
I'm His Only Love

When Audra's mum dies, she goes back home, even knowing she would finally have to face his first love, Chris – who’s also his foster brother. After what appears to have been a pretty painful breakup, they’ve been avoiding each other over the past 11 years. But will the pain of the loss bring them back together? Or would the bad memories be too much? The journey from here only gets more eventful, when her mum leaves a surprise condition on her will that would turn Audra’s life around.

Patricia_Mills · Urban
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76 Chs


Settling in the house had been much easier than I initially expected. Everything fell back into place after just a few days as I got used to my new routine.

I couldn't help but find it strange how well Chris and I had adapted to living together, and yes, I know it still hadn't been long enough to properly evaluate how well we would get along in our coexistence, but it still was a pretty fast adjustment.

However, the day was approaching… I had been avoiding talking about it and Chris didn't say a word till now either. But it was Tuesday today and I would have to leave for the city in two days, so the moment was looming over me.

It was at least time we mentioned it. 

Today I had offered myself to cook lunch, as Chris had cooked for both much more these past days. It was as good time as any to mention it to him and see what he thought.

"Wow, Audra, this risotto is incredible!" Chris said as soon as he took his first bite.