
infection of Gwen's body....

Sorry for the delay, I've been missing ideas for chapters for a while.


And now the day has come when we will go on an excursion to Oscorpe today.

The teacher started saying that we wouldn't go anywhere when we arrived.

After getting on the bus, I sat at the end, next to Gwen and Mary Jane.

Gwen started to worry and talk a lot, thinking about what we were going to do—how do you think it is in oscorp?

MJ just laughed, because of her friend's interest—don't worry, we'll be there soon and you'll find out for yourself.

Peter nodded and added his own words — the construction of my laboratory was completed last night. After the tour, you can go.

Gwen, hearing Peter's words, beamed with happiness—finally, I was so looking forward to this, I was so eager to find out what would happen there.

Peter gave the girl a smile, and just stroked her head.

the girl, who did not expect this, pulled back slightly, her fair skin began to burn, making a tomato out of it—You pervert, what are you doing?

Peter and MJ looked at each other, unable to stand a minute's pause, the couple laughed.

and Gwen ignored them the whole trip. Pretending to be offended.


The students got off the bus, and a huge building with 108 floors appeared to their eyes.

one of the oscorp employees approached them —hello everyone, I'm Lizi, I'm your guide for today. Send me to show you everything.

Peter and the girls walked and looked at the exhibits that were shown to them, Peter prepared a cone so that he could then pick up the spider when it bites Gwen.

and finally, the long-awaited moment has come. We came to the room with the spiders. The first one to start talking, Miss Lizzie, is our new development, the spiders with which we will improve the world.

Peter wasn't listening to all the nonsense they were saying, he was just looking for a spider to bite him.

Peter looked up, and saw a spider slowly descending over his head, its belly was blue with red stripes on it.

Peter used telekinesis to pull the spider towards the back of Gwen's head.

The spider sat on the back of Gwen's head and bit him, Peter immediately pulled the spider to him and put it in a cone.

He was checking to see if Gwen was okay. Gwen went up to him and said, Peter, I'm going home, I feel bad.

Peter looked at Gwen and looked at the girl with horror, her veins on her body were starting to turn purple.

— Gwen, let's go to the lab quickly, there's something wrong with you.

He led the girl to the exit of the building, he pressed the clock on his right hand, and called his car with the help of his artificial intelligence.— Nia, call the car quickly.

— Yes, Sir.

When MJ saw her friends leaving, she followed her—Peter, what happened?

Peter turned to MJ and said something was wrong with Gwen.The guy pointed at the girl.

MJ covered her mouth with her hands, horrified by what was happening to Gwen.

— Come with me to the laboratory.

Peter's car came up to them as they approached the road, and Peter put Gwen in the back seat. and MJ sat down next to the girl.

Peter immediately pressed the pedal, and drove at maximum speed to the house.


When he got home, he picked Gwen up in his arms and the door opened automatically, he told the builders that they would add a couple of technologies to the house itself so that Nia could control it.

Peter walked towards his laboratory, he walked past May without saying anything to her.

the girl looked at it with her eyes wide open—Peter, what happened.

Peter didn't say anything to her, and just went to the lab with Gwen in his arms.

MJ came up to May, she started asking her what happened—what happened to Gwen?

— Something happened to Gwen, she was bitten by something in the oscorp lab, and it's too bad.

— Let's go quickly to Peter, in case he needs help.

May and MJ went down to the lab.


Peter came into the laboratory and said, how is our new invention?

— Sir, the capsule is made from Kingpin resources, but it is a prototype, so we are sure that it works 100%.

— I don't care, we need to check on her faster and find out what happened to her.

— Understood, sir.

Peter approached a capsule with the size of a human, made of high-grade resources, so that a person could be seen, the guy made a glass capsule door.

Peter put the girl in the capsule and closed it, and began to wait for the return of the girl's body.

"I hope this helps, I hope the prototype will be good"

— Sir. Miss Gwen's body was sent by an unknown neurotoxin, There was a bite mark on Gwen's body, most likely she was bitten by something, and she infected her body, This poison destroys her body with a painful and slow process.

— there is nothing in my database that could cure her, I'm sorry, sir, I'm helpless here.

Peter, hearing the analysis of the Research Institute, fell to his knees in despair, he began to comprehend everything, that Gwen would die because of him, he was to blame for everything.....

He started holding his hands over his ears, muttering something unintelligible.

but Peter gets a savory blow to the head, turning back, and the person who hit him, it was surprisingly MJ.

The girl tearfully said—And that's it, did you give up? Didn't you say that you would never give up, just believe in yourself, and we can be together, Me, you and May, we will save her.

the guy began to ponder in his mind—is this really true? I've given up so much on everything I've tried to do...

Peter stood up and punched himself in the face, hitting himself several times, he stopped and looked at MJ, and then at May.- thanks. You're right, we can't give up, Gwen's life is at stake.

MJ and May smiled and nodded, wiping tears from their eyes.

Peter slammed his fist into his palm—let's go, we can save Gwen.

The girls shouted in unison—YES.


the guy and the girls began to search and take all the materials they had to thoroughly examine Gwen's body, and find at least something that could cure her.

but after 2 hours, nothing happened....

and Gwen was getting worse and worse, her body was starting to lose weight, as if becoming a living corpse...

her skin was getting dry, blood was dripping from her eyes, her heavenly eyes, in which only interest and courage could be seen....

all this disappeared, glass eyes came in their place, as if you were looking into the darkness itself...

Peter went to the capsule where Gwen was lying, he put his hand on the glass capsule—Gwen, I'm sorry, don't die, don't die, it's all my fault.

Peter was crying uncontrollably, his tears streaming down the glass of the capsule—That damn spider was over my head if it had bitten me...

Peter remembers the whole moment that was in the oscorp from beginning to end....

and he immediately realizes why the Spider was above him, he thought all this time that if he had abilities, then Gwen should become a spider in this universe....

What have I done, in this universe I should be spider-man, not Gwen, I was so sure of this that I completely forgot about the canon, this world affects me too much

Peter went to the instrument table, he took a syringe and injected it into his arm to draw his blood.

Taking it, he went towards the capsule, and said—open the pocket for medicines and a freshener.

— Everything is ready, sir.

A small hole began to appear in the capsule, about the size of a syringe needle, Peter inserted the syringe, and began to pour out his blood.

when he transfused all the blood, special compartments opened in the capsule, and red gas began to come out of them, which was mixed with his blood.

The gas began to spread evenly over the girl's body, the gas covered the capsule area so much that Gwen's body disappeared from the eyes of the people standing in the room.

MJ looked at Peter with a strange face, not daring to ask what he was doing.

May was able to get her fists in her hands, and finally asked.— Peter, what are you doing?