
I'm Naruto but why can I use magic

Standard civilian A, age ??? gender male!, is in front of a R.O.B., Random Omnipotent Being, with no recollection about himself other than the fact that he could be considered an otaku and a loner, oh and let's not forget that he still remembers being a male, for some strange reason beyond his comprehension he still remembers everything else in even more detail, than before from that point forward he gets to name 6 possible worlds that the R.O.B. can choose from and 3 wishes before he knows it's choice. Authour: Although it says R-18 there will be no explicit sexual content and R-18 rating is for when, if at all I decide to put violent scenes, for I do not wish to shy away from violent content if I believe it's required for the story to progress, to clarify by violent scenes I'm referring to torture or extreme maiming Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership of the naruto franchise or any of its intellectual properties the same applies for any other properties I will make reference to in the story or mention of there intellectual properties

chainzenith · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

I can't read or write

I made a recent discovery after I went to visit the library in preparation for next year when my study would start, the discovery is that although I'm seven years old I forgot to learn the language now if you are wondering how such a thing is possible considering that I understood the books when my spiritual sense made contact with the books. Well, it appears my spiritual sense helps me in understanding what it makes contact with as well. So I learned the language in under five minutes because I simply had to learn the characters and then there meaning in the language with my spiritual sense soo it wasn't that hard in less relevant news I have started preparing for the Uchiha coup.

Interestingly I have raised my proficiency in other ways of fighting recently, which includes the sword and the staff, I have also started training in the Hasshoken although it's been a lot harder to learn than other fighting styles that I have learned so far.

In preparation for the coup, I followed Itachi through the shadows and after Shisui committed suicide I quickly recovered his body and hid it inside a coffin that I shrunk down using the Diminuendo with which it's a lot easier to shrink down something as complicated as the human body instead of using the normal Reducio spell after I shrunk down the body and the coffin, to make it stand out less I made the coffin look like his Tantō after which I cast the Protego charm to surround it so no one could steal it or even touch it except me and put it on the mantle in my apartment so that I could, after training the Edo Tensei, summon him during the war with Obito and Kabuto.

When the coup 'subjugation' order was started I started following Obito instead hoping to be able to get a Hashirama cell sample from the Zetsu/Tobi he is wearing in hopes of furthering my powers and increasing my regeneration abilities, unfortunately, no one did any damage to him and I'm not yet confident enough in my abilities to attempt even a slice-and-grab (bu dum dish) , get it because I would instead of smashing something I would slice him to grab a genetic sample of Hashirama (insert strained laugh) I apologise for the tacky joke, now I have to find a way to get the sample from Danzo's arm, after Obito left I went to the Clan head's house to get a sample of a Mangekyou Sharingan on my way there I found an unconscious Sasuke, seeing this I know that I should hurry because it was never addressed whether Danzo stole Fugaku's eyes.

After reaching there and seeing no one else and sensing no one else I decided to make a few copies of his eyes with, the Doubling Charm (Geminio) so that I could study the eyes and possibly transfigure (Varies) my eyes into the Sharingan or if I'm lucky a Mangekyou Sharingan and back with the Untransfiguration spell (Reparifarge) that way I don't have to lose my eyes and the abilities they grant me and if I find a genetic sample of Hashirama and I'm able to deduce how they work I might be able to grant myself his abilities and increase my regeneration abilities to such levels that I won't have to waste cards to fix my gained blindness that the Mangekyou Sharingan would give me.


In other news, I recently discovered that I'm able to use the Hirenkyaku from bleach by gathering my Spiritual energy below my feet, at first I was experimenting with my Spiritual energy because of the fact that I'm able to use it without wand movements and incantations made me think that I might be limiting myself without checking if it has other uses in other aspects which led to me learn to stand in the air and to discover that I can use the Hirenkyaku.

I haven't had time to check whether it's like Quincy's spiritual energy or I just by chance was able to recreate their Hirenkyaku with it. Now if you're like me this development caught you off guard because how do they relate to each other at all, unless they could possibly be in the same world because Human's tapping into or using the magical energy inside them and their surroundings and after all only people in the Harry Potter world that have magic can see ghosts and only people with a high amount of Reiryoku can see spiritual beings and maybe the land that you live in changes how the afterlife works take Japan, for example, you would go to the Soul Society, a reason I have this hypothesis is because 12 Squads might not be anywhere close to enough to govern the entire world if the majority of the soul reaper captains have to struggle in there fights not to mention that Urahara's Reiatsu-concealing cloak seems somewhat similar to the invisibility cloak of Harry Potter and the Resurrection Stone could have been a prototype Hōgyoku and the Elder wand could be a joint creation between a master wand maker and the shinigami that created the others but for this to work either Aizen or Urahara would need to be the death that is refered to in the tales of the deathly hallows.

I might do the Harry Potter/Bleach one after I complete this one tell me you're thoughts and opinions on the possibility that they might be in the same world.

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