
I'm Not A Hero!

Superpowers are not all they are cracked up to be! Nathan Grant wanted nothing more than to live quietly after the tragedy his power caused when he was younger but fate has other plans for him, including meeting a mysterious woman named Sierra that no one can seem to remember... *Set in the same universe as The Sound of Silence* *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*

Mcllorycat · Fantasie
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105 Chs


Nathan's poor mood remained for the rest of the week though he was able to get back to work at the very least. Focusing on someone else's fictional problems was a lot better than dealing with his own real ones. 

By the time Sunday rolled around and he headed over to pick up Amber and take her to the aquarium, his facial cuts had mostly healed. The smaller ones on his arm still required gauze or bandages but thankfully they could be covered easily by the sleeves of his sweater. 

"What happened to your face?" she asked with a frown when he arrived. 

Apparently, they hadn't healed as much as he thought. His sister was known for her keen eye though. Maybe they weren't as noticeable to other people. 

"I'll tell you in the car," Nathan said with a sigh. 

Amber caught onto his meaning instantly. "Oh, okay. Bye, Mom!" 

"Bye, Amber! Be good for your brother!" Lisa called from elsewhere in the house.