
I'm in Food Wars Dating Rindō Kobayashi

FanficGod · Anime und Comics
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21 Chs

Chapter 1

I'm in love, but I don't know if the other party is male or female?

Sitting on a plane to Neon Country.

Eating Dublin Bay prawns from Ireland.

Drink premium mineral water from Iceland.

Xie Jun casually surveyed the scenery outside the window.

In fact, there is nothing to see outside except for the white clouds.

Ireland has always been known as the 'Emerald Island Country'.

Because of the excellent natural environment, the seafood there is also extremely high-quality.

Xie Jun has always liked the prawns in Dublin Bay.

Although its size is not too big for shrimp.

But its high-quality and delicious shrimp, paired with a specially prepared sauce, is simply delicacy in the world.

"Maria, are you really not going to have one?"

The delicate fork in his hand pointed to the shrimp on the dinner plate, Xie Jun asked.

With long chestnut brown hair tied behind her head, Maria, wearing a blue and white maid outfit, had a professional smile on her face.

"No need, young master."

Maria smiled softly, like a big sister next door.

Xie Jun is very satisfied with the exotic maid arranged for him by Mr. Xie.

Mr. Xie is Xie Jun's grandfather.

In today's Xia Kingdom, Xia Liujie is one of the three great culinary families and the head of the Xie family.

As a glorious traveler.

Xie Jun always thought that he came to a parallel world similar to his previous life, Blue Star.

After learning part of the history, Xie Jun discovered that,

This world, the history before the Ming Dynasty is exactly the same as the previous life.

But by the end of the Ming Dynasty,

At that time, Li Zicheng had not rebelled.

The Manchu Tartars haven't had time to go to the Central Plains…

The Ming Dynasty was destroyed by the sudden appearance of the Xia Kingdom.

Then, Xia Guo rose up like a rocket.

It has now become the most powerful country in the world.

none of them!

The Neon Kingdom is now only a subordinate country of the Xia Kingdom.

Sometimes, Xie Jun had to wonder.

The founding emperor of the Xia Kingdom was also a traveler.

Otherwise, it is impossible to explain this strange development trajectory.

The strong military strength has made the people of the Xia Kingdom almost in an era of incomparable stability for hundreds of years.

People's pursuit of life will naturally become higher and higher.

Food is exactly the symbol of the taste of life.

And chefs have a very high status in this world.

As the solution family of the three major chefs of the Xia Kingdom.

Today, it has a pivotal position in the chef industry and catering.

Xie Jun!

As the only eldest grandson of the Xie family, he is truly a rich second generation.


Since he had the memory of this life, he hadn't had a good day.

At the age of three, he began to learn, and learned about various sauces, spices and ingredients.

Being a little older is all about memorizing all kinds of recipes.

When he was six or seven years old, the old man of the Xie family took him to the deep mountains and forests.

The things I do the most every day are exercising, practicing martial arts, and cooking.

If he hadn't accidentally awakened the system when he was eight years old, he would have been killed by his old man.

What Xie Jun awakened was the sign-in system.

Automatic check-in at 7:00 every morning, the items are random, and there is no regularity at all.

Possibly a stamina or speed +1,

It could also be a recipe,

It may even be the legendary 'kitchenware'…

But more than that, it's something useless.

for example...

Asuna's book collection,

Rias's original fat times,

Well made maid outfits…

It's full of completely useless stuff.

If possible, Xie Jun would rather the system give him something to enhance his physique so that he can cope with Old Master Jie's "steel rod of love".

God knows how he has survived all these years in the face of a steel bar that may be thrown head-on anytime, anywhere.

Compared to those traversing predecessors, Xie Jun felt that he might be the worst one.

Just because he lost to the Xia Liu family in the chef competition that year.

The old man Xie put all his expectations on Xie Jun.

Training day and night is really miserable.


On his sixteenth birthday, Xie Jun's miserable days finally came to an end.

Perhaps the Xia Liu family did not have any outstanding descendants in their generation.

Father Xie finally cultivated a genius, but he couldn't find a chance to show off.

No, he simply agreed to the request made by Tōtsuki Academy.

Let those foreign barbarians see the talents of their grandsons.

Xie Jun, as an honorable exchange student, will go to Tōtsuki to study.

Only then did he realize that the world he was in was not that simple.

Just when Xie Jun thought, this is the time of eating halberd.

However, he found that the maid of the Neon Kingdom who was specially recruited by his father recently seemed to be a little familiar.

I just forgot which show it was from.

But this is also normal.

Anyone who has been subjected to cruel training from childhood to adulthood will gradually have a blurred memory of past lives.

I have to say that after Maria put on the 'well-made maid outfit' that she got from signing in, the temperament of an excellent maid on her body was even more prominent.

Looking at the sturdy young master of the Jie family in front of him with a clear face, a strangeness flashed in Maria's brown-red eyes.

Out of professionalism, although she did not accept Xie Jun's kindness, she had a good impression of this young master Xia Guo who had just met.

Serving an easy-going master, at least the life of a maid in the future will be much better.

Suddenly, Maria seemed to think of something and asked curiously, "I heard that the young master's online girlfriend will come to pick you up, do I need to avoid it later?"

When mentioning "online dating girlfriend", a smile appeared on Xie Jun's tough face involuntarily.

During the years of special training in the deep mountains, only that computer with an ultra-slow internet speed could bring him some comfort.

The old man Xie was afraid that this colorful world would delay the study of his precious grandson, and he cut off all the entertainment methods.

Even if you go online, the speed of the internet is so slow that you can't even watch TV.

The only thing that can be used normally is the chat software.

Three years ago, Xie Jun met a netizen named 'Gourmet Master'.

After some exchange, the two have similar interests and have a great conversation.

Since then they have become very good friends.

Just a while ago, Xie Jun, who had a strong adolescent hormone, asked the other party for 'online dating'.

Of course, as an adult in mind, he naturally knows that online dating is mostly unreliable.

But who made him stay in the mountains all the year round, not even a woman could be seen.

Xie Jun, who had a brain pump, confessed to the "female" netizen who has the best relationship.

In fact, he was ready to be rejected or sprayed at that time.

After all, online dating is not very reliable no matter how you look at it.

But who knows, this 'food expert'…

actually agreed.

"Since you are so sincere, then my sister will reluctantly agree to you!"

The 'Gourmet Master' replied at the time.

She is two years older than Xie Jun and has always called herself her sister.

To be honest, Xie Jun's mood was a bit complicated at the time.

Excited, happy, bumpy, and a little confused.

He also didn't know what the other party was thinking.

Did you agree so directly?

And, the weirdest bit.

Xie Jun didn't know the other party's real name until now.

When we first met, he asked.

But at that time, everyone was not very familiar, and the other party did not reply.

Over time, he was too lazy to ask.

After confessing to this netizen, he brought it up again.

Before that, Xie Jun had told the other party that he might go to Neon Country to study.

After the "food expert" accepted the confession, he told Xie Jun.

She will definitely pick up the airport and tell her name in person.

thought here.

A self-deprecating smile appeared on Xie Jun's face involuntarily.

Compared with other seniors of the transmigrators, at least his start was not a single dog.

That's right!

I am in love!

I just don't know the other person's name…and what they look like.


I don't know if the other party is male or female?