
I'm His Only Love

When Audra's mum dies, she goes back home, even knowing she would finally have to face his first love, Chris – who’s also his foster brother. After what appears to have been a pretty painful breakup, they’ve been avoiding each other over the past 11 years. But will the pain of the loss bring them back together? Or would the bad memories be too much? The journey from here only gets more eventful, when her mum leaves a surprise condition on her will that would turn Audra’s life around.

Patricia_Mills · Urban
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76 Chs


*Audra's POV, past.


With Claire's words, my mind travelled to different situations where what I - until now - have thought as simple 'friendly' intentions might have had an unconscious double meaning, and I couldn't help but doubt even more when she talked about the hugging/kissing part and I thought about how I longed for his lips the day of the waterfall or every time he was too close any day after that.


After talking for some more, Claire had to go back home, so we said our goodbyes. It had been nice to have some time with her outside of school, she seemed much more at ease and relaxed.

I think she felt it too, cause before going she suggested we kept meeting outside of school from time to time and invited me to her house the next time. I agreed wholeheartedly, happy to finally have friends I trusted.

'So many things are changing this year' I said to myself as I stood in front of the door, waving goodbye to Claire.