
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

Meet the In-Laws

Earlier that morning when Harry walked off to bed with his book, he left a bunch of confused girls behind. Hermione asked Dobby to put a silencing charm on Harry's door, she turned to the others asking: "This is a lot to take in, I don't even know what is real anymore. Did something like this ever happen in those Harry Potter books? I do know he changed a bit, he is not so timid and shy to talk about his relatives, but killing a giant snake alone can change a person too. What are you girls thinking?"

Susan looked at Hannah, "This is incredible, we have to get advice from someone but who?"

Hannah: "Our parents? I think this is best to keep it in the family, it has to be done before breakfast, how are we even going to contact them?"

Daphne: "I think I know a way, Dobby can you come here please?" Dobby pops in "Mistress Daffy called? What can Dobby do for mistress Daffy?" Smiles on everybody's faces for Daffy, keeping a cool face Daphne said: "can you find Greengrass manor and bring our house elf Darry here, tell him I asked for him." "Yes, mistress Daffy." and pops away, everybody started giggling, "don't laugh, I'm certain you get yours too."

Dobby came back with Darry, who was excited to see his Daffy, "Mistress Daffy needs Darry?"

Daphne: "Yes Darry, can you tell me mother and aunt Veronica are at the mansion? Dobby can you get me a letter for a howler please?" Darry was still pumped up because his daffy needed him said: "Yes mistress Daffy, madam Abbot is there to for having brekkie and talks." Meanwhile, Dobby brought a red paper in and gave it to Daffy.

Daphne motioned to Tracey and Hannah to come closer, asking to help her dictate the letter.

"Record letter start. Hello mother and aunt Veronica, missus Abbot, we have a few issues here and badly need advice. Harry Potter showed us a memory that Malfoy senior cast an Avada kedavra on him, I include two memories, one before and one after the memory. Please do not show the first memory to our fathers if you can. Stop recording letter."

Hannah extracted the first one, Tracey the second one, putting them in vials and gave them to Darry.

Daphne: "Darry give this letter to mother with these vials, bring her response back here."

Tracey: "The vials to please." she looked at Daphne "Imagine Astoria getting her claws on it? We won't have a moment's peace before she heard everything that happened in bed with us and Harry."

Daphne shudders, "Yeah, she could be a member of Creevy's and Weasleys Potter fan club next term. Now we have to wait. Regardless of the answer, I like to stay with Harry, from all the boys here at Hogwarts, there is no one better in my opinion."

Luna: "He chased the nargels away for me, and made me feel like I am special. When I am with him I feel warm and protected."

Susan thought it over, "The choice of being a second wife to a snobby pure-blood or marry a gold-digger who is after the Bones title kept me often awake at night, aunty told me at Christmas to check out the candidates, and to be honest there isn't much choice to begin with. I like Harry. He is nice and talks with us, not to us."

Hannah smiles and said: "He made me feel pretty and wanted, and when he took charge of the great hall after dealing with snape and Dumbledore I almost melted, I know he can take care of us."

Tracey with dreamy eyes: "Did you feel it this morning? Can somebody else do this? What if nobody else can do it?"

Hermione sighs, "I never heard of feeling with your magic, maybe the parents know more, and I also don't want to lose Harry. I am a bit thirsty, should we ask for some thee?"

A damping thee pot and six cups appear. With a thank you Dobby the girls waited on their response.

Discussing what they could do in these two weeks before the train ride home. Exploring the castle or the forest, picnicking at the lake, dating Harry.

Suddenly Darry pops in with the vials and a howler. "Mistress Daffy, a letter for you all."

Opening the Howler, the letter rises and a voice of a woman said:

"Daphne dear, Tracey, Susan and Hannah too, you slept with Lord Potter to finalize the bond following the old ways. It is up to you to claim or not.

Lord Potter gaining memories from someone or an incarnation of him? We never heard of it but magic works in unpredictable ways, as we are still learning more every day.

What we do know is: Magic acknowledged Harry Potter as Lord Gryffindor and Slytherin after he got a killing curse from Malfoy, so with our without doesn't matter, Magic says he is Lord Potter only now he is more mature and has a mind of a grown-up.

I suspect the 13 years of lord Potter were not very happy years and he suppressed them, letting the other memory be the dominant one.

Your options stay the same, you can claim him because all requirements are met. But there is no way back to this, you all better carefully think it over, try to feel what your magic wants, what it needs. And if you claim him, do it after we talked to Lord Potter.

Now, for how to deal with this situation, I suggest you act more mature, talk more like adults do. Show him you are more than giggling kids who want a kiss from The Boy who Lives.

Being with Lord Potter means a life in the headlights of the wizarding world, you are twelve to thirteen years old, Daphne and Tracey fourteen in October, hold off the sex until you are at least sixteen, there are a lot of things you can and have to do before that, like kissing, dating and most of all getting to know him and your sister wives.

We will see you after nine o'clock. We love you girls."

And the letter burns, Hermione said: "You can use those howlers like this too? I thought it's only used to embarrass the kids like Mrs. Weasley loves to do."

Luna: "Yes you can use it like that but the moment the letter reaches its destination you have to hurry to open it, and it doesn't care who is listening with the person you addressed the letter to."

Susan looked at everybody: "I don't know about you girls, I feel my magic pulling to Harry, also my magic feels comfortable with all of you. Do you feel some kind of bond to?"

Hermoine closes her eyes, concentrating, after opening them back up she said: "I feel the pull, the bond to you all as well. We are still too young for mature stuff, but dating and kissing, courting and waiting for love letters are things I look forwards to."

Luna smiles dreamily, "Yes, they are on my list too, my birthday is on September 25 so I am only two months younger than Harry. And acting like an adult can be fun too, I think I am the most mature of them all."

Hermione: "Who doesn't want to go through with this? If everyone does, we claim him this week, too young or not doesn't matter. It only matters to our magic.'

Everybody nodded in agreement, Hannah said: "The Carrows? And what about Weasley and Daphne's sister?"

Tracey joked: "We can't forget Luna's first kiss do we, and Astoria will kill us if we don't give her a chance."

Luna: "It lasted a bit too long but it was a nice kiss."

Daphne: "It is almost an hour, we better go talk to our Harry." and they went inside the bedroom.

Dobby, Darry, Tapsy, Minny and Hoggy showed themselves smiling widely, Minny said: "Lots and lots of baby's." Everyone nodded laughing and popped out except Dobby, he cleared the thee set and whispered: "Lots."

The parents walked in, lead by Daphne, standing up and meeting them halfway, Daphne did the introductions: "My Lord these are my parents, Lord Cyrus Malcolm Greengrass and Lady Ellen Monica Greengrass nee Rivers. 'ah yes the Screamy ones'

Tracey: "My Lord these are my parents, Lord Jacob Gunnar Davis and Lady Veronica Elisabeth Davis nee Rivers. 'aha Bondage Mum and Paddle Dad'

Hannah: "My lord these are my parents, Lord Percival Morgan Abbot and Lady Harriett Athena Abbot. 'Sucking Mum and 69 Dad'

Luna: "My Lord this is my father Lord Xenophilius Lovegood. 'Up the Bum Dad' was I thinking while shaking the hands of the Lords and brushing the hands of the Lady's with my lips.

My solicitor was the last one in.

"Well met Lords and Lady's, Master Tonks. Please take a seat, before we start I like to show you all some memories that are important to these talks today. I have two pensive's if you like we can split up into man/woman or however you like. I show you the basilisk, the events in the hospital wing and the girls can show you some memories they want to share.

Screamy said: "We like to stay together Lord Potter."

69 said: "Yes it is better that way, we can share our opinions faster like that."

Paddle Dad says: "I am curious about the snake."

Theo motioned to go ahead while he stays out: "Seen it three times already, still scares the hell out of me, it is bad for my heart."

Fourteen people went in, all the parents and all the girls. It started at Fraudhart trying his memory charm.

After opening the big door in parcel-tongue, which has the Lady's sucking in their breath. The Lords followed the conversation between me and diary Mort with growing worry. When Basi appeared Screamy wasn't the only one with a big lung capacity, my six girls grabbed me and screamed my head off when Basi slides through us.

It is a hologram but still scary as hell when up and close by. By now almost all retreated to the door and watched little Harry struggling against a seventy or more feet snake.

Fawkes appeared with the hat.

69 Dad said: "Why was Dumbledore not with the phoenix? If the bird can come here, he can too. He should have been here."

"You will find out later, but this time The Daily Rubbish didn't tell a lie."

With me summoning the sword out of the hat and killing Basi with it Up the Bum Dad says: "This is how you claimed the Lordship of Gryffindor and defeating the snake and the Dark Lord twice, gives you the right of conquest for Slytherin but the Gaunts?"

"The Gaunts are related to Riddles mother, Merope Gaunt dosed a muggle noble with amortentia potion, and eloped with him, after getting pregnant she thought he would stay with her and the baby, and stopped the potions. Furious he left, she poor and underfed delivered the baby at an orphanage and died at childbirth, she named him like his dad and hers: Tom Marvolo Riddle.

You see a love potion was responsible for one of the worst Dark Lord this century, not the worst though, Grindlewald and Dumbledore are the top two, Voldy comes in third."

We almost missed mini-me kill the diary with Voldy's exit.

Screamy Dad said: "The most worrying thing is what comes out of that book. This is not a spell or curse, this is more sinister. Who else knows about this?"

"I put things in motion on Saturday with the Goblins, yesterday I added some more with the unspeakables. He will be dealt with before the end of summer."

We exited the pensive. All the women were shaking, some even peed their panty, the ones going into the girl's room did. Thee and biscuits appear on the side tables, Theo mentioned he needed something stronger after his first view. 69 told he could use some right now, a bottle fire whiskey showed up beside the thee set, and the Lords eager helped themselves to it.

Screamy Dad, after getting his dose of courage, started calculating what the profits could mount up with rendering the snake, Paddle Dad, while mentioning the specialists for the job looked at me and asked: "Tracey said you want the skeleton for your entrance hall, do you want to scare the crap out of your visitors? You will need a hall that is big enough for it."

"Well after meeting skelly basilisk, people will at least respect me I suppose. Where can the basilisk be rendered? Down there or does it need to transport to another location? I told Daphne and Tracey to arrange for it all, at 10% of the profits they have to work for it, the other girls are assisting both, it's like a bonding experience for them."

Meanwhile, I sit on my ass and rake the Galleons in, ah the life of the upper half is sooo good.

Cleaned up, a bunch of blushing women came back in, Bondage Mum was smiling though, it was a different kind of wet with her, Paddle Dad is so getting lucky tonight.

The main reason I showed the basilisk fight, was to get on an equal level with the other Lords. It is hard to threat me like a little kid when you see him kill a class 6 monster alone with a bird and an old hat.

I asked Daphne and Tracey if they want to show our conversation about the Slytherin house, they may start from where ever they are comfortable with. I was surprised it started when we entered Slytherins quarters and they let everything show. Screamy Mom and Bondage Mom were hugging their daughters, while the dads were cursing loud and talking about blood feuds.

Showing what happened in the hospital wing starting with Pomfrey, I skip my kiss with Hermoine, I show Madam Bones with the Aurors and healers shoving the staff to St Mungo's, and then we get to me enslaving snape, the dads were smiling, saying that was even better than killing the bastard, the confessions of snape and his fellow death-eaters, while Dumbledore was trying to shut him up, all were cursing at the old goat. My final act of letting magic and Hogwarts punish him, Fawkes burning the goat, which made some even sheering. Up the Bum Dad was scribbling like mad in his notebook it seems The quibbler was getting an extra edition.

I decided to show the ward-room to, mostly for the girls to see.

"After all this do some of you have questions or remarks about what has happened the last few days? There are bound to be a few."

Theo said: "The head girl is a half-blood named Melody Harper, if you like I will contact her to see what she wants. The viewing of your basilisk slaying made quite a profit, some Goblin warriors watched it three to four times, some with axes in their hands. You acquired quite a reputation with the nation Basilisk-slayer."

69 said: "Killing single-handed a class 6 monster is worth an Order of Merlin First Class, saving the whole school in the process enforced it, this is getting Malfoy killed for certain, he is the one responsible for the life debts you are owed.

Up the Bum Dad…. Man, I have to start to think of their real names, "What was happening here since Dumbledore became headmaster can not happen again, there must be some rules made to prevent it, and we can not let them do it without questioning or supervision."

"I am thinking of firing the whole school board of governors, and set up a magic contract for the next ones that prevent corruption and power abuse, the seats can not inherit anymore. The same goes for the headmaster, this contract should be even stricter.

He has to follow international standards or better, every five years an evaluation and hiring staff should go to the most competent, not the most pure-blooded."

Lady Davis mentioned the school board governors gathered two or three times a year at most, Dumbledore ruled behind the scenes, although now that he is a squib, I can reform all I like.

Sucking m… Lady Abbot laughed about a school reformed by a second-year student, "the ministry will intervene trying to push their ruling on the school. But we are drifting off-topic, betrothals and contracts if you please."

"You are right of course, although I am new at this Master Tonks will advise me, how do we start this? Is there a set of rules to be followed?"

What a hassle, betrothals and contracts, just to wake up after a few weeks, with nothing to show for, going through with it for the 'just in case this is real'.

Master Tonks said: "The title for Lady Potter will go to Hermione Granger, the negotiations for that are planned for next weekend.

There are two unbreakable contracts with the Carrows twins for Concubine and Consort to House Black.

For House Slytherin Tracey Davis showed interest, with Daphne Greengrass Consort of House Slytherin with a line continue for House Greengrass, meaning all her children will be of House Greengrass.

For House Gryffindor, Susan Bones showed interest because the title goes to the one who can summon the sword, the title goes dormant after Lord Gryffindor dies. Any children Susan Bones's birth will be of House Bones.

For House Potter, Luna Lovegood wants to be a consort, with a line continue for Hose Lovegood

For House Black, Hannah Abbot showed interest, although she can choose House Gaunt as well. The current Lord Black is in Askaban for the moment but I heard he is bound to be released today or tomorrow. Lord Potter is only Heir Black, not the lord.

Lord Abbot: "Who is Lord Black? I thought Lord Arcturus died a few years ago?"

Tonks: "That would be Lord Sirius Black, he was thrown in Askaban without a trial or conviction, so he kept his titles, his mother kicked him out of the house but Arcturus didn't disinherit Sirius, so his claim is still legit. I checked it with the Goblins and they confirmed it: Sirius is Lord Black.

First to ease your financial concerns: Lord Potter can support all women he will marry. The amount of Galleons in his vaults is over thirty million, this is without the money of the basilisk, and the debts he called in from numerous houses which can increase his value by another ten million.

I have now four Lords in front of me with Galleon signs in their eyes, you know like in the cartoons, I saw them thinking: how to milk this cow? To skin this pig? To dupe these dupes? To pull him over a barrel and paddle his… No, the wrong situation, anyway by now I am considering showing my basilisk again.

"My Lords, what can your girls bring in this marriage?" Hah. A shot before the bow. And please don't say you can babysit them for two years.

Lord Davis: "I offer an alliance with House Davis, if we have wares your stores either buy or sell, we give them first choice. We will give Tracey 20.000 Galleons to a personal vault, after her marriage with you. Also, all goods and possessions she has growing up will go with her.

Lord Greengrass: "I offer the same conditions for Daphne, every child born to her will receive a trust vault with a minimum of 1500 Galleons a year, depending on our economic situation of course.

The first boy born will be Heir Greengrass and eventually Lord Greengrass. If we pass on before that, Daphne will be Regent Greengrass until the Heir reaches adulthood.

Lord Lovegood: "Luna is my only child, I do not possess much money, but all I have will be hers someday. The land our house is built on is vast and fertile, it is yours to cultivate. For Luna's children, the same conditions as for House Greengrass will suffice. I also offer an alliance with your Houses.

Lord Abbot: "For Hannah, I offer the same conditions as House Davis, only the sum in her vault won't be so big, only 10.000 Galleons,

For Susan Bones, I am authorized to offer the same conditions as house Greengrass with an offer to form a voting block in the wizengamot.

Now Lord Potter what do you bring to this marriage?

I looked at Master Tonks, he nodded in acceptance, their conditions were acceptable, so I gathered my bullshit shovel and started shoveling.

"my undying love and affection." The girls had stars in their eyes, hands-on the harts, blushing, sighing. For them, it was plenty enough. The looks on Screamy, 69, Paddle and up the bum was a pensive moment. I continued:

"An alliance with all your Houses, a voting block in the wizengamot, proxy votes: House Davis get to vote for House Slytherin, House Greengrass will be proxy for house Gryffindor, House Abbot for House Potter and house Lovegood will be proxy for House Gaunt, House Black is still undecided,

I have to consult with my Godfather about it. You can switch the Houses between you, just let me know.

I have no idea about bride prices so I will give each girl a personal vault with 150.000 Galleons, the same amount will go to the parents, on the marriage day, that is when they reach their 16th birthday.

Also, I will favor your businesses before others."

10% of my capital to marry? It's kind of cheap if you know some are getting loans to pay for the wedding.

Although 10 women on a shopping spread can and will get you bankrupt.

150.000 Galleons for a bride price seems enough for them, proxy votes for five years too.

Looking at Tonks, asking: "Is this enough or do I ask for more? And girls you are all so quiet? Is it not enough for you? Want to have 250.000?" If you want to brag, brag big.

Meh... It is Harry's money if Harry is me... Well, it still is worth it, if I wake up in a few weeks I got to pretend to be a big spender, if I stay here I can shag 10 girls in two years. Not 10 girls, eight for the moment, I am not so eager to expand this harem, if I stay Harry, shagging 10 girls? Who do they think I am? A jackhammer? Woodpecker? Even with a parseltongue, you can only do so much.

It looks like the parents are happy with my offer, a few looks and nods seal the deal, I got me five wives… At age 13, the common sense of these wizards is off the scale.

Master Tonks: "I will create the contracts and mail them to your Houses, you can go it over with your own solicitor, I suggest we do the signing next Sunday, Hermione this gives your parents little time to prepare, do you want me to inform them this week?"

Hermione: "No master Tonks, this Saturday is enough."

"Well this settles our business I guess, if there are any questions use your house-elf to contact us, the house-elves from your house have permission to come and go to the girls.

Who wants to visit a basilisk?"