
I'm His Only Love

When Audra's mum dies, she goes back home, even knowing she would finally have to face his first love, Chris – who’s also his foster brother. After what appears to have been a pretty painful breakup, they’ve been avoiding each other over the past 11 years. But will the pain of the loss bring them back together? Or would the bad memories be too much? The journey from here only gets more eventful, when her mum leaves a surprise condition on her will that would turn Audra’s life around.

Patricia_Mills · Urban
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76 Chs


*Present time. Chris' point of view*

I proceeded to let him in and called out to Audra from the stairs.

"Hey Audra, Robb is here, in case you haven't heard it."

"Yes, I did! Hi Robb, I'll be down in 5 minutes!" She responded from the upper floor in a rushed tone.

"Hey luv, it's alright, no need to rush," Robb shouted back in response. I couldn't help but cringe a little when Robb called her "luv" with his accent, probably more because I was jealous than for anything else.

I needed to shake it off.

"Hey man, I just made coffee, want some while you wait?" I asked, trying to make small talk and avoid the weird thoughts. I also didn't want to seem too rude, just common courtesy.

"Yeah mate, that'll be great, thanks. Umm…" he paused for a moment, like searching for words. "I'm… I'm not really good at this, but I'm sorry for your loss. Are you… holding up okay?"