
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

Reward or punishment?

By now I am used to waking up in a girl sandwich, something felt off though, my hand was holding a boob, that is normal you think, but this boob was big, and I can't remember one of my girls having such a big boob, this one was at least a cup C. I started fondling it, playing with the nipple, then Luna started moaning, "Don't stop husband, do the other one too."

WTF? "Luna? Why are your boobs so big?"

Luna: "So you can play with them, husband."

"I mean yesterday you had a small cup A, now they are almost tripled in size, what happened?"

Luna: "To many questions husband, I can't think right now, just don't stop what you're doing."

Spreading my magic out I noticed Luna was taller, older, at least a few years, Hannah at my back was taller too, not much but enough to be noticed, now this is confusing, there are eleven girls in my bed, do they multiply in my sleep?

Next to Luna and Hannah were two girls, they looked like the younger sisters of Tonks and Hestia, although Tonksie was a single kid.

Between Tracey and Daphne was a copy of Daphne, same look, height and smile, does she have a twin? Gathering my thoughts I remembered getting in bed before lunch dead tired from the happenings in Gringotts. I went in alone, by now Luna was guiding my hand down south. She whispers: "I need it husband, don't deny me, everything changed, I feel it, I need to feel it, husband."

What happened with husband to be?… Bloody hell they all claimed me while I was sleeping? I'm not remembering getting married, without a hangover or roofie? And then the small ones getting bigger and the big ones shrink?

So the copy is Astoria, it looks like she gained four to five years. I opened my eyes while playing with Luna's button, and stared into Hestia's eyes.

"Hello Hestia, maybe you can explain why there are eleven girls in my bed, some got older and it seems you got younger?" Yes, I can have a serious conversation while playing with Luna.

Hestia was processing this herself, surprised her bra and panty felt loose.

Everybody was waking up, gasps from Daphne and Tracey at Astoria, a Morgana's tits, from Tonksie, the rest were fondling their boobs because the size did increase noticeably.

Luna was calling on her Great Fairy with a scream.

Tonksie: "Hey hubby, already started? Do we have a rotation or just go with the flow?"

"Hey Tonksie, are you in the rotation? Care to explain why you are in my bed? Did you get younger?"

Hermione: "Dobby showed us his memory from Gringotts, after that we all claimed you, then we got Astoria, Hestia and Tonks and showed the memory of you, and us claiming you, so they did the same.

You claimed them in your Will, and they did so too, you were sleeping, to seal the claim they had to sleep with you too, so we joined them. We all fell asleep. I don't know what happened but we aged to fifteen or sixteen years old."

"Dobby? Can you explain what happened?"

Dobby: "Master killed bad lord, completing two prophesies. Magic and Hogwarts rewarded Master, granting wishes of Master and his Mistresses. Al elves helped with the magic, we are happy the dark one is dead and the bad headmaster is gone, so we did great magic for Master and Mistresses."

Wow... Never heard such a monologue from Dobby.

"How old are we now Dobby? Can you tell?"

Dobby: "We stopped at fifteen Master Harry, you need owls exams, so next term you are in the fifth year."

Screams all around. "So Astoria is starting in the fifth year, we skip two years, Luna, Flora and Fauna skip three, Hestia and Tonksie have to go back to school, and I need to find chaperons again. Where is the reward?"

Luna: "I had a reward just now. It is worth skipping three years."

Daphne: "Astoria starting in the fifth year? How can we pull this off? Mum and dad are going to kill us. How do we explain this?"

Tonksie: "And us? We just lost our job, and repeating three years in this madhouse again?"

Hermoine: "Maybe we can compensate with our wandless magic, if we train that up that is extra credits for doing it silent and wandless, Astoria can even learn faster because she hasn't got used to a wand."

Susan: "No vacation for us, we need tutors for potions, history, runes, arithmancy, charms, transfiguration... All courses."

Hestia: "Tonks and I can tutor you all, we need more though and what is this about wandless magic?"

I reached out with my magic and pinched Tonks and Hestia in the buts. Then I massaged their backsides.

"That is wandless Tonksie, and come to think of it, I can see you clearly now, no need for glasses anymore. The main issue is how to explain this to everybody. Does anyone have an idea?"

Hannah: "Call in the parents? Tell them magic rewarded Harry by aging us? Does that make sense? Mum, we slept with harry and all eleven got to age fifteen?"

Astoria: "This is not in the books, maybe I can say I aged so he can make love to me?"

Daphne: "Better not, Astoria, if you say something like that, you being daddy's little darling, he would blast the roof off."

Susan: "Make it official, we claimed Harry, so to the Old Way we are married, we can check it at Gringotts, an inheritance test can confirm our status."

Tracey: "Can it tell the Houses apart? Luna switching to Peverell and Hestia to Potter?"

Luna, still with my hand in place: "It is all Intent-based, we went to bed with harry in our mind, and marrying him, to be his Lady or Consort."

"What time is it? What day is it? Growing two years older, how long were we out? Dobby?"

Dobby: "It is Saturday morning Master Harry."

"So we missed two nights and a day? Did Lord Greengrass pay a visit? The Tonks and Jones?"

Dobby: "Yes master they saw you in bed with the Mistresses covered with a golden glow all over you.

Lord Greengrass was happy Mistress Astoria was between Mistress Daffy and Mistress Tracy."

"Maybe we can do this at Potter mansion, Hakky and Stabby should have finished by now. I missed the meeting with Goyle, Crabbe Gibbon and Rowle, and I left the ministry alone for a whole week, when is the next wizengamot? Still so much to do with so little time. Dobby can you invite the parents for lunch in the Potter mansion? And can you arrange transport there? The floo isn't connected yet. Set a meeting with Hermoine's parents an hour earlier with Solicitor Tonks.

Girls arrange a private meeting with your parents before lunch, there are enough rooms for a private talk, for transport they have to call a Potter elf or their elf can transport them to us, Luna dear, can I have my hand back?"

Luna moaning: "Do I have to? So close…" Well, a little pinch set her over the edge, calling for the fairy again.

Astoria with wide eyes: "Did she? Well did she?"

Daphne: "We look fifteen, but sure don't feel like fifteen. I think this was Luna connecting to Harry, some need it like that, some do it just with cuddling to him. Inside you are still eleven Astoria, so this is not for you yet. We better get up and get ready."

"I'll go first, I take a small room so enjoy yourself in the big tub, Dobby are there clothes our size?"

Dobby: "Yes Master, all elves from the family's helped, Potter elves did the Mistresses without elves. The Mistresses can go shopping after Gringotts."

"Girls first write a letter to your parents, Flora and Fauna, dears I think your parents are arrested and in a holding cell. Do you have other relatives? You may call them if you have or want to."

Fauna: "We can call grandma. She is nice."

After everyone was dressed and having breakfast in the diner room, "We have three hours to complete our business at Gringotts, we can visit the Vaults and select the Lady rings if there are any, if not we order one made. If we have the time we can do a fast shopping before we go to Potter Mansion or do it after the meeting so you can explore the place first. Dobby can you arrange transport now please?"

At Gringotts: "Warriors may your kills be fast and clean, your young courageous and kill plenty, so I can make a bit of money too."

Skullbasher: "Basiliskslayer is that you? Did you use an aging potion?"

"No warrior skullbasher, just a reward from Magic and Hogwarts castle. Although it can also be a punishment, I am not sure yet."

Skullcleaver: "You look better now basiliskslayer, we heard of your fire magic, it was impressive."

"You both honor me, thank you."

Inside Blooddagger looked me up and down, circled me, inspecting me all over, "you clean up nice basiliskslayer, Solicitor Tonks informed me of you bedding eleven girls, as I said before I want to envy or pity you, maybe both. What can the Nation do for You?"

"All need their status confirmed so an inheritance test. And the rings. I need a favor from granny, can she check us out? See what is changed inside."

Blooddagger: "I will call for mother, we can do the tests here, once the confirmation is made they can summon their ring if there is one."

It was like an assembly line, each passing by Blooddagger to get their cut and blood on the paper, to step aside for the next one. Granny came in accompanied by the cronies who did the Horcrux banishing. Granny: "Basiliskslayer, you are working me to the bone, only because I like you will I do this. Well, what do you need this time? By the look of you, something ridiculous happened again with you."

"Granny I love you too." Smack! Bloody caned again. Are goblin women getting violent at a love confession? Maybe I am not her type. I love feisty women though… Now I am bloody thinking about paddles. It must be the smack on the head.

"Auw granny if you don't want me just say so, hold the cane." I just couldn't keep my big mouth shut, now I got caned by a herd of cronies. Violent bunch, I wonder if their husbands are still alive.

"Sorry, sorry, granny you are the best, the smartest..." Man, there is no right way to handle those cronies.

"Sorry granny, we were in a magic sleep from an hour after I left here until this morning, I have one that aged four years, three that aged three years, three that aged two years and three with one year. While Tonksie and Hestia aged down to fifteen years old, so in a nutshell, everybody got to fifteen years. But we can't tell what changed inside, can you check us to see everything is ok?"

Granny took her knife and ran it over my body, "You healed up, no trace of old fractures, you are in top condition for your age, Great Goat God! What did you do with your core boy? I have never seen a core this big." The others were saying the same, our two-day nap gave a nice power boost to all of us, the girls and especially Tonksie and Hestia were pleased with it.

"Can you see what changed mentally granny? My thoughts are more clear, and my eyesight is perfect now." Granny: "we can't measure that, but with the drain of the Horcrux gone, and the changes on your body and core, I suspect something happened there too."

"Thank you, granny, this helps a lot, make sure your fee is sent to Blooddagger."

Somehow I have a feeling Magic is setting me up for something. First I thought it was a reward so I can begin to shag them, then as Daphne said, they are still young inside, so I have more eye candy and still can't touch them, so a punishment.

I was wondering if those hallows have something to do with it. When I had the cloak and the wand, the wandless magic appears. The girls were drawn to my bed and learned wandless magic too.

With the ring, the set was complete, and after Voldy was evicted, I went to bed with the hallows on me. Maybe that started a change to which spread to the girls, once they joined me in bed. The elves boosted the whole thing, and voila a dozen super wizard and witches.

Next, we began summoning our rings, I had some to summon to, like the Lestrange and Gryffindor, Black and I am going to fuck up Yaxley by claiming his House, he did betray me by refusing to give his Lord the money from his elf and the house he burned down. I ran that idea by Blooddagger, he smiled saying he is shitting dragon dung when his ring disappears and his family magic gone, when I kick him from the family for betrayal. It was a minor House without a wizengamot seat, so we let it die out or one of the kids wants it. Same as the Gaunt one… Dammed I forgot Missy, I could have offered her a spot to get a clean dozen. Nah best not overdo it. I noticed that the bed didn't have much space left. She gets a job and some money, end of the story. We made the tour after the girls had their rings. Hermoine was guarded by Tracey and Daphne or she would take every book with her.

I saved the Peverell vault for last. Only I was granted entrance, entering I saw the Grimoire on a pedestal. A shelf with devices clearly not magic but familiar somehow, at the back wall a metal chair stood with a familiar yellow device attached to it. Next to the chair were 5 of those yellow things glowing.

Great bloody Goat fucking God! I am in a fucking crossover. This I remember from way back, Stargate one, those morons go to another planet, and hey why don't we take a nuke with us? Let's start a war or two in the galaxy, when this one is almost over we go to the next one and poke around there. Thinking a bit, this is 1993, the movie is supposed to start in 1994 so I can make a head start if I can get some goodies here. I loved that show, but I liked Naruto and dragon ball Z too, it doesn't mean I want to be in it, getting the crap kicked out of you is not my idea of fun.

I better come back when I am alone, this can take a while.

Leaving the vault Luna asked: "Did you get anything good?" I laughed and kissed her.

"Yes, honey, a galaxy filled with problems. But remind me to give you a planet or two. I'll come back tomorrow alone. this can take a few hours and only I am allowed in. We better go to Potter Mansion, pick a room, search for goodies, put a tracking charm on Hermione so we can find her in the library, move Tonksie and Hestia a floor up, and have a moment to relax."

Our elves popped us into the entrance hall, welcoming us was Basi, my skeleton hanging on the ceiling, moving his jaw when someone came to close. AWESOME! Well, I was nearly deaf from the screams, but hey, they will get used to it. That was one big ass snake, impressive as hell. It will scare the crap out of the parents. A skeleton of a dinosaur can be twice as big, too bad I can't kill one, make a set… hey there are dragons. If somehow I get sucked in that tri-wizard thing I can kill one... Yeah, yeah, I can dream, can I?

"Tapsy, you all did a wonderful job, I thank you for taking care of us, as a bonus each elf get a hundred Galleons to spend it like they want to, presents, tools, decoration for your sleeping quarters, a new outfit, whatever you like.

Tapsy: "We need no money Master, we love to take care of the family, no payment needed."

"Tapsy, this is not paying you, in a family, the head of house gives pocket money to the children and household money to the elves to run the house, consider this me giving you all pocket money, use it or let it stay in Gringotts until you need it."

Hermione has read up on elves, because she wasn't ranting about freeing or paying them, or she was still shocked by Basi.

Hestia: "What is that big skeleton doing here? I nearly peed my panty. That wasn't here when we came in a few days ago.

"This my darlings is Basi. His job is to welcome the visitors, I figured friends can joke about it, it is a good conversation starter with strangers, and enemies know not to fuck with me. Win, win, win.

Tracey: "The parents going to crap their pants. Anyway let's explore, Tapsy can you lead us to the rooms we can choose? We will start there, we end up in Harry's bed anyway, but it is nice to have one."

A stampede to the third floor with a lot of laughter, the elves were soaking it up, finally, life was back in the house and they loved it, I was curious if Hermoine could get past the library.

I did some exploring myself, the dining hall was big, so was every room in the house, the place was swamped with extension charms, it is like you have two houses in one.

It was a good idea to come earlier to get a feel of the place, I was starting to feel at home, you know the big ass landlord, hey do I have peasants or serfs running around here? I better forget it, the girls would kick my ass if I acted like a posh lord.

It was time to welcome Hermione's parents. We waited in the entrance hall, Hermione nervous wringing her hands, when the parents popped in followed with Theo Tonks, they nearly got a heart attack. Dad Granger: "Why is that snake still moving? It is still alive?"

Hermione: "No daddy this is Harry trying to be funny." And moved in for her hug.

Mum Granger: "What have you been eating Hermoine, you grew so big?"

Hermione: "This snake is the reason, but first let me introduce to My lord Harry James Potter Lord of House Potter, House Gryffindor, House Slytherin, House Black, House Peverell, House Lestrange, house Gaunt, and House Yaxley. My Lord these are my parents Mark Granger and Jean Granger."

"Welcome to my home, I would say relax and enjoy your stay here but we have a lot to discuss about our future." posh words, well after such an introduction you can't say hi nice to meet you, impress them to have the high ground. "we can move to a smaller meeting room to discuss the events of the last week."

Dobby leads us to a room and served some tea and biscuits. I let Theodore lead the story.

Theo: "Like it was said it began with the snake Lord potter killed the snake in a secret chamber in Hogwarts, it was a basilisk, the most venomous and magical snake in the world, this one a thousand years old.

When Lord Potter publicly invoked the right of conquest, he started an old magic. By killing the basilisk by himself and then claim it, it created a life debt for the whole school to him, the old magic allowed him to lay claim on anything he wants.

Lord Potter didn't know that and talked to a pair of girls in Slytherin house, Daphne Greengrass and Tracey Davis, and offers them the chance to sell the snake, therefore the girls thought Lord potter claimed them, the next morning he joined Luna Lovegood for breakfast and helped her from being bullied Luna also thought to be claimed, at lunch, after having interacted with the head of the DMLE, he went to eat with her niece and her friend Susan Bones and Hannah Abbot. Both know of the old way and thought to be claimed to.

The problem is that Hermione loves Lord potter and lord Potter had an older claim at Hermione for saving her life from a troll. Magic has a mind of his own, because the other girls accepted the claim, invoking the old magic, Hermione was pulled in it too. In the wizarding world, polygamy is not common, but a man with more lordships needs a wife for every House.

Three of those girls are the lone Heir for their own House so they cant take the Ladyship, so they will become Consorts meaning the second wife of a House and her son will get the girl's sir name."

Hermione: "To make a long story short, I will be Lady Potter and share Harry with ten other girls, we are already married daddy, Magic married us, it made us grow a bit too, I am fifteen now."

"I guess you need something stronger than tea, I am sorry sir, it snowballed out of my control, I know I love Hermione, I love the other girls too, the old magic works that way it seems, when I fulfilled two prophesies two days ago magic rewarded me and the girls to age us all to fifteen years old, we confirmed it today at Gringotts, Hermione has the Lady Potter ring, it only goes on the finger if you are married."

Theo: "This is where I come in to set a marriage contract up the same like the other girls, even when they are already married."

Mr. Granger's face didn't promise anything good: "You are telling me my daughter of thirteen years old got married with ten other girls to this boy? And expect me to be happy and congratulate you? What is next? Is she already pregnant? I hope this isn't some teenage boy fantasy you are playing here with my daughter, is there a way out of this madness? How can kids know at thirteen if this is the right partner for them? Most people find love in their twenty's, and you hook up with eleven girls at thirteen?"

"Maybe it is best when we show them what happened, Dobby can you bring the pensive please?"

I selected a few memories, the most came from Hermione, after explaining the workings Hermoine dove in with the parents. I looked at Theo and said: "This can go very wrong, I have not a clue how to handle this. She is still a minor at the normal side and still thirteen, fourteen in September."

When they came out the pensive Mr. Granger asked: "One million Galleons per girl? How much money do you have?"

"Well Mr. Granger it was thirty million a week ago, I think it is forty now, and when the basilisk is sold forty-five. With the investments I am going to make it will double or triple by the end of the year, this is without what my properties bring in, I have a vineyard in France and a ranch in Texas I haven't visit and don't know what they bring in."

Slam them around the ears with money and they mellow, their daughter won't have to walk the streets to get food on the table, that is one of the greatest fears of a father. Now I have to somehow remove his mental picture of his daughter having an orgy with me and ten other women, dammed now it is in my head too.

Hermione: "Dad I didn't even know Harry had that much money, But this was ancient magic demanding his dues, we did this willingly, our magic is synchronized, we are like sisters now, there will be no backstabbing or jealousy between us, this is also a reason magic made us the same age. Please read the contract first, but you have to know it can not be reversed."

It was almost lunchtime when they calmed down and signed the contract with the promise of no children before eighteen and they can visit whenever they want.

Man, I was exhausted, the stress and killer look from dad, the explanations, I know we forgot to mention half of the events, if I have to do this ten more times I'll run away.

Most of the wizarding family's are glad the daughter caught a wealthy husband and a fat bride's price.

The other parents started to arrive, Basi did his job excellent, Mrs. abbot needs another panty I guess by the screams, Madam Bones dropped her monocle, Mr. and Mrs. Jones were scared shitless before Hestia could explain this wasn't a trap.

Mrs. Carrow, the twin's grandmother put a hand on her heart, the twins rescued her leading her away from the thing. The others have seen Basi with his clothes on, so they were not that much impressed.

When we all sat down at the dinner table, they lay me on the roster and grilled me with questions.

Andromeda: "Lord Black, what did you do to my daughter? She leaves the house for a day, she is married to you and is turned back into a teenager. Do you know how hard it is to raise a teenager?"

"Mrs. Tonks, I haven't got a clue, after that ritual in Gringotts, I was completely empty and tired, I went to bed and woke up with eleven wives."

Madam Bones: "Ritual? What ritual did you do Lord potter? Was it that, that changed you?"

"Madam Bones, the ritual was to banish the spirit of Voldemort to the afterlife, he had several rituals done to anchor him to this plane, including one in my scar, that was by accident with the backlash of his spell. After that ritual, I went to bed."

Lord Greengrass: "explain why my eleven-year-old daughter ends up in your bed and loses five years of her life?"

"As far as I know Lord Greengrass, by banishing Voldemort I fulfilled two prophesies, if it can punish Dumbledore for abusing magic and the community, it can reward too. I went to bed tired and alone when I was sleeping the girls saw the memories of what happened in Gringotts and claimed me, they got Astoria, Tonksie and Hestia, showed them the memory, so they to claimed me and everyone got in bed with me.

A golden glow appeared on the bed, the elves from all our houses and some of Hogwarts joined their magic with the glow and amplified it to age the girls and me to fifteen years old. I guess the elves were glad to get rid of Voldemort and Dumbledore. That is all I have."

Lord Lovegood: "That is some tale Lord Potter, My Luna said she switched Consort Potter to Consort Peverell, I thought the line ended hundreds of years ago?"

"It is like the Lordship of Gryffindor, certain actions and achievements must be fulfilled to lay the claim. I claimed it yesterday, Luna knows you are a follower of the tale so she asked to switch."

Mrs. Carrow: "What will happen to my granddaughters? They are trapped in a nasty contract, will you abuse them and pass them around?"

"Mrs. Carrow, if anyone treats your granddaughters less than my other wives they will know what pain and sorrow are, ask Dumbledore what I can do, or Basi, you met him in the entrance hall."

I know I was bragging, but it was me against the parents of eleven kids, I have to impress them.

"Flora and Fauna will be treated like everybody else, nothing more and certainly nothing less."

Mr. Granger: "What will you do with your life now? What are your plans?"

"Was your future planned out the day after you were married, Mr. Granger? I have my investments and a decent fortune to live by, I want to finish my education, after? Maybe I build a spaceship and explore the stars, or support my wives with their ambitions and carriers."

Lord Abbot: "A spaceship? Why do you want to build a spaceship? It is just space."

"Lord Abbot, It is for a wizard much more easy to build a spaceship than for a normal, for example, to get in orbit of the earth they need a big rocket with a massive load of fuel, we can build one with feather light charms on it, runes to make it unbreakable, wards to form a shield around it to deflect space debris and harmful radiation. It would cost one-tenth of what the normal's would have to pay to get it in space.

What would I look for? Maybe resources that can't be, or not anymore can be found on earth. Reach the moon? Mars? Another star perhaps, this galaxy is made of a billion stars and there are a billion galaxy's so why do I want to stay on this planet if I can go to the stars, I can't say I will succeed, but we can dream can't we.

Mrs. Granger: "In 1990 we launched a space telescope in orbit, and he has been sending pictures, not sharp ones yet they, are repairing it but when they do our understanding of the universe will take leaps."

Lord Davis: "so the kids start in the fifth year? Does Astoria start in the fifth year? Luna, Flora and Fauna going from first to fifth? How do you think to accomplice that?"

I closed my eyes and reached out with my magic trying to find something safe to handle, I raised the vases with flowers in the air and switched them in place.

"Tracey you do it."

Nervous Tracey closed her eyes, reached with her hand to the vases and slowly the vases raised in the air, too bad when she wanted to switch them she smashed them together. Concentrating on the vases I willed them back whole with a reparo. Tadaa! All-new, the flowers were mixed up but who cares. Better not say this was my first try.

Lady Davis: "Wandless silent casting, that is beyond Newts. If they all can do that, a few points less in theoretical courses can be neglected, potions, runes and arithmancy are going to be the hardest. They need tutors."

Tonks: "Nymphadora and Hestia can tutor them, maybe some more, they have two months and a half to study ahead."

Madam Bones: "Nymphadora and Hestia, you understand that as fifteen-year old's I can't let you stay in the force. You will have a spot when you graduate, again.

Hestia: "We understand Madam Bones we already came to that conclusion, we join Harry and the other girls back in school, we can keep tutoring them there."

"Madam Bones, when can we expect Sirius to visit us? He is out of Askaban I hope?"

Madam Bones: "Sirius Black is at st Mungo's, Askaban did a number on him, he has a long way to recovery, maybe you can visit him. We have half of the death-eaters snape named in holding cells, the other half is on the run. Whatever you did to Fudge and Umbridge, you can keep on doing, they haven't been out of their office all week."

"I will show the memory after our talk, it is very entertaining, when is the next wizengamot? I have some big issues to go over, like the education degradation of Hogwarts, and the ministry cesspool that needs mucking out. Although Mr. Croaker and you already started it.

Madam Bones: "The wizengamot gathers the Sunday before the summer solstice; but I reckon we come sooner for the trials, you are claiming your seats?"

"I have six claims for a seat so I guess that it will change some in the wizengamot. Did the Gaunts have a seat in the mot? If so then seven seats Yaxley doesn't have one I think."

During lunch we made plans for my introduction for the wizengamot, the items I was going to address, sacking Fudge and Umbridge, my views on things like werewolf rights and the treatment of normal's today.

After lunch the girls took me shopping, you know it is not so bad if they show it to you, the underwear I mean, Hestia has a thing for black lace while Tonksie has it for pink, Daphne was daring with skimpy silks and Tracey followed with the same only a different color, again all showed to me, in the end, Little Harry was cramped up, with a look of understanding Hestia and Tonksie grabbed some clothes and pulled me in a locker room, and got me my first double blow job.

Yep after that, I didn't care how much money we spend. Several girls took Hestia and Tonksie apart, they noticed our disappearing and my happy smile when we returned, with a lot of blushing and giggling I guessed Hestia and Tonksie didn't hold back.

You have to love elves, no carrying bags all day, no need to unpack, if you shop with eleven girls and as the only male have to carry the bags, calling on Dobby is a lifesaver.

Back in Slytherin quarter Daphne said she and Tracey permitted their dads to organize an auction.

Hermione went over the student rules with Susan and Hannah, the board of governors and teachers' guidelines needed some more tweaking, it is all good as long I don't have to hurt my head over it.

I asked what to do with Missy for compensation, maybe hire as a tutor? That got a lot of support, a Head girl is usually the smartest of the lot.

At dinner, I took a seat next to Missy, "Miss Harper, did you have a chance to think for compensation about my transgression at the ward-stone? Do you have something in mind or can I make suggestions? I am afraid marriage is no longer possible. Something happened with me and the girls and we are bonded now, marrying me would make you an outsider."

Missy: "I wasn't thinking about marriage Lord Potter, but I am pleased it was considered as an option, I am in a relationship with Raphael, the head boy now. A job offer would be nice or a blunt sum is ok too."

"Congratulations Miss Harper, for a job I need a tutor for me and my wives, we skipped a few years and all start in the fifth year. When the next term starts we change your tutor job, into a personal assistant for us. We can arrange a single room, but we have the Slytherin quarters as our main residence and the Gryffindors for meetings and official stuff, you can room there if you want, if not you can commute each day from your home. Think or talk it over with your parents and your boyfriend and let me know what you decide, the sum I offer is twenty thousand Galleons. Have a good meal."

Another loose end almost tied up. After dinner Hermoine, Daphne and Tracey pulled me apart.

Daphne: "Harry do you know a place where we can be alone?"

"Sure I know the perfect place." I lead them to the room of requirement, "what kind of room do you want? A parlor, sitting room, bedroom or cafe, better yet, imagine a room yourself, think how it must look like, what furniture it has to contain and pace three times up and down this blank wall."

Daphne and Tracey had their eyes conversation and nodded, Daphne began pacing back and fore, at the third pass a door appeared, entering the room I was surprised by the big bed, even more by the ropes, got a bit scared looking at the paddles and wanted to run away when I spotted the whip.

Hermione got enthusiastic, "Are we going to play with these? Can I try the paddle? Harry, how do you find the ropes? Exciting isn't it?" Well, it depends on who gives and who gets, and if these three teams up, then the future doesn't look bright for me.

"You girls got me here for a reason? What do you have in mind? And Daphne imagine the door disappear, we don't want visitors, do we?"

Tracey while removing her clothes, standing in sexy undies: "Husband Tonks and Hestia told us what they did in the locker room, we want some too." Daphne and Hermione followed Tracey's example and showed their undies too, relieved the whip wasn't needed, I took them to bed and stripped down, to my boxers.

Did you know removing your clothes has an order in what to remove first? If you drop your pants when you still have your coat on, or drop your boxer with your T-shirt still on, that looks stupid or keeping your socks on when you are naked, just looking cool when you strip is important, you don't want to be laughed at, it is a buzz killer, like commenting just before the good stuff, nobody wants to know all those trivia, just dive in and eat pussy dumb ass, Nah, it needs time and building up, nothing kills the mood more when the boy goes straight for the honeypot.

Lemon warning

I took the lead, less chance I end up getting paddled, "Tracey and Daphne, we start with Hermoine, lay her on the bed and we each take some time to pamper her, I take her lips, the bottom ones you girls take the upside, we switch later." What can I say, I am a boy so I dive in and eat pussy. No complaints from Hermione though, her boobs and lips got a workout too. There were some pent-up emotions because in less than ten minutes she came screaming my name. This broke the dam, she tackled Daphne and started kissing, working her way down, she must like what I was doing because she began working on Daphne's pussy, giving me a spot at the boobies, and nice boobies they are, I tried parseltongue on the nipples, whispering sweet things to Daphne, I can't forget that with the ring she understand me.

Yep, number two got over the edge with a scream. I looked at Tracey, "come here love let me taste you, or do you want a spanking?" the last thing I asked jokingly, to my surprise she nodded.

Tracey blushing: "Yes my Master I would like that very much. How did you know I wanted it?"

Dammed after paddle mum it was the spanking daughter, meh, go with the flow, "over my knee's pet, a good spanking needs a good position." Eager she positioned herself, rubbing her but and giving it a hard spank rotation, occasionally going with my finger in the middle, she was having a good time. After fifteen spanks her buttock was red, let's see how far Hermione is willing to go. "Hermoine do you want a spanking too?" while saying that my fingers were deep in Tracey's pussy letting her finish.

"Or do you want to taste me, we can try a sixty-nine if you want to."

Hermione: "I was thinking to give my virginity to you Harry."

"Love I want it to, but do you know an anti-conception spell? We are a bit young to start the children, we better plan it for a special occasion, or is it that you want to be the first that loses her virginity?"

Hermione: "It is silly maybe but I want to be the first to make love to you?"

"Sweetheart, everything we do in here is making love, it is showing how much we love each other by doing the sexual play, it doesn't have to be penetration, a good spanking can do the same, but if it makes you feel better you be the first to lose it, although I don't know Hestia and Tonksie are still virgins. Now pet, your Mistress needs attention, you know what to do."

The next two hours were fantastic. All in all, today is a good day.

Lemon ended

It took a long time but finally, I got some action. The first thing I need to learn is that anti-conception spell.