
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 15

Back at Greater Kallas No. 1, Anjali was always by Mona Verma's side, serving tea and water, and asking for warmth, which made Mona Verma feel both warm and wry smiles, "You girl, you are a seven-year-old or eighty-year-old mother. Is it? You can't even walk?"

Anjali shook her head, her beautiful face was still in shock, "Am I afraid? Mom, why don't I accompany you back to Mumbai tomorrow, the hospital there is the top in the country, and it can definitely treat this coronary heart disease. be cured."

"Hey..." Mona Verma sighed helplessly in her heart, "How can coronary heart disease be cured so easily? I don't know how many rich people are suffering from this disease, and one day they will stay up all night without care. Now, I didn't expect this disease to fall on me."

"Mom..." Anjali's eyes turned red again.

She really didn't dare to think about what her life would be like without her mother.

The mother and daughter huddled together on the sofa in the living room. Two beauties, one big and one small, really formed a beautiful landscape.

Amit sat across from the coffee table and coughed softly, "Aunt, Anjali, don't worry too much, it's part of the treatment of this disease, but more of it needs to be recuperated.

Well, when you return to Mumbai, Aunt, I will tell my family and arrange Aunt to live in the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital for a period of time. In terms of medical level, the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital is definitely the best in India!

Aunt, as long as you follow the doctor's instructions and take care of yourself, there will be no major problems. "

Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital?

Mona Verma's eyes suffocated, "Can I go in there?"

In India, there are very few people in the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital because it is not open to the public.

Who lives in it, who is not the Big People of the India Politic and Business?

Not only are there the most sophisticated medical instruments, but the doctors are also world-renowned. To put it bluntly, the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital is equivalent to the ancient Medical Hospital!

Amit replied with a smile, "I don't know about others, but Aunt, you're here..." Halfway through, he looked at Anjali who was still red-eyed, and continued, "Looking at Anjali's frightened expression I feel very distressed about the appearance of Aunt. Anyway, Aunt, you don't have to worry about this, it's really not good, I'll ask grandpa to say hello to the director of Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital."

"Amit, you have your heart..." Mona Verma saw that her future son-in-law cared so much about her daughter, what did she think, how she liked it, "But, the old man of the Sharma family..."

If it wasn't for Amit, maybe one day she would suddenly die of a myocardial infarction, and she wouldn't know what happened.

It is useless to say more about gratitude, but to let the old man of the Sharma family come forward, Mona Verma is somewhat worried. After all, the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital is equivalent to a hospital, and not everyone can arrange it. It is not that he does not believe in the status of the old man.

Mr. Karan is the only remaining old meritorious achievement since the founding of India!

The real big man of Big People level.

If you help her to come forward in this matter, she is worried that she will be gossiped by some who don't deal with it.

Anjali took her mother's hand, "Mom, don't refuse, this is also Amit's heart."

She wanted to accompany her mother back to Mumbai for treatment, but no matter how good a hospital in India was, how could it compare to the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital?

"Then... Well, I finally came to Delhi City. I don't want to go back in such a hurry. If I stay for a few more days, I will trouble Amit after I go back."


In Delhi City, Mona Verma only stayed for three days before returning to Mumbai.

In the living room of the villa, Anjali was sitting next to Amit. Without her mother, the two were alone, and the atmosphere seemed a little weird.

"How's my mother's side? Can I enter the Nanavati Super Speciality Hospital?" She turned her head, looked at Amit's handsome profile, and asked in a low voice.

"It's already been arranged. When Aunt gets off the plane, someone will directly arrange to live in. You can rest assured." Amit replied, placing his hand on the back of Anjali's slender and smooth hand.

Anjali didn't seem to feel it at all, or in other words, in the three days of getting along, she was already used to such small gestures.

In my mind, even the self-consolation of being scratched by a dog never rose again.

"How's it going? My future son-in-law has been doing okay these days, right?" Amit tried to pull Anjali's wrist, and with a little force, he hugged him into his arms.

Anjali felt the broad chest, struggled a little, then gave up with a blushing face.

I don't know what's going on, maybe I want to repay Amit's gratitude?

Or maybe Amit's performance in the past few days has completely changed her inherent impression?


Anjali never thought that Amit would behave so well in front of her mother.

Could it be that the arrogance of Amit's second-generation son was all disguised?

Otherwise, how could Amit have such superb tea skills in such a short period of time?

During these three days, Amit would come to the villa every day, chat with her mother, and make tea for her.

There are twelve ways of tea art, lighting incense and burning incense to eliminate delusions, washing a cup of ice to remove the mundane world, cooling soup and jade pot to raise jars, pouring tea into the Maurya Palace to welcome beautiful women...

Even a former lady like her mother couldn't help admiring and admiring her.

This is a complete appreciation from the perspective of tea art.

Also, as soon as they learned of the illness, Anjali and Mona Verma couldn't help thinking about it at night, which led to insomnia.

Amit, who learned of this situation, not only did not get bored, but also played a soothing and tranquil piano lullaby for them.

The graceful sound of the violin, like the babbling of a clear spring in the mountains, flickers on the hearts of the people, and involuntarily it will calm down.

If it wasn't for Anjali who secretly ran downstairs to take a peek, and watched Amit's slender fingers slide skillfully on the black and white keys, accompanied by the melodious music, she would definitely not believe that Amit would have that like piano skills!

"It's not bad, keep it up." Anjali snuggled into Amit's arms like a real couple, rubbed his palm on his belly, and said in surprise, "I don't see it, you're still in shape. It's good, but there are still abdominal muscles?"

Amit smiled, pinched Anjali's waist, opened her pair of slender legs, let her sit on his body, and laughed playfully, "There are more things you didn't see."

Looking at each other, Anjali was wearing the same clothes that Mona Verma had the day she first arrived.

Pink blouse, translucent, with dark blue skinny jeans.

Under its slender figure, it appears a bit more charming and cool.

A mother-daughter flower suit?

Amit followed Anjali's slender waist with both hands, and pulled the wide pink gown back. The whole graceful curve was revealed in a fair manner. He glanced down at the holy twin peaks, and couldn't help but admire, "You're in good shape too."