
I'm Kizaru in Konoha

In the bustling village of Konoha, the Chunin Exams, an event eagerly anticipated by all, is about to commence. Amidst the crowd gathered in the arena, a mysterious figure stands out. Clad in distinctive attire, adorned with a striking Justice Marine Cloak draped over his shoulder, this enigmatic individual observes the proceedings with keen interest. However, the peace and excitement quickly give way to unexpected chaos. The tranquility of the village is shattered as turmoil ensues. Unfazed by the unfolding events, the figure known as Kizaru, donning a lazy expression, mutters disdainfully, "It came after all... The Chunin Exam Arc has finally unfolded."

Revelature · Anime und Comics
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15 Chs

Kizaru's complex imagination

In the early morning, the sun's gentle rays penetrated Kizaru's room, casting a warm glow. The tranquility was abruptly interrupted by Akihara's voice resonating from behind the closed door, jolting Kizaru awake from his slumber. Even while sleeping, his heightened level of Observation Haki subconsciously remained active, resulting in a state of lucid dreaming. However, it wasn't a typical dream; rather, his Observation Haki guided him out of the house, leading him to cross paths with the observing ninja, whom he suspected to be under the command of the Hokage.

Reluctantly rising from his bed, Kizaru descended to the lower floor, where he found his father already busy preparing breakfast. The sight of the table adorned with eggs, bread, fried rice, and two glasses of milk dispelled Kizaru's lethargy. His spirits were invigorated, and he eagerly sat down to partake in the morning feast. His father, after finishing the last egg, joined him at the table.


Time passed, and following the satisfying breakfast, Kizaru informed his father that he had somewhere to go. Respecting his son's privacy, his father didn't pry further and allowed him to depart. Stepping outside, Kizaru could still sense the presence of the ninjas tailing him. Their surveillance limited his activities, but he paid little mind to it. Today, he intended to find solace in meditation until these individuals grew weary of shadowing him.

Entering the forest, he settled into a meditative posture. With the vigilant eyes of the Anbu observing his every move, Kizaru closed his eyes, focusing on his personal growth and the intricacies of the world's power system. Chakra, the fusion of spiritual energy and physical prowess, played a pivotal role. Given Kizaru's relative strength in both aspects—Haki and physicality—he continued to train his body. However, as his physical strength outpaced the sluggish progress of his spiritual energy (Haki), the generation of chakra within each of his cells began to slow. Meditation served as a conduit to calm his mind and enhance his spiritual energy. Once his spiritual energy caught up to his physical energy, coupled with his combined Devil Fruit power and chakra, his chakra alone would become remarkably potent.


In the distance, a figure with spiky hair clad in a white cloak and donning a mask adorned with red whisker-like markings observed Kizaru intently. The white-clad Anbu couldn't help but wonder about Kizaru's intentions. The Third Hokage's order to monitor this young man perplexed him as an Anbu captain. Nevertheless, as an Anbu under direct orders from the Hokage, questioning the decision was out of the question. Thus, he found himself wearily watching the target from afar, unable to hide his exhaustion.


As Kizaru delved deeper into his meditation, flashes of his progress in combining chakra and Devil Fruit power flickered through his mind. A specific technique took shape in his thoughts, one that would require the harmonious fusion of his Devil Fruit ability and chakra.

With a vision akin to the Rasengan, Kizaru sought to craft a technique of his own, imbued with the complexity of spatial recomposition and the unique twist of his Devil Fruit power.

In stark contrast to the swirling and chaotic spatial composition of the Rasengan, Kizaru's envisioned technique possessed a deliberate and precise nature. Instead of moving in all directions without a defined pattern, it would adhere strictly to the principles and structure of quantum mechanics. Every movement, every position, would align with the inherent order and properties of quantum structures.

While not identical to the Rasengan, his technique would bear a resemblance, its form moving in a manner reminiscent of quantum physics.

The spatial recomposition would follow the intricate structure of a quantum, with small quantum structures nested within a larger one. The technique's shape would echo the familiar swirl of the Rasengan, but with the addition of an exceptional line encircling the quantum-infused orb, showcasing the presence of quantum particles engaged in spatial recomposition.

In his mind's vision, Kizaru visualized the fusion of his Devil Fruit elements with the technique, disguising them as elemental recomposition. The power and destructive force of light, amplified by chakra, would make this technique devastating and potentially lethal if successfully executed.

While still immersed in meditation, Kizaru delved deeper into his mental imagery, fine-tuning the intricate details of his envisioned technique.

As Kizaru continued to delve into the realms of his imagination, he couldn't help but feel the daunting challenge of materializing such a technique. While his Devil Fruit powers afforded him greater control over shape manipulation compared to chakra, the incorporation of chakra would enhance its potency. Even then, the manifestation of a quantum-structured ball filled with intricate mini quantum structures seemed elusive, even with his pure Devil Fruit powers.

Nevertheless, the mere act of comprehending this complex technique in his mind stirred a surge of spiritual energy within him. Maintaining his composed exterior while seated, Kizaru endeavored to simplify the process. Instead of attempting to manifest smaller quantum structures haphazardly within the larger orb, he contemplated the idea of layering quantum structures upon one another. Each layer would have a predetermined limit to the number of smaller quantum structures it could contain, making it more feasible than the previously conceived chaotic arrangement.

Emerging from his meditation, Kizaru retrieved a small notebook to record his current thoughts, documenting the progress he had made. Meanwhile, the white-masked Anbu tasked with observing him struggled to maintain his wakefulness, battling intermittent bouts of drowsiness.

Returning to his meditative state, Kizaru unwittingly tested the Anbu's endurance, causing the observer to teeter on the verge of losing composure.


Meanwhile, Naruto and Sasuke, tirelessly scouring the village in search of Kizaru, felt a sense of frustration settling upon them.

"Where could that guy be hiding?" Naruto plopped down next to Sasuke, who had the addition of a pink-haired girl by his side.

Sasuke mirrored Naruto's sentiments, his frustration evident on his face.

"With the size of this village, it's no easy task to locate someone unknown." Sakura chimed in, sensing Sasuke's interest in the topic.

"Yeah, we get it. But considering his distinct attire, he shouldn't be that difficult to find." Sasuke snorted, scanning the surroundings in hopes of catching a glimpse of Kizaru.

"I... I'll help you search for him. What do you think?" Sakura offered, her eagerness to assist shining through.

"Really? That's great, Sakura-chan! Thank you!" Naruto's expression lit up with gratitude as he looked at Sakura.

Sakura, anticipating Sasuke's attention, found herself instead capturing Naruto's appreciation, causing a subtle twitch at the corner of her mouth.