
I'm Harry? Lets fix this mess

After freeing Dobby, Lucius killed Harry. And: Entry me, falling downstairs right in Harry Potter-verse. Self Insert and fixing it. With Harry's memories of abuse, he goes on a rampage. This is the first part of Let's fix the Multiverse. Some spin-offs can happen. We can and will use clichès. M for later content. Enjoy a trip in Harry's head. It is complicated in there. Harry/multi

Jazper_Hemsath · Bücher und Literatur
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19 Chs

Having money can be a curse, having no money is a curse.

Looking at the picture of a big fat woman, no that's discriminating, hmm a very, very well endowed Lady, yes something like that. Wondering why would anybody hide a quarter of the students behind a painting? Did we have wars with the other houses in the past? Do students from other houses come to kill us in our sleep?

Worse, the thing didn't even reach the floor, you have to crawl in.

Let it sink in, to CRAWL in! Now imagine a high school with such a door, it wouldn't last a week. Angry parents of teenagers are the worst. I know because I was one, those teenagers can drive you nuts, and teachers are easy targets to vent on.

"Is it true? Are you lord Gryffindor? And lord Slytherin?" The rumor mill of the paintings was first class, is being a lord of half of Hogwarts come with some perks? There is only one way to find out and ask the very well-endowed Lady.

"Why yes my lovely lady, I claimed it less than 20 minutes ago, news travels fast in this castle, do news travel all the way to the headmaster's office? Does he know what I wear for underpants?"

Blushing she responds: "My Lord as we are bound to the castle, and the headmaster is the leader, so we have to obey his commands."

"Do you have to listen to me? Do I have any authority over you?" Maybe I get some of it, if you don't know what you have, you can't use or abuse it.

"No My Lord, you don't have direct control over us, the founders made sure of it, otherwise their Heirs would have divided it up long ago." Bummer let's try a different approach.

"What authority does a Lord Gryffindor or Slytherin have in the castle?" This is a Million-dollar question, no it's in pounds, you know, the wrong side of the pond.

"Lord Gryffindor has his own quarters, a seat on the board of governors, with a veto right and 2 votes instead of one. You can take up residence here, and live your life in your private quarters, only the Lord and his wife, not his family"

Harsh if the kids arrive, you get booted out, but the main point is PRIVATE quarters! This can keep me safe from his manipulations.

"Now my fair Lady, if I ask you to keep this conversation between us, would you?" …. "Only the headmaster can overrule your command, Milord." Well, we can't have it all I guess, so we have to find a way to contain the damage. "Keep this conversation private please." This must be torture for a gossip queen, already her smile drops, her posture stiffens. "As you wish Milord."

"Can I have the head elf here please?" An old wrinkled male elf pops in, it's Q&A time again.

"Can I have your name elder?" Yes, there is slime all over it, but a happy elf gets more done for you than an unhappy one. "My name is Hoggy My Lord. What can we do for you?" Hey the spelling goes up with age, how about that, but we're drifting here.

"Now elder Hoggy, prepare Lord Gryffindor quarters and move my things in it. Better yet, show them to me now." Elder Hoggy glows with pride, with the bit of respect I show with the title, leads the way. A floor down, back in an alcove, with a suit of armor guarding it, Hoggy lets me set a password, sooo many insults to chose from, alright we begin with an easy one: "Albus and Tom are best buddies." That would hit a nerve or two, meh more mayhem, more fun for me.

Entering the apartment, it's big, one living room a kitchen, master bedroom with a bed so big you put 5 girls in it and still have room for 5 more. Those lords were a bit creepy it seems. A few guest rooms, a couple of workshops, the office, and the bathroom are again gigantic! The bathtub could fit 10 people. Lord perv? Lord hedonist?

"Elder Hoggy, remove all paintings, and put them somewhere else, they can be put back after I leave this place, if there are any listening, tracking, or monitoring charms in here, can you remove them?"

"Yes Lord Griffin we can." My day is getting better and better, it is time to lose the grip Albus has on Harry.

"Now elder Hoggy, go through everything I own, and remove every spell, charm, and rune that is used to track or monitoring me, especially my invisibility cloak." A hallow you can see trough? I think not. I bet the thing is swamped with tracking spells. No parent gives something like that to his kid, to bring it along to a boarding school, you can lose it, get it stolen, I mean it's a priceless artifact, and James Potter gets to play with it at school.

A few snaps of my crew's fingers, flashes all around my luggage and books. Those abilities of the elves are greatly underestimated. "Elder Hoggy, is my wand still tracked?" "No My Lord, the moment you claimed your lordship it was removed."

Sooo, I'm an adult now, next stop is Gringotts, they are supposed to be open for business 24/7, with the tracking off, we can go and shake the place, see what falls out.

"Thank you elder Hoggy, you can all go now, can you keep everything that is said and done in here a secret? Unless the headmaster orders it? If he asks what you did for me, just say you fixed my things, that is not lying, and please inform me if the headmaster asks you to spy on me." This should cover all angles, Dobby by now would have all the info, so let us see if he can pop me out of here.

"Dobby can you come here please." An excited Dobby pops into the room…. I must say design your own uniform, wasn't the best idea I had. The elf was more colorful like a Christmas tree, it was like a rainbow exploded, and Dobby got in the line of fire, I don't know where he got his socks from, but the guy's making it should be arrested. "Master Harry called? What can Dobby do for Master Harry?"

"First can you give the info you've gathered from Gringotts, of my properties and elves?" Dobby's ears dropped a bit, it's not a good sign. "Master Harry, I could not get in your vault without your key, I can feel you have houses and elves, but it is blocked for me. This spell on Master must be undone before I can feel it."

"If you could not get to my money, how did you pay for your wardrobe?" It must come from somewhere. Dobby said with a big smile: "Old master pays for it, Dobby took his wagers from house Malfoy, before bad old master could stop it."

Way to go Dobby, he must be getting some of my quarks, let's think where is that bloody key, if I remember right I should have it. "Dobby, check my trunk please, I think it must be in there." "Got it, Master Harry." Man elves move fast, let get out of here, before dumbels got his wits back online.

"Dobby can you pop us to Gringotts, or is it too far away?" I have to make sure I arrive in one piece, it will be a first for me, and I'm not eager to feel it.

Dobby takes my hand, looks at me whit a big grin (scary grin,) and pops us right outside Gringotts.

"No Master Harry it is not too far" Cheeky bastard, it must be the clothes, where is the timid one from the afternoon? Now I think of it, looking him over, Dobby gained some height, wounds are gone, and looks a lot healthier, still looking like paint factory mascot.

"Dobby, didn't you have some wounds from hurting yourself?" "Old bad master forbids us to heal ourselves, Master Harry, he likes to see us in pain." Well once the other death eaters find out about the life debts of their kids, I think he is going to feel a lot of pain…. If he survives it that is.

Going up the stairs NOT reading the bloody poem, I am so sick of it, every MC has to read it in the fanfics, so I'm skipping it. The Goblin guards, suspicious I didn't read the thing, got their hands on their weapons.

Now try to keep them friendly, a happy Goblin…. No that is for elves. How do you handle Goblins?

Every fanfic claims something else, from noble to highway robbers. I'll try the noble thing first, looking in their eyes, I put my fist on my heart and nod my head. A surprised look and they do the same, I scored some points, or they humored a small scrawny kid, it could go either way, meh, either way, works for me. Going to a free counter, let's try the Goblin greeting.

"Good evening Master teller, 'hmmm what to say, something bloody' may we behead our enemy, spit down their neck, and rob them blind." Goblins from every counter turned their heads at me, too bloody I suppose.

"Good evening young wizard, may your enemy's perish and your gold flow, what can we do for you?"

Tame, well another thing learned. "Master teller, I would like to talk to an account manager, the Potter one please, if he refuses to come, I'll just have to hire a new one, there must be enough Goblins wanting a promotion" Bamm, direct to the throat, putting a bit of pressure from the start will keep them friendly, or get me kicked out.

"What Is your name, young wizard?" "The name is Heir Harry Potter soon to be Lord Potter, Master teller." He pushed a series of buttons, pointed at a door, and said: "go in the waiting room, there will be someone to get you. Ok, let's try again: "Thank you Master teller may our enemies be the same, so we can trample them together and take their gold." To much? Nah, doing things together creates a bond.

After 10 mins in the waiting room, some old grumpy Goblin enters. "Follow me, boy." Now that was rude, I was practicing my next greeting for the last 10 minutes. Maybe it is best to stop messing around now and get to business.

Down some corridors we arrived at a door, House potter was on it, Grumpy opened the door and said: "I hope you're not going to waste my time boy." Well, to be honest, I look like an underfed kid of 11, but I can be grumpy to "Well if you don't have the time, I will find someone else to do your job, can you recommend someone?" That shut him up, there must be some customer service at least.

"I need a drop of blood, to prove your identity." I looked him over asking: "Is there something like an inheritance test?" Surprised he raised his eyebrows, he nodded "If you can pay for it, 100 galleons upfront."

Handing over my vault key: "There should be enough to cover it"

It took 5 minutes to prepare, and I have my hand over a bowl, and a Goblin with a knife in his hand grinning, they sure are a petty race, I'll better behave. Grumpy sliced my palm, expectantly looking for a sign of pain, bah Harry was used to more, even I was used to pain. "How much blood is needed? You're not using it for something else is it?" yep, there are some scary fanfics around, better make sure before, I get sacrificed to some goat-legged god. Grumpy didn't even answer it.

After a good amount of blood, the cut healed, Grumpy stirs the bowl and poured it on a glowing parchment, and slowly my family tree appeared, before me names of my parents, grand and grand grand, the works. I'll spare you the details, all in all, it was a big win for me, I have confirmation of my Lordships and the founders have a big pull with the wizard community

Harry James Potter

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter by blood.

Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black by the sworn godfather.

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Gryffindor by magic, valor, and blood.

Lord of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Slytherin by conquest.

Lord of the Ancient house of Gaunt by conquest.

"Now account manager, who even never mentioned his name, with 3 Lordships, I Harry James Potter hereby claim by blood the Lordship of House Potter." Man, I love the glowy thing, this time a ring appears on my ring finger.

"Apology's Lord Potter, we had too many wizards claiming vaults of House Potter. My name is Blooddagger and I'm in House Potter service for 75 years."

"Apology accepted Blooddagger, now a few questions, starting with my parent's will, when was it is written, who were the witnesses, and why was it not executed?

What happened to my properties? What about my elves? Start with the first question, and we'll work our way down. Better yet open up my parent's will right now!"

Nervous Blooddagger goes to a safe and took a stack of papers out and a sealed letter.

"These are the official papers and will, a certified copy was delivered at the ministry and the Potter vault. The papers contain all deals and stocks from house Potter"

"Open the will first, I want to know who screwed me over and why."

Last will of Lord and Lady Potter / Evans 27 October 1980

All previous wills are hereby forfeit.

Well if this is read, we are both dead, probably killed by Voldemort.

To set things straight, we are going in hiding under a fidelius charm, our secret keeper will be Peter Pettigrew, and we will use Sirius Black as a decoy, under protest of my wife that is.

To our friends we leave:

To Sirius Black 200 000 galleons and 10 000 annually to take care of Harry as sworn Godfather. Keep him save Sirius, let Alice help if it's too much

To Alice Longbottom nee Brown 200 000 and 10 000 annually if Sirius is not able to as sworn Godmother, let Harry and Nevvy be best of friends

To Remus Lupin 50 000 and our cottage at the seaside, you know where it is.

To Peter Pettigrew 50 000 and the apartment you are renting in London, Dumbledore recommended you, and we trust you too. If it is proved you betrayed us, everything is void.

To Andromeda Tonks nee Black 20 000 my favorite niece

To Nymphadora Tonks Harry's favorite babysitter 10 000 at the age of 17 or marriage

To Amelia Bones 10 000 we heard of the attack, take care of Susan, I hope she can be friends with Harry

To Veronica Greengrass nee Rivers 10 000 I hope Harry and little Daphne can be friends to

The list goes on with friends and shopkeepers and 1 other stand out

To Albus Dumbledore 50 000 and 5 000 annually for the order, for casting the fidelius and keeping us safe.

Now we have the reason Bumbels blocked the will. If he knew I was here, he will be shitting bricks.

The last nail in his coffin.

For Harry's magical guardian we have in descending order:

Sirius Black, Godfather by ritual.

Alice Longbottom nee Brown Godmother by ritual.

Andromeda Tonks nee Black.

Veronica Greengras nee Rivers.

Amelia Bones.

If nobody above is able or willing, to take care of Harry, he can be adopted into a magical family, only if they swear a magical oath, not to belong or sympathies with Voldemort and his death eaters.

If none is found, a magical or muggle orphanage.

Harry is never ever to be placed with my sister, she hates magic, and after a few pranks from Sirius at our wedding, she and her husband hate us, and all about magic.

For the Guardian on the muggle side, we select Theodore Tonks, he is our lawyer and assigns 4 000 Annually

At the end


Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore


We will let that bastard dog rot in Askaban, what? Neuter him, no bury him in an ants nest, skin him alive, sell him to a Chinese restaurant or Korean whoever has dogs on the menu, I am reserving a spot right now. I can't believe Harry got tortured, because Sirius was trying to be funny.

If he was nice to Vernon and petunia at the wedding and showed magic was not something to be afraid of, would at least halved the beatings Harry endured. Neutering is still on the table.

After fuming for a minute I asked "can I call for my house elf please?" "Go ahead Lord potter house elves know Gringott's rules" "Dobby, come over please" Blooddagger raised his brow with my please, to Dobby, Dobby popped in "Yes Master Harry?" I asked Blooddagger "can you make 2 legal copies of this?" With a gesture and a glow, the copy's appeared, Xerox eats your heart out "Dobby, can you give 1 copy of this to the house Bones house-elf Addy, say it goes by the rat and vials, I gave him earlier and it's important she reads it today, the other copy is for Theodore Tonks, tell him I will be at least 2 hours here to conduct business." Blooddaggers eye twisted when I said 2 hours.

"Now before we move on, can I ask what are the ratings to store a Horcrux in my vault?" Yes, I was going for the shock effect, Blooddagger jumped up and drew his dagger, it wasn't red or bloody at all, and yelled "you made a Horcrux? Are you crazy? This is a capital crime at Gringotts, I call the guards either way." A push on a button and 5 seconds later the room is swamped with armored Goblins, ready to chop my head off.

"Peace Blooddagger, peace I asked for it because Voldemort left something in my scar, and I suspect it is a Horcrux. Can you get someone to check it out? For a fee of course." A few commands later, and an old wrinkled woman came in, her walking stick smacking guards who were too slow to move out her way. "Blooddagger, I'm going to bloody your ass if you called me for nothing, and your clients to"

'Hey, the wicked witch of the west, I'll drop a house on you' yeah, better not say it out loud. She circled me waving a silver dagger, chanting until she reaches my scar, my head started to hurt, a pounding headache, and the wicked witch started to look angry, turned to Blooddagger, yelling and beating him with her stick. "He is your last living client and you didn't care for him? Is this how you do your job? Without him you would be shoveling dragon dung in the lower parts, is this how you want to support your mother?"

Ah, the wicked witch is a mommy, rubbing salt in the wound I said: "Oh he has another job offer?" Wham, I should have my mouth shut, getting whacked with mommy's stick bloody hurts, now I am the one getting yelled at.

"Smartass, did you know you are a mess? You have an incomplete Horcrux in that scar, and you have enough broken bones that are badly healed, its like a herd of centaurs stampeded over you, on top of it, you are malnourished for years, did those people you lived with ever feed you?"

Whack with every sentence, this crazy old woman was beating me to death. "What do you think I came here for, and no they didn't feed me, and yes they broke my bones, and can you get rid of the Horcrux?"

"Boy, did you never visit the hospital wing at school? When were you inoculated at St Mungo's?"

"Well 4 to 5 times in the hospital wing, and never been to St Mungo's, at least after my parents died"

The crazy old woman was fuming, and waving her walking stick in my face "You young boy, are under attack, someone is trying to slowly destroy you, to make your life miserable."

I sighed and said "I know granny, this is me fighting back. Can you help me please?" Blooddagger interrupted and said "No this is too big, this is for our leaders to decide on, you are Lord of 4 houses 2 of them the founders, and Heir of a 5th. This will shake your world and ours. "Ok, as long I get rid of this thing."

I pulled the diary out of my pocket, and said: "Can you check this out too?" Granny waved her dagger over it, then over my scar, back to the book, paled and whispered "He made more? You go crazy after one, what in Goat's name made him make two?" 'Goats name?' nope not asking.

"This was given to Ginny Weasley, without her knowing it by Lucius Malfoy, and I was thinking, if he gives something like that, to one of his captains, maybe he made a set, 3, 5 or even 7"

Suspicious granny asked, "now how does a skinny brat like you, know all this?" Ah, it's bullshit time.

"To begin, I was present when Malfoy put the diary in Ginny's cauldron, I didn't notice it at the time, but my house elf's old master is Malfoy, and he was trying to warn me of his plans all year, then wen I destroyed the diary with a fang of a basilisk, I took it after I killed it this afternoon, when I destroyed the diary my scar hurt, so there must be a connection.

Last year, Voldemort possessed professor quirrel, trying to get the philosopher stone, my scar hurt every time quirrel came near me, at the end of last year, I killed professor quirrel, and a shade of Voldemort came out of his head."

You know, if you sum it up like that, it's pretty amazing Harry survived all that, and then get killed by that blond ponce.

Meanwhile Granny and Blooddagger are still processing my rant, diary, Voldemort, quirrel, the philosophers stone, shade, basilisk… basilisk… basilisk.

"YOU KILLED A BASILISK TODAY?" "Hmm yes?" "How is that possible? You need a squadron of warriors for that, and most will die!" "Well I did get bitten, hurt like hell" Granny is going crazy "is this the wound on your arm, with the strange substance in it?"

"Yeah, I got healed by the phoenix of Dumbledore, Fawkes put some tears in the wound, and it got better in an instant"

Trolling the Goblins is almost as fun as the great hall at Hogwarts, I innocently added "if you have a pensive I could show you." This got granny worked up and started yelling and smacking her stick, to everybody not fast enough, yelling to hurry to get a pensive.

The room started to fill up with another kind of Goblin, bigger more expensive armor and one big mean-looking with 2 big axes on his sides. Blooddagger and his guards got on one knee.

Granny was still having a nervous breakdown. "Ragnar this boy is going to be the death of me, killing Voldemort, a professor possessed by Voldemort, a Horcrux of Voldemort, and Goat God be dammed a bloody BASILISK! Get that bloody pensive in here!"

Stunned Ragnar said "Fill me in if you can" Blooddagger explained "This is Harry Potter, claiming his Lordship, he could because he is already Lord of 3 other houses. Then he asked about Horcruxes and everything got in dragon dung, he claims to have killed a basilisk, a Horcrux, and a professor possessed by Voldemort. Now we are waiting on a pensive, so he can show us his memories.

Granny butted in "He is starved, abused, he has more bones broken than I could count, he has a wound of a basilisk healed by a phoenix, and a bloody incomplete Horcrux in his scar"

I started to extract my memories, well... We start with a troll, see if granny gets a heart attack, followed with quirrel in the forest, and at the mirror, let's skip fluffy, keep him for an extra, wait Aragog scared the shit out of Ron so that too. Then the big finale from entering the chamber until Voldemorts exit.

This will keep them busy for a few hours.

Ragnar said "we will watch this in the ceremonial room, it is big enough for all" Smelling an opportunity I said: "I don't mind you looking at it once, but have to ask a fee for more. You know once is testifying, more is entertainment and needs to be compensated." Granny: "Brat, you sure that you don't have Goblinblood?" "Ah granny, I have 4 Lordships to support and an Heir to Black, the money must come from somewhere no?"

A messenger came in reporting a Theodore Tonks is wanting to meet Harry Potter, with his family.

I said, "This is great, they can watch too, Theo is Potter's solicitor, so he can help me calculate the copyrights and entrance fees."

Family Tonks came in, little Tonks hair changing color every 10 seconds, It was apparently not common to meet Ragnar, and after reading the will, I suppose had already a series of shocks, I must say Tonksie is a looker, she got all the right sizes, a pretty face and a skirt just short enough to wonder what is hidden under it. I almost feel puberty starting up. We were led to the ceremonial room, underway I approach Theodore.

Shaking hands with Theodore I said "Well met solicitor, I suppose you read the will? What are you going to do for me? I have a ton of questions waiting for an answer. Hello misses Tonks and little Tonks" "Hey!" "What you prefer Nymphadora?" "nooow" "Alright what about Dora?"

Theo butted in "never mind, what is happening here, I never seen them so worked up"

"We are going to see a series of my memories, pay attention, because you are going to appraise them for copyright and entrance fees, let's sit down, the show is about to start. They seem to have a pensive who can project it above, so we all can see it, I so want one of those"

The light dimmed, and enter the troll, I heard Dora say: "I remember that it was last year at Halloween, the staff didn't make a big deal out of it." My comment: "And the wards didn't warn Dumbledore, and a troll just can make its way in the castle." Followed by my stroll in the woods with little ponce, the scene with quirrel sucking a unicorn, made the Goblins raging mad, it's different when you see it, you know a picture is a thousand words, a movie counts for a bunch of books.

Mirror quirrel with Voldie stuck at his head, raised a lot of eyebrows, me getting the stone and finishing quirrel just shakes every warrior's heart. Aragog was a big hit, I said "you know it's only one or two miles in the forest, Hagrid has a fine acromantula silk farm don't you think so too? He has it for 50 years."

That will teach him to send Harry and Ron to their death.

In the big finale, with Harry entering the chamber, Granny's eyes stuck like glue to the scene, afraid to miss a clue, Voldemort did his speech, after that, the calling of the snake, and everybody's speechless by the size of it. As an Auror trainee Dora tried to keep a brave face, but I saw her dad winching, with his arm in her death grip.

Even me, I read the books, watched the movie, and have the memory. And it's still impressive, seeing it play out. Go, Harry, you poor sod. Now I'm getting depressed.

"Now solicitor any thoughts?" Ragnar approaches "Lord Potter, this is quite a feat you performed, what will you do with the carcass of the basilisk?"

"Well Lord Ragnar, good you ask, it happens I have 2 beautiful advisors, who will mediate for me with a bunch of firms to sell the corps, for a fee of course. I will pass their names to Blooddagger, he is my account manager after all"

Granny said "Sure you don't have Goblin blood brat? Anyway, the diary is a Horcrux" This woke Andromeda up. "That madman made a Horcrux? You go crazy if you do that." I commented: "he lost most of his screws, did you see his face? Slit eyes no nose, for a man japping about pureblood he has snakes for parents, a pure snake."

"Anyway Hogwarts is a deathtrap, my relatives are maniacs, and I'm an adult." Dora took the bait "What do you mean kiddy, you just got out of the diapers, I remember me changing your diapers, it smelled." Ow, this must be punished.

"Well miss Nymphadora Tonks, let me introduce my self: before you stands in all his glory Lord Harry James Potter Lord of house Potter, Lord of house Gryffindor, Lord of house Slytherin by conquest, Lord of house Gaunt also by conquest, and finally, bow if you want, Heir of House Black. Tadaa!"

Andromeda jumped on "House Black? I thought it was the Malfoy spawn." "No Mrs. Tonks, Sirius Black made me his heir, way back in 1980." I'm still angry at him though, I have still not decided, neuter or restaurant.

"Now I want some things done, I have a mail-ward on me, and my house-elves are blocked from me, I have an incomplete Horcrux in my head, and I want my accounts checked. And last but not least I want my body checked. I was abused from the day Dumbledore dropped me off on my aunt's doorstep, you know the one that came even after an orphanage, in my parent's will."

The Tonkses sat dazed for a moment, then Theo turned to Ragnar and asked "Lord Ragnar can we ask the nation to remove the mailward, and fix the elf block, which is illegal so if you can figure out who the caster is, then I can build a case."

After a few gestures from Ragnar, he said "We can do it here and now, my people are setting everything up. Lord Potter, we acknowledge your achievement, we like to give a title to you, as a proven warrior, we will call you basiliskslayer from now on in the nation." Oook, could be worse, snake-man for example or granny's bane"

Time to shake the tree again, see what falls down. "Mrs. Tonks, I want to try something, can you come here for a moment?" She approaches, I raise my wand and looked at Ragnar "Lord Ragnar, with your permission I will do a magical declaration, with you and the Nation as witnesses" Lord Ragnar nodded, I prepared

"I Harry James Potter Heir of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, welcome back Andromeda Tonks nee Black, back in House Black with her husband Theodore and Daughter Nymphadora So I said so mote it be!"

I just love the glowy things, the 4 of us glowed like light bulbs for a few seconds," I smirked at Dora and said: "Who is a kiddy now Tonksie? Call me my Lord. On one knee is enough thank you."

Tonksie was imitating a fish, while Andromeda pulled me in a bear hug, there are moments being small has its perks, and I must say Andromeda has a gift... Two of them even, and I'm smothered between them, puberty kicked in, and my arms going around Andromeda, and I hugged her back. Do you know being small has its perks? It just so happened my hands landed on two perfect but cheeks. Andromeda came to her senses and disengaged.

Dora glared at me, I smirked and said "Even when you beat me up, it's totally worth it. Now call me My Lord, little Dora."

A bunch of old Goblins enters and putting me in the middle of a magic circle. They first removed the Mail-ward, then started working on the elf block, 10 minutes of chanting does the trick.

Suddenly, a series of pops and 15 elves appeared before me, including Dobby.

Well hello, family glad we can be together again… elf pile... Getting smother t… Dora smirking.

Another problem was solved, I honestly lost count of the things I still had to do.

Wen the excitement cooled down, I said "ok guys, who is the head elf?" An old elf woman stepped forwards.

"This will be me Master Harry; I am called Tapsy." "Wel Tapsy do I have some houses fit to live in?"

Tapsy smiled "Yes master Harry, we took good care of all the houses" This is a relief most fanfics have nothing but rubble and the cottage at Goddricks Hallow, now I have someplace to go and not depend on others anymore, helpless Harry is history.

"Summer vacation is coming up, we will take a tour of the properties, and see which is going to be the main house. Now, this here is Dobby, he has trying to save my life for most of the year, and he saved me today, by trying to make him my house elf we noticed the block.

So in a way, he helped you all too, so be nice to him and welcome him into the family. Now take him with you and show him his new homes." The slime is flowing thick, but it makes them happy and a happy elf is a happy worker.

The Goblin healers said to take a week in summer, to fix all the body faults, the Horcrux will be dealt with as well.

"Granny," I said when I called her over "I was thinking if one Horcrux was given to Malfoy wasn't there a closer captain with Voldemort? Bellatrix is her name." Andromeda called out "that is my sister she went quite mad at the end." Getting the attention I continued "If Malfoy got a Horcrux, maybe Bella got one too. How do you check if it is a Horcrux?" Granny butted in "Easy if you are in the range we Goblins can feel it twice the range than humans."

Silently I am guiding them to the cup "Well if I were you, I check the vaults of the death eaters, who are in Askaban. If you find nothing, nobody is hurt, but if you find one, snake face gets one more foot in the grave" Glad those nasty buggers didn't call me snake face.

Next "Mr. Tonks I sent a copy of the will to Madam Amelia Bones, also I captured Peter Pettigrew, he was hiding in his animagus form of a common rat, I sent him along with a few vials of memory's of my stay at the Dursley's, so I suggest Tonksie makes contact with Madam Bones and connect the two of you."

"Blooddagger can you organize an official will reading, the first weekend of summer vacation, invite the children of the recipients to. Have an overview of my accounts ready, I'll come tomorrow or the day after to sort them out, o yeah check for any contracts getting activated, now I'm a Lord check the other lordships too. Find out what happened to their vaults and parchment work.

For negotiation of the basilisk body, please contact Miss Daphne Greengrass and Miss Tracy Davis, both attending Hogwarts. Now I'm tired and wanna go to bed."

Lord Ragnok, I have 1 more memory, can I have a vial?" I extracted the memory of Lucius killing Harry, and me waking back up. Another stick in the hen house.

I'm exhausted, I called Dobby said goodbye to everybody, and let Dobby pop me in my quarters.

In my quarters was Hoggy waiting for me "Master Griffin the headmaster is wanting to see you"

"Elder Hoggy, I am tired, the headmaster will have to wait, tell him I stop by after breakfast.

O and elder Hoggy, can you let a few elves keep an eye on Miss Greengrass and Miss Davis, they acted friendly with me, and maybe targeted to hurt me. If they are in any kind of trouble, pop them both in here, no matter what time of day.

Another thing, if the headmaster asks to put something other than nutrition potions, in our food tell him you put it in, except you put it in my trunk."

"Hoggy will do as Master Gryffin says, and take care of Master Gryffins girls."

And popped out. Master Gryffins girls? Meh, let them think that it keeps the girls safe.

A quick shower and found another problem, fucking Dudley's old rags. Tomorrow is another day.