
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 13

Amit, to be honest, really likes her.

Although this guy is very perverse outside and beats people at every turn, in front of her, he has always been relatively gentle, at least he has never bullied her, let alone touched her.

Moreover, the Sharma family has a pivotal position in Mumbai. If it is to be weighed according to the family, this marriage is definitely a high rise for them.

The most important thing is that when she looks at Amit now, the disgust in her heart seems to have subsided a lot, and the more she looks at it, the more pleasing to the eye.

bah bah bah!

Anjali, who was caught in self-imagination, suddenly reacted, and she had several mouthfuls in her heart.

She patted her cheeks with both hands, turning a little red, she glared angrily at Amit who had put the chicken wings of Coke into her bowl, and scolded: "Who wants to eat your dishes? There is your saliva on the chopsticks. , you don't dislike it, I still dislike it!"

While scolding Amit, Anjali scolded herself over and over again.

What happened to her just now?

Why do you suddenly think about Amit?

Not only is Amit wrong today, she is even less like her previous self!

Amit pouted and shook the chopsticks in his hand, "I took the fake one with thick edges, but it doesn't have my saliva on it."

Saying that, regardless of Anjali's refusal, she put it into her bowl, "If it's not dirty, you can eat it if you want. If you don't eat it, put it back on the dish."

Mona Verma watched the young couple 'flirting' from the side, rubbing her fair neck from time to time, and smiled happily.

It was said outside that Amit was the second-generation son of arrogance, arrogant and domineering, and dared to do anything. Almost all the Sharma family's face was humiliated by Amit outside.

Famous is worse than meeting.

At the gathering today, Mona Verma realized that those rumors outside were just random nonsense.

How could such a good son-in-law be as unbearable as others say?

Glancing at her mother, Anjali secretly thought that she was bad.

She felt that Amit must have deliberately pretended to be so well-behaved today, just to gain a good impression in front of her mother.

The purpose is to make the contract couple's affair a reality!

"Damn guy, really insidious!"

Anjali was unhappy, poked at the piece of cola chicken wing with chopsticks, gnashing her teeth, wishing she could 'break the corpse into ten thousand pieces'!

"You girl, you can't learn from Amit if you don't have a good meal, so you can't learn from Amit?" She was overjoyed, and Mona Verma even called Amit more intimate. The more the daughter is not happy, "I really don't know what Amit likes about you. If Amit was a young adult in our time, the threshold for proposing marriage in the family would have been broken!"

While touching her neck, she frowned and reprimanded her unruly daughter.

"Aunt, it happens to be fine today. After dinner, let's go to the hospital to show you." Amit put down his chopsticks and said softly.

Mona Verma wondered, "Why go to the hospital?"

Anjali happened to have a fire in her heart and didn't have a place to let it go, and scolded Amit angrily, "Are you trying to be unhappy? My mother is in good health, why did you ask her to go to the hospital? What about people?"

Amit's words seemed to make it clear that her mother was sick.

Don't say that Anjali was in a bad mood now, even if she and Amit were a real couple, she wouldn't be happy to hear this.

Amit didn't refute either: "It's okay if you don't have anything to do, just take a medical examination. Aunt, have you had a medical examination recently?"

Mona Verma shook her head, "No, there are a lot of big and small matters in the company in Mumbai, and I can't be too busy. After this meeting, the board of directors voted for a while. Even this time I came to Delhi City. If you can stay for three or four days, where do you have time for a medical examination?

There's no need for that, it's annoying, and the smell in the hospital is not very good. "

She followed by adding, "You child has a heart, but I feel that I am in good health."

"That's it!" Anjali nodded hurriedly behind her, and praised happily: "Mom lives a hundred years, and youth lasts forever! Eighteen years old forever."


Amit frowned and hesitated, as if he had made a huge decision, gritted his teeth, "Aunt, you said so, I shouldn't have forced it, but today I, Amit, as a junior, must be Once a bad person, you can go or not.

Even if you are tied, I have to tie you up! "

No matter how certain he is of the thoughts in his heart, Amit will not tell the reason and the big truth now.

All he wanted was this ambiguity.

All I want is to make Anjali angry and make Mona Verma feel uncomfortable!

Want to raise first!

If you want to completely change Anjali's view of him, this is the first step!

Make her angry first, then make her shy!

Sure enough, the smiling face that Anjali had just praised her mother disappeared, replaced by a gloomy face, staring at Amit, clenching her silver teeth, "Amit, is there something wrong with you? Everyone said that I don't have my mother. You are in good health, why are you still messing around here? Do you have to force me to drive you out to make you happy?!"

"I..." Amit's face turned red, he wanted to say something, but he stopped when he reached his mouth, and stopped abruptly, looking very aggrieved.

Mona Verma watched from the side, smiled and waved her hand, "Yuyan, don't be mad at Amit, he is also in his heart, since Amit said so, then go to the hospital, no What's in the way, it just so happens that I haven't had a medical examination for a long time."

"Mom!" Anjali shouted.

Mona Verma was determined, "That's what I said, stop shouting, Mom's body, Mom is in charge!"

Anjali rolled her eyes, "Just spoil him!"

After he finished speaking, he glared at Amit again, how disgusting and disgusting he was in those eyes.

She hates to make a fuss about her mother, who is her only close relative in the world!

No one is allowed to slander!

After a lunch break up, the soldier drove the Maybach and originally invited Anjali and his mother and daughter to sit together.

But Anjali refused, she just drove an open-top pink BMW out of the garage by herself, and had to carry her mother by herself.

After arriving at the hospital, Mona Verma was arranged for blood tests and scans of various instruments. After working for a long time, she felt dizzy and subconsciously touched her neck more and more frequently.

Finally, when it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, the inspection report came out.

The doctor in the white coat called out, "Mona Verma, who is Mona Verma? Come and get the medical report."

Anjali took her mother's hand and deliberately squeezed Amit out of the door. She looked at the doctor and said, "Come on, doctor, how is my mother's health? Is she particularly healthy?"

The doctor raised his head and questioned, "You are the patient's daughter? Why don't you even know your mother's physical condition? Still healthy? Your mother's coronary heart disease has already developed to the third level, and if it is later, there will be sudden death at any time. possible!"


In a word, Anjali was stunned, she froze in place, her mind went blank!