
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

Wandless is easy

Waking up like this is the max, it compensates for memories of eleven years stuffed in a cupboard, getting abused, beaten and used as a slave. Susan was cuddled up to me at my back and Daphne… well she was Daphne, her back pressed to me and her hand was keeping mine from moving away.

Luna and Hermione were up and already practicing their magic, the twins showering and getting ready for the day, while Tracey and Hannah, still asleep were the test subjects of Luna and Hermione.

"Good morning dears, I must say I can get used to this."

Luna: "I like having friends and this magic." Hermione: "This magic is incredible Harry, what is it called? Telekinesis?

"I am not sure, maybe it is the first step to wandless magic. Let me try to explain, the first step is like you did yesterday by spreading your magic out of your body, the next step is feeling and interacting with people and their magic or maybe this is the fifth or sixth step and we skipped some.

The following step should be manipulating objects, like moving or levitating them, your telekinesis if you like to name it.

Next will be the hardest, channeling a spell through it, so instead of using a wand, you reach out with your magic with that spell. I suppose the final step is instead of using spells, it is making magic do what you want without spells, just imagination, willpower and intent.

While we practice on each other, you can tell what you are doing right or wrong because the others magic responds to yours, it is like learning to walk, the toddlers see the parents walk on two legs, so they try it with the encouragement of the parents. If toddlers haven't an example they will be crawling around until they are three years old. I could say it is like learning to ride a bike but half doesn't know what a bike is."

It is hard to come up with something relevant. So I just try to bullshit my way through.

"We also have to keep things a bit more proper, we are too young to turn this in a daily orgy, if it happens by accident is alright but actually going for it, that will set us at the edge off mentally deranged. At our age holding hands and kissing is ok, sleepovers as we do now?

With me included is also at an edge, not deranged because you all are destined to marry me, but you have to admit, it is not common. I don't know the wizarding customs and proper ages to do all the stuff we are going through.

We know now how you feel about me and me about you, so now I am going to try and do the romantic thing first, starting to sleep alone."

A lot of protests from the girls especially from the three oldest Hermoine, Tracey and Daphne.

Hermoine after a lot of arguing asked: "What about a compromise? You sleep alone on weekdays and with us on weekends, and we know you like it to just like us, tonight too, Hannah and Luna didn't have their turn yet."

Susan: "They need their turn, Harry, this was something I need, it is like connecting to you, Daphne feels it too."

I am certain she does, I feel it too, she is holding my hand in place. I whispered in her ear: § we have a lifetime for us to do this love, don't rush it.§ Removing my hand, I sat up asking for my glasses, man I need those eyes fixed.

"I am going to shower and dressed in one of the smaller rooms, the twins are still in there, I have some memories to show and some updates to tell. But now Mr. bladder needs attention or we are going to need clean sheets.

After my morning ritual, I called Dobby: "Master Harry needs something?" "Dobby can you find out what their favorite flowers are? I like them to have a bouquet of their favorite flowers tomorrow morning. Maybe asking the elves or parents, see what you can do." Dobby: "Yes Master Harry, Dobby will do it." Somehow I feel chills running down my spine.

In the living room when all were dressed, I did a recollection from yesterday, a memory of our chaperons including a small tour of the house. Winky and Doffa mentioning Doffa was the Yaxley elf, and should have been offered to me for paying the loan, he rather frees her than offer her to me, so he is on the run then. The Malfoy's came up I explained to them my reasons for helping Draco.

"First he is family, I know he is a copy of Lucius, but Lucius is without a knut and in Askaban, so he can be taught a bit, now with the ward-stone keeping the students in line and the new set of rules, rape and abuse will be punished. If I kick them on the street he either dies or grows up hating us, eventually trying or actually kill some of us. I let Andromeda decide their fate.

The fate of Goyle, Crabbe, Gibbon, and Rowle family and my solution, had Hermione asking why not in their old home? I am feeling stupid now, it would solve a lot of problems like Gregory and Vincent.

Another hot topic was my vassals and what Blooddagger suggested, Tracey pointed out I had the two richest death-eaters already handing their money over to me.

"We have a half-hour before breakfast to practice our magic, after breakfast, I am checking up on Hakky and Stabby, see if they need help, and check the chamber out.

After lunch, I'll go to the ministry to connect the floo of the mansion and see what those morons are screwing up." Hermione's eye was twitching but didn't comment on the screwing.

At breakfast a Gringotts owl landed on my plate, grumbling about bloody idiots with stupid mailing systems needing their heads checked, I took the letter,

Lord Potter, Basiliskslayer.

We inform you the Gaunt ring is in our possession and your presence I needed as soon as possible to deal with all businesses you have with the Nation, a letter is also sent to your solicitor Master Tonks.


account manager for Potter, Black, Gryffindor, and Slytherin.

"Gringotts it is, now, we have to learn those owls to land somewhere else, ruined my breakfast and my appetite." Grumbling I made my way out, I took my cloak with me. Dobby transported me to Gringotts, and was led to Ragnar in a ritual room, granny and Blooddagger were present.

"Well met people of the Nation may we shred his soul to pieces and send them to the deepest hell Great Goat God has, and strip his branded slaves from their wealth and let their families suffer for decades."

Blooddagger: "A bad mood again basiliskslayer?"

"Yeah, an owl landed on my breakfast. I hate when that happens. Now, we are here to dispose of Voldemort's abominations? Can we do mine too? You know, do the set? There are a few death-eaters on the run and I suspect searching for him."

Ragnar: "Yaxley and Gibbon are on the run, Yaxley gave his elf clothes and burned his house down, we suspect to destroy evidence, Gibbon just left, leaving wife and child behind. A lot of death-eaters are arrested, the department of mystery has made contracts that every ministry employee has to sign, they also put some detection wards for polyjuice and imperious curse. So we will destroy the Horcruxes today."

Granny: "We wanted you to witness this and do yours also."

"Thank you, granny, now let us destroy some snake."

Looking back it was a bit anticlimactic, they put the cup in the middle, a bunch of cronies mumbling some spells and a black snake face screaming into the void, the diadem went the same way, and the ring. The locket needed to be opened, so I approached the thing: § open up for your master. § Dammed I knew what the thing was going to do and it still caught me off guard.

The girls appeared, the six originals, §You are not Harry, not even a bad copy, wake up and die, old man.§ my heart stopped for a moment, then I got mad, I took the elder wand out and imaged the strongest fire I could come up with §Die yourself snake face!§ and pumped my magic through, bathing the locket in flames, I kept on going long after the snake was dead. I only stopped when granny lay her hand on my arm and pulled me back.

"I don't want to know what he said to you basiliskslayer, a few minutes more and this chamber would be destroyed. Your fire is impressive. We need to prepare for the last."

"Can I have the ring, please? I want to try something." You guessed it: the fucking Hallows, let us see what all that is about, master of dead or just another fairytale that old goat chased after like a mad man.

The ring fitted itself on my finger, I looked at Ragnar "You know I have the proof to be named Lord Peverell, I have all three items required to claim the vault. Do I claim it first or kill the snake in my head?"

Ragnar: "You are full of surprises basiliskslayer, I suggest claiming the title, then make your will, after that, we get the last Horcrux."

Yes, get black lace and pinky with a flower the Peverell lordship. Ten and eleven. Now I have to find a sucker for the Gaunts and I have a dozen. I started to wonder if this was heaven or hell. Taking the elder wand out donning the cloak, I said my lines:

"I Harry James Potter Claim hereby the Lordship of House Peverell by blood and Heirlooms, so mote it be." the light show was impressive like always, especially when it whirled around the heirlooms.

"Now, does someone has something to record my will? Or does it needs to be written down?"

A crystal ball on a pedestal was brought in, after an explanation I gathered my thoughts.

"Blooddagger is it possible to blood adopt a child and make him my Heir?"

Blooddagger: "yes basiliskslayer, the child will remain to have the parents genes but yours will be mixed in." "That works for me, I am not planning to kick the bucket yet."

Granny: "Why in Goat's name do you have to kick a bucket?"

"Too long to explain granny, anyway let start it."

This is the last will of Lord Potter, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Black, Peverell, Lestrange, and Gaunt.

Girls, if you hear this, then I am dead. To begin with, each of you will get a vault with a million Galleons in it. This is yours, no strings attached.

Next is my Lordships. If you marry, and yes I want you to marry and be happy, I offer your first son a blood adoption so he can claim a title, I asked and it will still you and your husband's son, just a little bit of me so the lordship is legal. The Peverell line can go to Hestia or Tonksie, Lestrange to Astoria,

Slytherin to Tracey, share with Daphne hun, Black is for Hannah, Susan, if you find someone who makes you happy a blood adoption is not needed for your Line, same goes for Luna and flora, find a good man, if you three want a blood adoption then go ahead, more little me's running around would make me happy. Hermione, my first girlfriend in both worlds keep in touch with them and I hope you will find happiness. I love you all. Yes, you to black lace and pink with a flower.

All the girls have free use to my houses and property's

To the Weasleys, I give 500.000 Galleons on the condition Ginny goes to a mind healer

500.000 Galleons is for Ron Weasley, and no Ron, you are not worth a million, you are not pretty and sexy, so live with it.

Twins you pranksters get 100.000 and let everybody have a good laugh.

Sirius Black, you didn't do shit to keep me safe, look after the girls for me, especially the Carrow twins, the previous Lord Black did a number on them and they need to be taken care of, consider them your daughters. You are to keep the seat of House Black for my Heir, use the Black Heir vault for it.

Theodore and Andromeda: Theo, I hire you to be my permanent solicitor to be a regent of all my Lordships, take your current fee and triple it.

Andromeda, you gave me my second ever hug that I can remember, look after the girls both you and Theo. For that, I give you 250.000 Galleons.

The profits of the contract I drew with the nation will be divided between the eleven girls, some of them I knew a long time, others short or even less than a day. But who cares. I love you all.

"Blooddagger, do you have the contract for the investments? Dobby can you bring Tonks here? Not the girl."

After a few pops, Theo came in, watched the Will, he signed it off as executioner and witness.

Blooddagger presented the contract between me and the nation for Theo to look over.

Signing it and I gave Blooddagger a little book with the events in the normal world, the rising and fall of firms, the bubbles those idiotic banks created and how to profit from it, a play from now to 2015 with a warning of that fucking butterfly giving effect.

Why does it feel I was arranging my funeral? I have to live a bit longer, dammed the closest that I came to a pussy was this morning with Daphne, and yesterday looking at black lace and pink flower.

"Now get that snake out of my head." To be safe I kept the hallows on me, in case it helps. In the middle of the room was a stone bed I had to lay on, granny was with the troop of crones. "Relax basiliskslayer, it will be over soon."

Now I was worried, these were words of at least a dozen horror movies before the victim is cut in pieces. I closed my eyes and let granny do her job.

Dammed, I wish they gave something to bite on, almost lost my tongue there, it bloody fucking hurt.

Instinctively I surrounded myself with my magic leaving the scar open, concentrating I pushed my magic out of my brain through the scar, evicting that fucking squatter, yep imagine a big boot, and kick the snake out. He was a clingy bastard but granny got the job done.

Granny: "All done basiliskslayer, thank you for assisting us, it helped a lot."

"Ah, I worked to? That means I get a discount?"

Granny: "Are you certain there isn't a goblin ancestor somewhere?"

"I wouldn't know granny, but I am grateful for the help the Nation gave to me. You will have a big supporter for your cause in the wizengamot in me. The nation will not be disappointed."

Granny: "Thank you basiliskslayer, we will give Dobby a potion regime you have to follow that will set you straight, in June you have to return for some final adjustments, and you are good to conquer the world."

Well, I survived, all that Will stuff scared me more than I would want to admit. I forgot to kick the blond idiot out of House Black too, I was tired, said goodbye to Theo after telling Hermoine's idea of the Goyle and sorts to stay in their houses with a stipend and give them jobs. After that, I asked Dobby to pop me into bed.

Somewhere in Albania, a possessed rat was dying, Tom made his way over to another rat to switch, he left the dying rat and moved to the other one, feeling something is very wrong he sped to the rat trying to possess it. The rat not even noticing the panicking Tom took a shit and moved away. Tommy felt himself fading and tried to call his slaves, too bad his slaves had another master, so Tom Marvolo Riddle evaporated, died, went to hell, kicked the bucket, became a permanent house guest of The Great Goat God… Yep let's go with that.

Well, he died in my sleep, I didn't notice a thing. No angels descending flapping their wings, or trumpets announcing my victory over evil, no maidens as a rewar… well I got those. Not 70 but hey, I support another one, so I am happy with my dozen, I can't get too greedy.

At supper, Hermione asked Dobby where Harry was, Dobby: "Mistress Moine, Master Harry is sleeping in Slytherin bed, he killed the dark one for good, he is tired and sleeping."

All the girls hurried to Slytherins Bed and asked Dobby to explain what happened.

Dobby did a total recall of the things Harry went through, by showing his memory to the girls.

Sneaky bugger was collecting good points for his Master.

After they came out of the pensive Hermione said: "I won't wait another day, I claim him, he is ours. Are Black lace and pink flower nicknames for Tonksie and Hestia?"

Luna: "I claim him too, he would take care of us even in the afterlife, he is ours."

Susan: "He even didn't demand a blood adoption for the ones with a line contract, I claim him, he is ours"

Hannah: "I love him and I claim him, he is ours."

Daphne: "I already claimed him, he is ours."

Tracey: "Same as Daphne, he is ours."

Flora: "We have no right to claim him, we give ourselves to him, we are his."

Fauna: "The same as Flora, we are his."

Daphne: "Darry can you bring Astoria here please?"

Hermione: "Winky and Doffa, can you bring Tonksie and Hestia here please."

A few pops later three confused girls, two with wands drawn appeared.

Hermione: "hold your spells black lace and pink flower. We have something to show you.

Black lace and pink flower were ready to kill them all. "Where is that bratty kid so I can hex him to next week."

Tracey: "Watch this memory first, kill later."

They were guided to the pensive and dove with the three back in, after the memory Hestia and Tonksie were speechless, trying to digest the Will.

Tonksie: "I hardly know the brat and he does something like that for me? Do you know what you can do with that kind of money?"

Hestia: "The only thing I did was showing my knickers to him, I bloody stunned him for it, this is going overboard."

Astoria: "This is normal for a Hero, he does that every day, killing dragons, saving the village girls, and marry them all."

Susan: "The next memory is from us here." And they showed the claiming.

When they came out Tonksie asked: "You claimed him the Old Way?"

Daphne: "We give you the chance to do the same. He claimed you three in his Will, so there is only one thing missing after you claim him and that is to sleep with him."

Luna: "And he is sleeping now, we can all go in, the bed is big enough, Hannah and I will take the place beside him, it is our turn. I would like to swap the Potter Consort for the Peverell Consort. Daddy is a big follower of the Peverell story."

Hestia: "Tonks take Peverell, I take Potter Consort if that is alright with you girls?"

Astoria: "I Astoria Victoria Greengrass claim Harry James Potter in the Old Way for me, he is ours."

Tonksie: "I ...Nymphadora Andromeda Tonks claim Harry James Potter in the Old Way for me, he is ours.

Hestia: "I Hestia Isabella Jones claim Harry James Potter in the Old Way for me, he is ours."

Hannah: "Now let us go to bed. He is sleeping."

All stripped into their undies and crawled in, Luna and Hannah cuddling, black lace and pink flower right next to them, Astoria between Tracey and Daphne, like they did a lot at home, the rest spread out.

Tapsy popped in and snapped her fingers, everyone fell asleep, Addy, Darry, Hoggy and Dobby popped in too, smiling they saw a glow appearing on the bed engulfing them all.

Tapsy: "Lots and lots of babies," The other elves nodded smiling, more and more elves popped in circling the bed, from all family's involved, even a delegation from Hogwarts. They joined hands, Hoggy tapped in the wards and leylines and pored their magic on the girls and boy on the bed, intensifying the glow. A few minutes later they all popped back home, only Dobby remained.

Dobby: "Lots and lots of babies."