


This is the creator of the story. This story will follow my deceased brother and his journey. I've decided to create this story in honor of him. I hope you enjoy my short story that extends over ten chapters.

Chapter One:

In our modern world today, in 2024, we see two boys riding scooters. They stop at a man's house—a big guy at that. They say hi and leave; nothing too important to mention. As the two boys are leaving, the man says to be careful, out of concern for them. These boys' names are Jay and Javi.

Jaylin, in a hurry, says he'll be alright, and then the two drove off. As they were getting close to Javi's house, Jay went ahead in a hurry. But as he hit the middle of the street—SMACK! Javi doesn't know what to do. Jay was starting to lose consciousness. Javi runs over to Jay as he passes out. The last thing Jay hears is Javi, in a frantic tone: "Jay! Jay! It's gonna be alright. Stay awake!"

When Jay reawakens, he is completely fine, not a scratch on him. Jay is confused as he was just on death's door. He doesn't know what was happening as he walks aimlessly until he finds what looks to be a village. He walks into the village, where he is met with stares. He wondered why the clothing looked so weird. "Where are the cities, the gas stations?" he thinks. He then walks up to a big guy. "Hi, do you know where the nearest gas station is? Or can I use your phone? I don't have one on me, and I'm trying to call my mother."

The man looked confused. "No, I don't know what you're talking about. And what's up with your skin? It's brown. Are you cursed?" Jay looked around in confusion. "Curse? What is he talking about?" Then he sees everyone else; they were Asian. Still being ignorant, he then announced, "Am I in Japan?" which alerted the guards, and soon Jay was surrounded by them. One of the guards, pointing a sharp spear, tells the confused Jay to come with him.

A few hours later, Jay is now in front of what looks to be a king with a crown on his hand. The king had long blond hair, a beard, what looked to be an expensive robe with jewelry on it, and a crown on his head. "Boy, are you one of the legendary heroes we summon?" Jay was flabbergasted, finally understanding what was going on. He's in an anime. A flashback occurred with Jay and his brother. His brother was tall, had brown eyes, and was skinny. "What would your superpower be?" Jay's big brother asked in curiosity. "Well, I would have… What was the character we made when we were little?" Jay's brother then listed all the characters: White Tiger, Black Tiger, Eagle Claw, Wolf Claw... Jay then interrupted his big brother. "Wolf Claw. I would like his abilities." Now back in present times, the king announces he wanted to measure Jay's abilities, but first, the king asked, "What was up with his skin?" Jay then thought to himself, "Have they never seen a black person before?" They then measured Jay's abilities, and his score was a 10.0. In the world Jay is in, abilities are measured by how much core points someone has. When seeing the score, the king fell back in his chair. No one has ever had a 10.0; the highest was an 8, and that was a hero…

To be continued.