
I'm Peter Parker, so what?

We all know the guy friendly and at the same time the hero in the neighborhood, Peter Parker or the other person of a spider. But this story will be completely different, our hero is not an altruist that we are used to seeing him. And a person that acts only for his good. Join if you are interested in what adventures the Universe of Marvel has prepared for him!

Ratnik · Anime und Comics
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52 Chs

Chapter 36

Chapter 36


- Who are you? Where are you talking from? - Flash began to look around.


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, the slime began to separate from his head, and Flash saw a scary black face that connected to the rest of his body.

- I am Venom! I can feel your hatred. I will help you take revenge on your enemy, but in return you must help me find someone else. - Venom said slowly.

- I will help you, but who are you looking for? Flash answered with a little fear, but at the same time with anticipation.

- None of your business, you must do as I say. Otherwise... - Venom turned to the decapitated corpse and grinned grimly.

- Y-yes, I'll help you. - Flash replied fearfully.

- Good, you'd better not try to fool me. By the way, I feel that the man I need is not far away, so follow him! - The voice of Venom came again, and then the mask returned to its place.

Flash swallowed in fear, then took one last look at Jacob's corpse and ran away before anyone could see him....




Today was an incredibly strange day. There were no criminals in the entire city to test the bioelectricity I'd used to paralyze Daisy.

After flying the web for a couple hours, and not accomplishing my goals, I decided to go home. I had a strange feeling like someone was following me, but my spider sense was silent. Just in case, to see if I was being followed, I flew into a dark alley and quickly put away my suit and went in a completely different direction. Except my senses were much brighter this time, as if someone wanted to attack me. But my spider sense remained silent. At that moment, a monster landed in front of me. He was quite big and tall, black in color with a spider symbol on his chest and two and a half meters tall. His whole body was adorned with muscles, and on his face was a bunch of sharp teeth and a long tongue.

- Hi Parker, I didn't expect to see you here. - sounded from the mouth of the monster quite familiar voice. And the next moment the black substance dissolved, revealing Flash's face.

- Flash? You're a mess. Didn't your mom teach you not to put things in your mouth when you were a kid, that's what you've become. - I laughed, thinking to myself that Gwen was wearing a similar thing. And that she might not have lied about being controlled.

- Are you Parker, aren't you afraid of me? Don't you realize I'm here to avenge you for everything!

- Afraid of you? Ahahahahahahahahahaha. You make me laugh, Thompson. You put on a clown suit and think you're the king of the party? You idiot.

- I am the king, and you don't realize the situation you're in. - Flash said angrily, and then he punched the wall, smashing through it for good measure.

- No, Thompson. You're the one who doesn't understand. It's a good thing you showed up, and you brought this stuff with you, which I have a lot of questions about. I don't have to deal with you two separately. - I started covering myself with my suit.

- You! - Flash shouted in shock and took a step back in fear.

- Flash, you're really stupid, aren't you? I felt that someone was watching me. So I quickly changed my clothes in the alley. But you didn't realize the person in the suit was me. And now you're gonna regret showing up on my doorstep. - I said in a menacing voice.

- Don't get cocky, Parker! AAH! - Thompson shouted and slammed his fist down hard on my chest. Except I didn't even feel his blow. My suit completely absorbed his power, thus charging the vibranium.


- Hmm, weakling. - I smirked at his shocked look, then hit him back with all my might. I released the charge from his blow.

The two forces combined into one, and the blow was so strong that it sent a shockwave of debris sweeping underfoot. Flash's carcass flew to the end of the street, smashing through a brick wall.

Without giving him time to recover, I quickly ran up to him, transforming my suit to release streams of electricity. After all, that was what had worked on Gwen last time.

To my surprise, the black mass was already separated from Flash and tried to join me.

- I don't know what you are, but I advise you not to move! - Electricity crackled dangerously on my arm, and the slime stopped in a flash, then something remotely resembling a head emerged from it.

- I won't hurt you. - The head said, looking at me.

- Oh, yeah? Well, I think it's the opposite. This is the second time you've attacked me. First on Gwen, and now with this scum. - I glared angrily at Flash, and then kicked him in the head with all my might, causing it to shatter like a ripe watermelon.

- It wasn't my fault. I was incompatible with those hosts. That's why their emotions got out of control.

- What do you mean, hosts? Are you some kind of parasite? Where did you come from anyway? - I began to ask the big questions.

- I am a creature from the planet Klyntar. We must enter into a symbiotic relationship to survive. But unlike parasites, we enhance our host, thus benefiting it without harming it. But we still need to find a compatible host, or the consequences will be like that girl Gwen and this guy.

- So, why did you leave your planet?

- I didn't want to. But a creature called Galactus, who lives by eating planets, attacked our planet. Our race defended bravely, but in the end we lost, and our planet was destroyed. And I was one of those who escaped in a spaceship.

- So there are others who came to this planet besides you? - I was worried.

- No, I am the only one who ended up in this star system. - replied Venom, who appeared to be a girl. But I didn't know if she even had a gender.

- Then why did you come to me with him? - I pointed to Flash's corpse.

- I just needed a temporary host to find you. The fact that I chose your enemy was purely coincidental. I needed you because you and I are one hundred percent compatible, a phenomenon that's incredibly rare.

- And how did you realize that? - I asked skeptically.

- That time Gwen attacked you and injured you, I tasted your blood and realized it. Please let me team up with you, I really won't hurt you. And our compatibility won't affect your mental state. I'm incredibly useful, and you'll see that soon enough. - she started literally begging me.

I wanted a power buff myself, but the events that had happened because of her were still fresh in my mind, so I was a little afraid.

For a few minutes I stood in thought, weighing the pros and cons, and there were a lot of pros and almost no cons. So I made up my mind.

- Okay, I'll agree to a symbiosis with you. But just know that if I realize something is wrong, I will destroy you instantly.

- Thank you, thank you! - Venom was almost jumping with happiness, and when I removed the suit from my body, she immediately climbed on top of me and gradually began to envelope my entire body....