
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 14

Without talking to Anjali, the doctor in a white coat frowned and looked at Mona Verma, "You don't even know your physical condition, right?"

Mona Verma was still in a daze, she shook her head and hesitated, "I don't know, doctor, could it be wrong?"

The doctor rolled his eyes, "There are more than a dozen normal people who have undergone the physical examination with you, why are you normal in the front and back, but you are the only one who made a mistake?

It's strange, you two are so sloppy, how come you suddenly remembered to have a medical examination? "

The mother and daughter subconsciously looked at Amit, who was blocked from the door, and was still hesitant to come in.

"Amit, come in quickly, what are you doing standing outside?" Mona Verma waved quickly, looked at Amit who was walking in front of her, and said with a wry smile, "Thanks to you this time, or else Aunt will die suddenly one day, no know what's going on."

Coronary heart disease!

And it's level three!

Mona Verma herself felt incredible and fearful!

"Did you see something? Otherwise, why did you ask Aunt to come over for a medical examination at home just now?" Mona Verma became puzzled.

Amit nodded, "I can see that something is wrong. Aunt, when you are talking, you touch your neck intentionally or unintentionally, and when you are angry, you touch your neck more and more frequently, which is very abnormal."

The doctor in the white coat gave a thumbs up at the right time, "You guys are studying medicine? Coronary heart disease is due to severe arteriosclerosis in the coronary arteries, which causes insufficient blood supply to the myocardium, resulting in myocardial ischemia and angina pectoris.

For patients with coronary heart disease in the third grade, if angina pectoris occurs, it can also manifest as neck pain, and subconsciously touching the neck is one of the most significant symptoms.

If the loss comes in time, if the condition is controlled, the improvement may still be very large. If it is later, or if the work is more intense, it may break out one day, causing myocardial infarction, and then sudden death. "


Anjali has only recovered her senses now.

After hearing the doctor's words just now, the whole person was startled with cold sweat on the back, and the whole heart was suspended in the sky, experiencing the weightlessness of falling from a high altitude.

Scared her to death!

Holding her mother's hand, she was trembling, tears flashed in her eyes, the circles of her eyes were red, and she was about to cry.

"Silly child, it's okay, Mommy is okay, didn't you find out earlier? Just take care of yourself." Mona Verma patted the back of her daughter's hand, trying to comfort her, while looking at Amit gratefully, " You child, you can see that there is something wrong, why didn't you talk about it at home just now? Anjali is still angry and scolded you, so you won't feel wronged?"

Amit shook his head bitterly, "I don't dare to say it, Aunt, you don't know what your position is in Anjali's heart, I just saw a few ways, and I don't dare to be sure. Say it, what if you are in good health? Is it just my misunderstanding?

If I say it, I'm maliciously slandering you, so why should I make Anjali angry?

I'm fine, as long as you are healthy, Aunt, what's wrong with me?

Besides, I am a dignified man and a man, and Anjali is from a little girl's family, where else can I be wronged? "

"You child!" Mona Verma sighed in her heart.

How could Amit be so sensible and considerate?

She cares so much about her daughter that even she, a mother, can't match her. She would rather be wronged than make her daughter feel uncomfortable.

Really, so impressive!


Mona Verma made a decision in her heart. Next time, if she hears some guys talking ill of her future son-in-law behind her back, she must not turn a blind eye, she must find out and scold him fiercely!

What's the point of chewing your tongue? And it's still malicious! How could such a good big boy as her son-in-law be such a despicable and shameless second-generation son in the legend?

The doctor jokingly joked, "You young man, you look very handsome and handsome, just like a big boy. I didn't expect you to be so meticulous, and you will definitely be a strict wife in the future!"

As he said that, he glanced in Anjali's direction.

Anjali bowed her head a little embarrassedly.

She bit her lip, stepped forward hesitantly, pinched her pink fist, and muttered in a weak voice, "I'm sorry, yes... I misunderstood you, I apologize to you."

"Thank you, if it weren't for you, I don't even know my mother's physical condition. I'm so incompetent as a daughter, thanks to you, otherwise... I really don't know what to do, thank you, thank you …"

Anjali's mood at the moment is extremely complicated, how angry she was at Amit's proposal in the villa, how much guilt she felt at the moment!

Amit was clearly concerned about her mother's health, and in order to prevent her from making random guesses, Amit swallowed the grievances and took it upon himself.

Thinking of this, Anjali felt that her previous performance was simply unsightly.

Not even qualified to be a mother and daughter!

How could she be so rambunctious, slandering Amit's good intentions at will? !

In other words, what she said was Amit, and it was someone else. At this time, even if she pointed at her nose and scolded her that her conscience was eaten by a dog, she had nothing to refute.

"Fool, what did you say I'm sorry? I'm your boyfriend, isn't your mother my relative? Is there any reason to be uncomfortable looking at relatives? Stop thinking nonsense, your eyes are red, and those who don't know think I am bullied you.

But don't cry, I can't bear it. Amit touched Anjali's head.

This is the first time he has taken such initiative, but has not been resisted by the intimacy.

"Ding! The heroine Anjali's favorability towards the host has risen, congratulations to the host for getting the Destiny Villain Score +800."

"Ding! The heroine Anjali's favorability towards the host continues to rise! Congratulations to the host for obtaining +1000 Destiny Villain."


"Ding! The fate of Rohit, the son of luck, dropped by 500 points, congratulations to the host for getting the villain of destiny +5000."

When the doctor dispensed medicine for Mona Verma and instructed him on daily precautions, a mechanical sound from the system sounded in Amit's mind.

Good guy, what should have been done by Rohit, he did it ahead of time. Not only did he gain the Destiny Villain Points provided by Anjali in large quantities, but he also lowered Rohit's Luck Points by 500! I have gained 5,000 Destiny Villain Points by myself!

Dare to seize the opportunity of Rohit, not only can his luck point drop, but also let him gain ten times the value of the villain of destiny? !

Think about it, hehe...

Amit is getting more and more excited for this villain!