
I'm Really A Big Villain

Amit has traveled to a world where multiple web articles are integrated. Grandpa is the only remaining old meritorious deed! The father is an official, and the authority is sky-high! The mother is in business and is worth a fortune! And he is the only heir of the Sharma family! But such a god is the villain in the original book? To be madly slapped in the face by the protagonist, the family must also become a stepping stone for the protagonist? "Ding! Destiny villain system binding..." What? Can you get villain points by plundering the protagonist's luck? The villain value can obtain various magical skills! Amit pinched his waist, stepped on the Son of Fortune and sang all the way, standing at the peak and shouted: "Who else?!"

Amit_Bisht_022003 · Urban
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24 Chs

Chapter 12

I thought Amit would be furious, and at worst his face would be very bad.

Anjali really didn't expect that her angry words, not only did not anger Amit, but also made him look proud?

How can people be so shameless?

To scold him for relying on his family is undoubtedly scolding him for gnawing at his old age, but this guy accepts it readily?

"You!" She pointed at Amit's nose, "I've never seen a shameless guy like you!"

"Anjali, what are you talking about?! Quickly apologize to Amit!" Mona Verm couldn't take it any longer!

Over and over again, to humiliate Amit like this, even though her biological mother was listening by the side, she didn't feel good in her heart, let alone an outsider!

Anjali turned her head stubbornly, "I don't, and I didn't say anything wrong, why should I apologize?"

She subconsciously looked at Amit's reaction, and seeing that this guy didn't look annoyed at all, she couldn't help but feel a little more puzzled.

What's going on today?

When she saw Amit for the first time, she felt that something was wrong. She had not seen each other for a day, but how did she feel that Amit became handsome?

It also looked very pleasing to the eye.

Moreover, if she followed Amit's irritable temperament before, she was a little irritated, either getting angry or smashing things, and now she suddenly became quiet, which made her feel unaccustomed to it.

I don't know if Amit was angry or not, but Mona Verma herself was very angry, and her chest rose and fell, and the waves were magnificent.

"Anjali! I want you to apologize! Did you hear it? Did you not even listen to your mother?!"


Anjali was holding back her anger. Seeing her mother's angry appearance, her aura weakened involuntarily.

No matter how strong she is, she also grew up behind her mother's buttocks. In front of her mother, she is a child who will never grow up.

It was the first time that I had been scolded by my mother so Vermch!

There was fear and grievance in my heart, and after a while, my eyes became a little red.

Seeing this, Amit stopped standing stupidly, stepped forward and grabbed Anjali's slender hand, squeezing it softly, he smiled and said, "Aunt, don't be so angry, look, you are all scared Anjali.

Maybe you don't know, but Anjali and I are already a couple and we are dating. This is how we get along on weekdays, and we don't care about what we say to each other.

We are both young people, and we follow trends closely. "

"Really?" Mona Verm frowned.

Anjali nodded behind her, and pinched Amit's back with her other hand, before agreeing, "You can ask Anya if you don't believe me!"

Anya is Anjali's personal bodyguard.

Mona Verm didn't get angry anymore, her mother-in-law looked at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at it, the more pleasing it became, with a full smile, "It's just that Aunt is old and can't keep up with the trend, you young people just like it."

Amit said with a stern face, "What did Aunt say? What does it mean that Aunt is old? If Aunt and Anjali walked down the street, those who didn't know would think that the two of you are sisters."

One thing to say, there is a sense of flattery to please the elders in these words, but I have to say that Mona Verm is in her early forties, but she takes care of it like a little girl, and her face is full of collagen.

In terms of wearing, it is also extraordinarily cool and decent, wearing a light pink long-sleeved T-shirt, with a bit of translucency in it, you can vaguely see his slender abdomen and figure.

The lower body is wearing blue skinny jeans, and the legs are straight and slender, which is really eye-catching.

In terms of appearance, compared with Anjali, it may be slightly inferior, but it is not Very much different, but there is a bit more mature charm of a woman in it.

With a satisfied smile on Mona Verm's face, she scolded with a smile, "You kid, I haven't seen you for a while, but you have become slick. Aunt is getting old and can't compare to young people. , it is appropriate."



Amit understands, and immediately exclaims: "Ah? No, this dress is Anjali's? I haven't seen her wear it before. I know Anjali's figure, it's just according to the golden ratio. Well made, I didn't expect you, Aunt, to wear Anjali's clothes so well, your figure is too enviable."

"Where is it? You kid, you have such a sweet mouth, and Aunt is too embarrassed to be praised!" Mona Verm never sipped a small mouth containing Dan, and took Amit's hand cordially, "Just in time, Aunt. I specially cooked a home-cooked meal for you, how about you taste it."

"Then I really have a good time today."

Looking at Amit and his mother walking towards the restaurant, holding hands and affectionately, Anjali twitched the corners of her beautiful mouth, abandoned like a left-behind child.

"It's changed, it's really changed! This guy used to be arrogant and domineering, but now he's glib, he's not a good person no matter how you look at it!"

She snorted angrily and looked down at her home pajamas, which were embroidered with a bear hugging a pillow.

Even if she didn't get praise from Amit, she didn't plan to change her clothes, she just had a meal. Is it necessary to spend so Very much trouble?

At the dining table, Mona Verm sat in the main seat, Amit and Anjali were on either side.

After a meal, Amit's bowl was always full of dishes, so he never took the initiative to take the dishes.

On the contrary, Anjali not only did not enjoy Mona Verm's service of picking up vegetables, but also touched the chopsticks with Mona Verm once while fighting for the last cola chicken wing.

Mona Verm rolled her eyes, "Girls, why do you eat so much?"

With that said, he put the last piece of cola chicken wing into Amit's bowl.

Anjali wanted to cry without tears, "Mom! In the end, who is your biological Daughter?"

"Of course you are biological." Mona Verm scolded unhappily, "My mother-in-law is a little nicer to her son-in law, are you jealous too?"

Anjali pouted and mttered in her heart, this is no longer a good problem.

It's just discriminatory!

She wanted to get a DNA check.

I really don't know what kind of ecstasy soup Amit poured into her mother, and she was stunned for a moment.

"Anjali, if you want to eat, this chicken wing is ready for you to eat. Although it tastes very good, I will satisfy you with whatever you want." Amit got up and put the chicken wing into Anjali's bowl.

The passive skill is launched in a friendly manner, with a smile like a spring breeze on his face, which makes people's heart rippling involuntarily.

Anjali had always disliked Amit's, but at this moment, a little splendor appeared in her beautiful eyes.


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