
I'm in Hyrule? - A Zelda Fanfic.

Our main character is reincarnated into a Breath of the Wild/ Tears of the Kingdom mashup—lots of progressive strengthening of MC, possibly a sprinkle of r18 / romance. I can guarantee the story will get better as my writing skills improve. I am also going back and updating older chapters. I encourage all readers to give the first ten chapters a try!

Mctoasty_Jr · Videospiele
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45 Chs

Mission Improbable

Riju and I are sitting at our table, the one farthest away from other people, and are discussing plans in a hushed tone. I have just pitched my genius plan to get the metal for escape magnets to Riju, and she is not in love with the idea.

"You want me to distract people while you steal their tags IN THE SHOWER?!"


"Did you get brain damage in that brawl?"

"Well, how would you do it? My plan has the least risk."

"And when are we going to execute this foolproof plan?"

"The next shower day is tomorrow."

"If I get stabbed my a Yiga blade master I will haunt you. But fine, I'll think of a distraction for tomorrow, you steal the tags. Also, can you please use those showers, you stink."

To slow the effects of my hair dye, I haven't showered, so I do smell like a League of Legends Player. This problem is why I haven't just waited for my Muddlebud immunity training to complete to escape, and is also why I need tomorrow to go well.

The role call bell rings, and us inmates are lined up and sent to our cells. In the corner of my vision are the Blademasters, all of which contain overbearing auras. Their gazes are heavier than the shackles in that metal carriage, and the inmates all stay as far away from them as possible.

When I get back, I finish internal mana training and move on to my physical exercises. Bodyweight movements like pull-ups and pushups are no longer effective with my strength, so I have focused my training on small muscle groups.

Finger strength is trained my doing two finger handstands, I exercise individual parts of the shoulders with calisthenics on the cell bars, and I use my heavy wooden bed to weigh down jump squats, because I never skip leg day.

By the time the sun sets over the lip of the canyon my body is covered in sweat, But looking at the sunset, despite being locked up, I am grateful to be able to see the sky.

The next day Riju and I signal to each other using morse code, which began as something I taught to her for fun on the carriage and is now our primary method of communication apart from the short meals.

-.-- --- ..- .... .-. . .- -.. -.-- ..--.. (You Ready?) I signal.

-.-- . .- .... (Yeah)

The bell rings, and the inmates are led to the shower house, a long room with cold water leaking from holes in the roof.

There is no gendered showers, but males and females stand at opposite sides of the room, separated by a towel wall. Sometimes a dude will try to do something to a woman in the shower, but none of those people survive that experience without grievous injury.

After five minutes of standing in the corner away from the water, Rijus' distraction shows itself. The wall of towels in the middle of the room falls revealing the separate genders uncovered bodies to each other.

Reactions are mixed, screams from the girls side side echo out, and the females scramble for towels, while the men all crowd forward, hoping to catch a glimpse.

The dudes push each other for a better view, and a few fights break out across the room.

I weave through the crowd of wooden trees, all of which are rising at a visible rate.

One dogtag, two, three, ten. Someone even catches me in the act, but is too focused on catching a looksie to even care that I'm stealing his tag.

By the time the towel wall is back up, I have more dogs tags than I need, all hidden around my neck, arms, and legs.

I return to my cell, and lay my blanket over my bed to create a hidden area, a technique some of the prisoners use for... different purposes.

Once hidden, I begin crafting, channeling all bits of fire mana I can manage through the Muddlebuds destructive energy to melt the metal.

After hours of work I have made a handheld magnet, strong enough to support my bodyweight, and I signal to Riju.

-- .- --. -. . - ... / -.. --- -. . (Magnets done.)

--. .-. . .- - --..-- / .-- .... . -. / -.. --- / .-- . / . ... -.-. .- .--. . ..--.. (Great, when do we escape.)

- .... .-. . . / -.. .- -.-- ... (Three days, nighttime)

Our plan is to rest up for the next three days, and then in the night, execute the plan.

The night passes by without the Yiga discovering my magnets. It is now the afternoon, the sun is high in the sky and inmates are all lounging in their cages, with it being too hot to train.

While thinking about the escape, my ears pick up something unusual, a rumble from one end of the canyon. Some of the Yiga guards leave their posts, and I see a few inmates around me perk up.

The noise grows closer and more and more guards leave their posts, until there are none left. Now, all the prisoners are looking in the noises' direction, and all the guards are gone.

Finally we see what the strange rumble is. An army of Gerudo is clashing with Yiga forces, Lightning from Wielders flicker across the battlefield below us, coming from the Gerudo side, and earthquakes and air blades come from Yiga forces.

Arrows fly like flocks of birds from hidden spaces across the canyon walls, felling hundreds of Gerudo. The prisoners down stare at lines of spearwomen clashing with assassins, but the most powerful sight is the high ranking officers flickering across the battlefield dueling Blademasters.

I signal to Riju, -. . .-- / .--. .-.. .- -. --..-- / .-- . / . ... -.-. .- .--. . / -. --- .-- (New plan, we escape now) and start pushing a small tentacle of water mana into the lock.

The Gerudo forces are slowly being pushed back, and the lock is tricky, one pin, two, three, after the eighth pin I hear a small click, and the cell door opens.

Before freeing Riju, In the corner of my eye I see something that makes me pause.

Blue beams leap into the Yiga forces exploding deep into enemy lines. The beams are originating from a white large figure on the side of the Gerudo.

After squinting my eyes, I see that this is Floofy!

My computer broke, but now I'm back.

Mctoasty_Jrcreators' thoughts