
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

If she is a Seer, well so am

The hospital wing got silent, a batty woman with way too big glasses on, came to her senses. And looked up. "I read in my cards I had to be here today. My talents are needed here, I feel trouble is arriving."

She walked in the room, smelling like a garbage bin of a cheap pub on a Sunday morning, the healers and Aurors awed by the prophecy.

The headmaster was salivating with this new piece of toy, you could see the gears rotating in his mind, what does it mean, is Harry the force of Light? Who is the Dark One? Voldemort? We need to start planning.

I laughed at it: "Of course you are needed, the Aurors send you here, and of course there is trouble, this place is swamped with Aurors and healers they are not on vacation here, even I can tell you this without cards." We have to diffuse this prophecy, or Great Goat God be dammed, the old go.. bastard is going to fuck this one up too.

"And what have you been drinking? There are children here, if you set a bad example, I'll have to bring this up at the next meeting of the school board governors. Maybe even fire you. Can you predict you can keep your job or not? I think I have 5 or six votes on the school board governors. Maybe I can predict your future."

Dumbledore snapped awake "You are not a school governor my boy, and sure have not 5 votes on it, don't speak nonsenses." I cut him off, I can't let him start spouting nonsense, first, that is my job, second, I have to keep them off balance because the slippery g… bastard has too much influence.

"FIRST ALBUS you old sack of bones, I am not, or ever will be YOUR BOY, you sad old fag, and for the record, address me as Lord Slytherin or Lord Gryffindor. You as headmaster should act as an example, not like a puppet master, playing God with our lives. And for the record, as Lord of two founders, I have four seats at the school board, and the seat Malfoy was keeping warm for House Black, I am sure House Potter got one too. It seems you are getting a bit senile, maybe it is time to let your old bones rest a bit. Your retirement is long overdue, you have … what? Maybe a decade to live? How old are you? 120? 140? It is clear things are not working properly upstairs."

"True." Said Madam Bones, somehow she has the monocle back on inspecting the bottles of potions. "The board of governors has 2 seats for every founder, so you have 4 seats. The Black seat was taken by Malfoy, but Mr. Potter you're a minor I do not think you can get on the board, and these are not potions."

"You are wrong on both things Madam Bones. As Lord of 4 Houses, I am emancipated as an adult. And these potions are made by an alchemist. So they don't read as potions. Some students can detect potions, why do you think Albus canceled the course in the first place. So he can be the only alchemist and can dose us up to the gills."

Let them think about this a bit, the healers who were analyzing Sibyl said: "This one is also bound for St Mungo's there is at least 2 weeks work on, a day to get the alcohol and the addiction from it, to begin with," Maybe she is a real Seer, she predicted trouble and she got them. Not sure how her talents are needed, almost everybody knows how to open a bottle, I know some are harder, but still.

Sibyl got shoved through the floo, and Dumbledore was getting anxious he was losing his source of entertainment right in front of his eyes, and there was nothing he could do, Madam Bones has too much pull in the ministry, if he goes for his wand then there is going to be trouble.

The teachers were entering one by one, McGonagall looking worried, Flitwick with a curious expression, Filch went straight to his cat, some students noticed the commotion, and soon there was a whole crowd outside the doors. One by one the teachers were analyzed, and one by one shipped off to St Mungo's

Madam Bones fumed "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore if you were not a war hero your ass would now warming a seat in a holding cell" I started to laugh out loud, this was too good to let go, too many fanfics had speculated motives for his actions, I just had to dis one or two, maybe three out.

"Madam Bones, he is a war criminal you mean, no way he is a hero. He is a coward and a manipulator." Dumbledore could let this not be unanswered "Mr. Potter, you know nothing you are barely 13, what do you even know about the war. Stay quiet about things you know nothing about!"

Now saying: "I read the books" wouldn't work for me. Albus's hand was hovering over his wand waiting on a wrong move from me. Apparently, it is a great insult to call someone a coward.

"Not knowing anything? You defeated Gellert in 1945, tell me, where were you in the previous years?

He was gaining power in the twenty's and declared a Dark Lord early in the thirty's, did you fight in the war? No, you were sitting on your ass, waiting until he was on the run without support.

So big hero, how did you defeat him? Waiting at night flashing in with your phoenix and stunning your ex-lover in his bed? While others were getting slaughtered, you were sitting on your web in Hogwarts, waiting on the right moment to steal the show. Now AM I WRONG? Will you swear it on your magic?

The same with Voldemort, you knew who he was, knew his name. Again you were sitting on your ass in Hogwarts, doing nothing, sending the poor sods from your order to their deaths, smart move: Only shields and stunners allowed, or the war would end too soon, and you could not be the great hero Albus fucking Dumbledore. Swear it on your magic, am I wrong? You are sabotaging the school system, to keep them all stupid.

From the best school, you made it the worst. Now tell me, hero, I am curious, almost everybody has only one middle name, you have three? Is it so that when you make a magic vow, you get the magic flash but it doesn't stick?" I wonder when the greater good shows up. Smacking him left and right with my theories, some have to be true. Never trust a grandpa giving candy to a child, if they are not family of course. We are going to pile up some more.

Now Albus, tell me why did you drop me with my magic-hating relatives? With a Mail-ward, an illegal spell block to keep my elves away, and an illegal blood ward. Why did you block my parent's will? So people wouldn't know you cast the fidelius, with Pettigrew as secret keeper not my Godfather BY RITUAL, he would die if it was Sirius Black. You stole the guardianship of Theodore Tonks on the muggle side, and on the magic side you passed more than 5 people, you dropped me on the doorstep of my aunt at night, without even ringing the fucking bell, you and that stupid bint over there dropped me off and didn't even look back. Now tell me, great hero, why didn't you or the cunt over there never checked up on me? So you could play god? Are you insulted when I call you a coward? For telling the truth? You betrayed Sirius, me, my parent's and the whole magic community. I was abused for 10 years, I asked last year to stay here, but no I had to go back, to get beat up some more. You fucking coward."

Hard to keep me under control, with Harry's memories flashing through my brain. During my rant, everybody stopped what they were doing, and listens to my rant. I was burning Dumbledore's pedestal down. Secretly hoping a water beetle was listening in, but I scared the crap out of her, she would flap her wings like crazy to get away from me.

I asked Madam Bones: "It's almost lunchtime, do you need me here or can I get a bite to eat, I am tired to be a punching doll for that old coward. You have my parent's will and the memories of my treatment at my relatives. I as Lord Slytherin, and Lord Griffindor together with Lord Potter and Heir Black, press formally a complaint against Albus Wulfric Dumbledore, for attempt line theft for House Potter, and betraying Lord Sirius Black. For betraying the Former Lord Potter by blocking their will, and for torturing their son. You will hear from my lawyer, I ask for the normal people here to act as a witness, if they are afraid to do so I understand."

Now see I can make it to the exit, a bunch of kids was listening in, I know 6th and 7th years know listening charms, I was almost out when Dumbledore came to his senses, for my whole rant, for which I thank the fanfic writers (couldn't do it without them). "Wait who are you? You are not Harry, he would never know any of this." Aha! "So I was speaking the truth you mean, you are a coward."

"You are not Harry Potter, he did not leave his aunt's house for 10 years so how can you know any of this, who are you?" This going to be so goood. I rehearsed it in my mind at least a dozen times.

"Well Albus, when I set the house-elf of Malfoy free, Lucius was pissed and dosed me with an Avada kadavra. And during a few seconds, I saw my past and my future up until I confronted Voldemort in my 7th year, and got killed. I saw you using and abusing your authority, like a spider in his web. Want proof? Madam Bones, if you go to Barty Crouch his house, you will find Barty Crouch junior under the imperious curse, they swapped places when his mother was dying. How did you think I knew where to find Pettigrew? Madam Bones, did you find Voldemort's wand in a secret pocket on Pettigrew? I hope you let him not escape.

And yes Dumbledore, Pettigrew was hiding as his rat animagus here in the castle, and I think you knew it, more proof? Some idiots want to revive the tri-wizard tournament, it will happen in fall 94. A lot of stuff will not happen anymore, because I stopped it here and now. More proof? Dumbledore I had a talk with your brother in the future, how else do you think I knew you and Geller were lovers, the fight you and your lover had and killing your sister Ariana. Want more?"

Yep, I was aiming for a heart attack, he was shaking already, what are the signs again? Pain in the right arm? If you pour it on one big pile, there is only one conclusion: The wizarding world is fucked up, and Albus was the biggest fucker, Voldemort and the Malfoy's…. ah now I was understanding it, not only did I put Albus with Great Goat God's camp, but the blondies too. No wonder Great Goat God hates me.

As I was leaving I announced: "The Great Seer Lord Harry bloody Potter is going to lunch, if you need him, do make an appointment." I got away with it no one stopping me, the students opened a space like I was Moses at the red sea. Leaving a completely baffled crowd behind after my revelations, now I had to think of my next move, are there girls who are going to ask how big their boobs are going to be? Nah, that is wishful thinking, in the movies with those uniforms there wasn't much to look at, and J.K. didn't' mention cup sizes in the books. Hmmm... Puffs for lunch, Susan and Hannah, see if I can mess with them. Can I stop Dumbledore? I don't know, it's not even 24 hours I have been here, and I don't know how long I have, so better in the company of pretty girls.

Making my way down to the hall, I passed my snakes who are trying to get my attention. In passing I stopped, and nodded my head whispering: "I send some elves to get you both after lunch, is that alright with you?" Greengrass and Davis nodded back with a smile.

Entering the Great Hall, and noticing the staff absent, I thought this can go sideways with a push. Meh, let's push it. Going up front, I took a seat on Dumbledore's throne. Aaah you could hear a pin drop, I put my hands on the table and stood up. "Students, fellow peers, today, the staff is under investigation for potioning our food." That shook things up, questions going all directions, I raised my hands and with a loud voice I called out:

"Students please, I stopped the potions for breakfast, and now at lunch, and delivered the evidence to the DMLE. The main suspect is our headmaster because the potions were alchemist-based, and Dumbledore is the only known alchemist here. Now to keep order, I suggest the head boy and girl come up here, along with a 7th year from each house until some Aurors come to take over. Now enjoy your lunch. I sat back down looked over the tables and commented: "No wonder he thinks he is god, this is a power-play with this stupid throne." Loud enough for everybody to hear, and made my way over to the puffs.

Susan was wedged in on both sides, so I went to her opposite "Heiress Bones and Miss Abbot can you do me the pleasure, to allow me to have your company for lunch?" Blushing both: "Yes we would like that Lord Potter." "Please Mr. Potter, and Harry if you like." While I was filling my plate I casually made a comment "Miss Bones I just met your aunt Madam Bones, and I am impressed, she is a formidable woman. To be head of the DMLE is an achievement for everybody, but your aunt is still quite young. She must be very talented." Slime monster on a rampage, kissing ass… no let's wait a bit for that, or I am in trouble with Great Goat God. Come to think of it, what God do wizards worship?

Who should I ask that? Meanwhile, Susan was explaining the life of a career woman and a lonely orphan, not in so many words but you could read between the lines.

"And so Hannah and I spend a lot of time together." " It's then you both are like sisters? Must be nice to have someone to share your secrets with, so Miss Hannah, what secrets can you tell me about Miss Susan? A spicy one please." Hannah, blushing stuttering: "I-I-I keep Susan's secret save. I'm not telling."

"Loyal Puff he, they say they make the best friends, the best lovers too, but that is hearsay. I don't know if it's the truth." Susan: "Who is saying that, that's not true… at least I don't know." "No? I heard it from a former puff you know, maybe you remember her, Nymphadora Tonks, graduated last year."

Totally not true but who cares, a puff from the other side of the table said loud: "It is true, Puffs are the best lovers." Our conversation attracts attention I said: "Really? The Gryffindors are no slouches either, they know their stuff." A seventh Claw: "we have more knowledge about it. So we must be better"

Almost there, a 6th snake: "Maybe you have the knowledge, but we the experience."

Now, I was tempted to lead it to a food fight, but this would prove the students can't be left alone, so we go for discussion and competition.

I stood up, spoke out loud: "Hold it, please. We will ask the experts, I mean the girls from the 6th and 7th years. That went down the wrong way. "We are no sluts! What do you think of us?" Suddenly I was getting angry looks and comments from all girls. Instant Public Enemy n° 1.

Quickly I raised my hands, (man, being famous has its advantages), the room got quiet again. "I am sorry ladies, but I was not talking about doing [the deed] but Love, Romance, Courting, Dating, Wooing, and god forbid The Deed.

Now for most men, being a lover means the deed, but bending one over a table and shag, is caveman, brute, uncivilized, and sometimes rape, if it doesn't come with romancing, seducing, poems, love-letters, flowers, and all the rest a guy will and must do to get the girl he likes. Now which girl is NOT an expert on that?" Talking about mood swings, going from Public Enemy n°1 to the Love Doctor in one go. Playing them like a fiddle, I felt like one of those TV pastors, maybe I should try laying my hands on someone and 'heal'…. If it was a fangirl she would freak out, scream or faint, either way, it would be bad.

I went on: "I suggest a little competition, the girls from 6th and 7th-year grade the boy's from the other houses, not your own house. You will grade on: Looks, Behavior, and the effort he does to win the girl over. 5 points each so a maximum of 15 points for one man. We take 8 guys per house with the highest score, count them up, and see who is the winner. Remember only men from 6th and 7th year. I don't want to find Cedric's name in there.

All the 6th and 7th girls flocked together like lionesses on prey. Suddenly I realized, I am a bloody idiot, who cares about those bastards being good lovers, I should have made it a girl's beauty contest! Get me some bikini time, being a judge, maybe get some skin contact. I sat down, disappointment on my face, I lowered my head and banged it on the table, "stupid, stupid, stupid."

Curious Hannah asked, "What is stupid Harry?" I looked up into her eyes and said: "Call me shallow or a male pig, but I should have made it a beauty contest." Susan: "Why a beauty contest?"

"Well first, I don't care what house has the best Lover, but to see you in a bikini? That would be the high light of the year." Some girls were blushing, others, pure-bloods I guess, "what is a bikini?" Should I go there? Dragging wizards in the 20th century with beachwear? Well, let's try it out.

"Now, my fellow Wizards and witches, Bikini is the muggle High Fashion, to wear at the beaches, on vacation, these pieces of clothing accentuate the female figure, gives the best amount of freedom to play in the sand and in the water. It gives the woman the feeling of being beautiful, and the men a reason to go to the beach. In France and some other Mediterranean country's, they go a step further and introduced the Monokini. Now, I do not want to promote muggle customs, but on this, the wizarding world loses."

Now I imagine some wizards with a 1900 swimming suit, going on a beach in France between Speedo's and Monokini's, you know the ones from the black and white movies, with horizontal or vertical stripes. The muggle-borns and half-bloods quickly educated the pure-bloods. Some girls squealed, red hot blushing, the males with a glazing look in the eyes, their minds already in France.

Hannah, a half-blood said: "You are indeed a male pig Harry, for suggesting a beauty contest, but if we were on the beach, I wouldn't mind showing my bikini… or even my monokini." Giggling with the stupid expression on my face, eyes wide open, drool out of my mouth, I came back to my senses.

"Go puffs, so daring Hannah, I am so looking forwards to that." I am feeling less old guy and more pubering horny kid. "you can show it to me whenever you want." "Maybe I will." I heard Susan whispering: "me too." Fuck, Harry should have gone to Hufflepuff, they know how to make fun. Daring, I said: "you can both always visit me, I have private quarters now. Oh, I don't mean it like that, it is for a visit, no dirty thoughts whatsoever… well I have some naughty ones, what normal boy doesn't. If you ask a house-elf they show you the way or even let you in."

I mulled over what I proclaimed, why does it just sound like a perv, luring some girls in his cave? Am I Harry, a skinny 12-year old, or an old bastard, dreaming lolly dreams? If I ever wake, up this is going to take some therapy, years of them.

Grading some boy's should them keep occupied, while eating, I was doing some small talk with my puffs, their dorms, next year courses, where to go on the holidays, I saw Greengrass and Davis leaving the great hall, standing up I said: "well, it was nice to have lunch with you both, we have to do this more. But now I have some business to take care of, you know you both are always welcome for a visit."

Perv? Maybe, but I can't say I'll visit your dorm, that would be worse.

I smiled over at Luna, eating her pudding, she really needs a talk about healthy food, or it's three times pudding a day.

And I went outside, sure enough, my snakes were waiting for me. I said: "a moment Ladies" I called: "Elder Hoggy can I have a moment please?" Hoggy pops in. "Master Slytherin needs us?" Ah if I'm with Slytherin's it's Master Slytherin, it could be worse Master Slith. for example.

"Yes Elder Hoggy, can you lead us to Lord Slytherins quarters, please. I like to visit it." The girls got wide eyes and followed Hoggy and me. Hoggy lead me to the dungeons, what is it with these wizards? Or you have to get to the 7th floor without a bloody elevator, or you have to sleep in a cellar. What is worse? A drafty tower or a damp cellar. No wonder those wizards have mental problems.

We arrived at a statue of a snake strangling a man, I say it again: MENTAL… Hoggy said: "Master Slytherin must set a password." I smiled at the girls and said: "Voldemort is a muggle-born." The snake answered: §He is master.§ And opened the wall next to it. We entered the apartment and took a tour of a lot of guest rooms, some workshops, a kitchen, and again a massive bathroom and Master bedroom. I commented on it trying to be funny: "Those Lords must have been very fat to need such a big bed. You can get lost in it, never to be found again."

Silently Greengrass commented: "In the past, they used to have a lot of consorts and concubines. They took most of the muggle-born witches in, who had nowhere to go. In the past, a witch living alone was an easy target, so if they could not find a husband, they would find shelter at the Lords. It explains the big bed and the guestrooms."

Ow… I put Luna in one… I was going to offer both one… I invited the Puffs… What to do… …. ….

Meh, screw it, "If you Ladies need a safe place, you can put your name on one of the guest rooms, if they harras you for talking or dealing with me, or just to keep some things safe from the others. I gave Miss Luna Lovegood a chamber in Gryffindors quarters. She was being bullied in Ravenclaw."

Davis raised her brows and asked: "Just like in the past, my Lord? Giving shelter to defenseless witches? Are we to be your consorts or concubines?" Oh crap, I have to defuse it or this can go out of control.

"No Miss Davis, I am not a caveman to grab you by the hair and shove you in a room. I would like to try courting, sending flowers and love letters, going on dates maybe learn how to dance. And is giving shelter turn you automatically into a concubine? I admit I'm a boy and most boys dream of having all the beautiful girls for themselves. Cant punish me for dreaming can you?"

Greengrass looked up and asks: "So you do want us?" Bloody hell, this is worse than walking through a minefield.

"Miss Greengrass. Both Ladies take a look in a mirror. You are both stunningly beautiful, both are kind, not snobbish, you know the world, of course, I want you both, who wouldn't, but it doesn't mean I can have you. We are young so this room is with no strings attached.

If you permit it I'll start courting you both next school year."

Davis blushing: "You want to see us in a bikini too?" Dammed still in the minefield.

"Of course Miss Davis, we should take a vacation together, and you can both show off your bikinis or monokini even. Or if you have them you can show them here to me." That will shut them up I'll over-bluff them.

Greengrass: "It is Daphne and Tracey my Lord" "Well Daphne and Tracey call me Harry. Now you both wanted to speak with me? Is it about the basilisk and Gringotts? They saw the memory yesterday."

Tracey: "This explains a lot, we have offers for all sorts of body parts, and they go crazy over the meat and why do they come to us for it?" She showed me a stack of letters.

"Well Tracey, 5% of the money? Of course, you have to work for it. I gave your names to the Goblins and told them you both are my mediators, and responsible for the sale. I like to keep the skeleton though. It would be a blast having it in the entry hall. It would humble the snobs. If they can extract the marrow without damaging the bones, I'll permit it if not, I want the skeleton undamaged."

Daphne: "You need a big hall for it, a 70-feet basilisk takes a lot of space, do you have any houses?"

"I do, and you're right, can't stuff that snake in a two-room apartment, I have 15 elves so I suppose there is room, I haven't seen them yet, they are giving me a tour when we get of the train. You both can visit if you like, just call Dobby." And Dobby pops in, seeing me in Company he bows and said:

"What can Dobby do for Lord Potter, Griffindor, Slytherin, Gaunt, Heir Black?" The girls had to stop themselves from laughing out loud, a posh comment from an elf, with a worse sense of dressing than Dumbledore. Trying to keep a straight face I said:

"Dobby, take a good look at my friends, Miss Daphne Greengrass, and Miss Tracey Davis, if they need me you can pop them to me, or if they ask, you can take me to them. They are both responsible for selling the basilisk. Come to think of it, I asked the Hogwart elves to look out for them here, can our family look out for them on vacation? So they both can call you if they need anything."

I looked at the girls and said: "As long you are busy with the basilisk, you can call on the Potter elves to help you. This here is Dobby, my personal elf and Tapsy is my Head-elf, I still get to know the names of others. Now by the look and expressions on your face, I said something strange or inappropriate. What did I say wrong?"

Tracey: "Harry, you just ordered your elves to obey us, we can command them to take all your money and possessions, and they do it. You give only control to your elves, if you marry too someone or your child, you just said to Dobby we are family." Dammed we are back in the minefield. Maybe it is because they are my favorite snakes in the many fanfics I read, that I trust them too much. Telling me my mistake, instead of robbing me, I think I'll trust them.

"Dobby did you follow the conversation? You think you know what to do and what not? And master Harry is plenty enough, these are friends."

Dobby: "Yes Master Harry sir, obey Lady Potter and Lady Slytherin, don't give all the money and keep the furniture in the houses." Bloody not helping Dobby, now the girls have steam coming out of their ears.

"We are not married yet Dobby, so they are not Lady Potter a Lady Slytherin." Let's do a bit of damage control.

Dobby: "Not yet master Harry, you giving Ladies a room, and ladies selling basilisk for master, go on vacation with bikini and monokini is almost married Master Harry sir, and make lots of babies Master Harry sir, our girls want to take care of lots of babies." That fucking elf is trolling me. I'm not even 13 yet, I don't even know my balls dropped in (I need to check that later when the girls are gone).

"Have you been listening Dobby?" Dobby: "I am a personal elf of Master Lord Harry Potter, Griffindor, Heir Black, Master Harry sir. It is my job to listen in and keep Master Harry's secrets." I looked at the girls and said:

"I give up, how do I even fix it?"

Daphne laughs and teases: "Well my Lord Harry Potter, Griffindor, Slytherin, Gaunt, Heir Black, you can always marry us, then your problem is solved." Now, steam is coming out of my ears.

Tracey: "Yes dibs on Lady Slytherin, that gets those pure-blood snobs in a twist."

Daphne: "No Potter for me, I have to keep the line going, I'll go for consort Potter or Slytherin. Who is going to be Lady Potter? There is going to be a fight for it. I saw him talking to Abbot and Bones and this morning he made Luna a consort, and not forgetting Granger, I think she got a shot at Lady potter."

Tracey: "Bones also has a line to keep, I don't think you can inherit the Lordship of Griffindor you get it with valor and magic, so Bones can be lady Gryffindor. Abbot for Lady Black? The dark side of the wizengamot is going to have a hissy fit."

Daphne: "We still need someone for Gaunt, you know someone, Tracey? We can always get my sister, she starts next year. Maybe the Weasley girl, Ginny is her name I think."

"Ok, you girls had your fun, don't I get to choose to?" I am losing my pedals here, they are trolling me.

Tracey: "But my lord you did choose, yesterday you choose Daphne and me, this morning you made Luna yours, and some moments ago you claimed Abbot and Bones. We know you care about Granger and Ginny… I heard she and Creevy wanted to start a fan club, well before he got petrified. So she is sure eager for a spot. So who do you pick for Gaunt and Potter?" Do they want to play? Well, so can I.

"Never mind them, let's talk about you, Tracey for Lady Slytherin, and Daphne Consort Potter or Slytherin? No, keep the set, both for Slytherin. Ask for your parents to set a wedding contract, and we have our lawyers go over it. Do you girls want a double wedding or apart?" This should shut them up.

Shocked they said: "You mean it? Do you want us? We can marry you?" Yep, my first double hug. What the hell are they teaching those witches at home? Go to school, and find a man as soon as possible? Tag and bag him before someone else gets him? I have put my feet in an ants nest, and they are biting. I can't find a way out of this without tears or hexes. If I try to put it to their parents, they marry us off before my birthday. Were they serious with the other girls? I have to keep them apart, or I'm married off before my first boner. They hugged me closer, and the boner issue was solved, I hugged them, arms on the waist (bummer) I said:

"If you really want to marry me, I will, but so you know I am not the Potter boy from the books, I still have to meet my first dragon, or save a village, although I'm holding the girls.

Tell me why are you so eager to marry me? Don't you want to be courted? Find a single man? It seems you have plans to set me up with seven girls, why? Magic number? Once a week? Or is there a deeper reason?"