
I'm not that Bad, Am I?

A warlord known to the whole world gets recarinated into another world with the task of saving it, how does he go about this?

Butterflixstar · Fantasie
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1 Chs


"Love can be a beautiful, but just like everything else, too much of it can be dangerous"

There was no where his name was not heard, there was no where that he was not feared, he used to be a good person, but heartbreak turned him into a monster. Alwin Altera, A great elfen mage and a destructive warlord, he was always improving, in both skills and magic, so much that he could be said to have the same levels of a god, not only that, he had conquered many lands and even just his name could instill fear into the hearts of many. It wasn't always like this, Alwin used to be a person known for his good deeds, but imagine the heartbreak of a man who returns home after being away for so long, only to meet the corpse of his wife and unborn child, the only true family he had in the whole family, whom he loved too much, at first, he fell into depression, but when the killer was revealed, hell broke loose, the killer payed dearly with his life, but that alone didn't satisfy nor numb the intense amount of pain he was feeling, hence a powerful Warlord, blood thirsty, killing machine was born, various kingdoms suffered all because of the deeds of one man, after centuries of terror rained down on the world, the four deities ruling decided it was time to put an end to the unnecessary suffering that was happening, Alwin has fulfilled his purpose therefore he was of no use to them, He was then killed by the so called chosen one appointed by the deities, However Alwin's soul was too powerful to be allowed to recarinate, the risk of him coming back for revenge was too high, therefore his soul was captured and locked away forever, at least that was until …..

The air was cold in this dark and lonely place…the crystal which hosted Alwin's soul was centred in the middle of this place, it was also surrounded by sharp and rigged mountains, dangerous place to be in, I'd say, but it was also to make sure no mortal could ever find him, not only that this place was dark and silent, too silent that it could hurt the human ears . Suddenly there was a bright light, when it dimmed down , it revealed a woman who had pretty blonde hair and purple eyes, she wore a nutreal expression as she outstretched her hand, a yellow orb was then shot at the crystal causing it to crack to pieces and reveal an unresponsive Alwin, in front of him was Mayura, one of the four deities.

"Alwin Altera" she spoke coldly

" You have been appointed by us to save another wo, do so and you will be free , fail and you will be exterminated for good, good luck" A lightning bolt struck Alwin and he let out an ear piercing scream, such amount of pain is terrible, after the phase passed, a bright light shone and he disappeared.

*Questions for the readers*

Note: it isn't necessary to get the answers right

Who was Alwin before he became a warlord?

Are the deities villains?

He gets recarinated as?

What's your opinion?

What do you think will happen next!?

Any suggestions?

Thanks for reading~

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