The young master asked me to drink it, but I don't want to drink it, anyway, he likes the big one.

Smaller, young master, he might not hold hands indiscriminately in the future! "