
I'M GOD, SO WHAT? : Former Protagonist is now my side kick ^^

https://discord.gg/eEWTerjxzH For those who wanted to join the discord, feel free but warning you an idiot is running wild there Righteous Master of Villainous Gods If you are interested in the cultivation novel check this one out, initially for a bit long time it's somewhat light and wholesome but as you keep progressing in chapters the characters will also develop and no character will be forgotten and surely you won't be hating why character except for 'protagonists' ^|^ ∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ For people wanting to help me out there__ dewanshsingh72@paytm painfultruth@axl _________________________________________ Have you been frustrated because the main character of your favourite novel, drama or a movie is just unreasonable and impractical trash? Just because he's the main character he gets a lot of support from world but at same time the supporting characters who are actually good Who actually make some sense are just treated as stepping stones for the main character to shine more brightly Imagine the frustration you feel when your favourite character dies because of the main character's foolish brain and just to make him mature In this cruel world there are only few things that give you relief but what now? Aren't you angry because you can do nothing? Don't you want to smash Main character's face with your fists? Then what if the Gods reincarnate you as your favourite character of the fantasy filled with monsters and magic! The same thing happened with Krish, let's follow him to the world making the protagonist's existence completely dull while becoming God himself He's over powered, he's handsome, he had best back ground, he has over powered friends and family He has the whole army waiting for orders, you think the protagonist has a chance, but Protagonist isn't the only problem There is also a Evil God Krish needs to kill This is the battle The Universe is battlefield A battle between a God vs a God Let's see who wins because fate of existence is in hands of this side character who died for nothing in novel (Guys at least comment and give reviews, it's for free right? You evil people are more shameless than me! I feel like no one is reading my novels and I'm writing for ghosts. I feel happy when someone comments on my work so even if you are pointing out my mistakes please comment and give reviews ^-^)

Painful_truth_ · Fantasy
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319 Chs


Somehow Klaus arrived at the adventurers guild to sell his loot from the Giant Tower, Klaus stored his loot in two storages, one was from system storage in which he stored his divine artifacts and the loots he didn't wanted others to know

And another storage was his Space pouch that was common among adventurers which he used for his daily life

Klaus also used that as disguise for storing his divine artifacts, Klaus just entered the adventures guild and saw the lady from yesterday standing in front of Sania with her two kids

'Looks like she is registering herself, let's greet the kids!' Klaus moved towards the receptionist desk with these thoughts

"Hello again, how have you been, did you registered yourself?" Klaus asked as he arrived behind the women

Next moment the women immediately took out a sword and her Sword moved towards Klaus


Klaus blocked the sword with his dagger and looked at the women, while observing the kids he said

"Not a very nice greeting to your saviour"

The women immediately came to her senses and immediately lowered her sword and said "I'm sorry! So sorry! It's just reflexes, you came so silently, I was just surprised!"

'Your shock almost took my head right there' Klaus thought in his mind then moved forward and said

"Haha, just kidding.... oh! Sania here today's loot, record it and did you registered her as my party mate?"

Sania immediatly took Klaus's adventurers card and said "Yes I just finished registering her, your letter made things easy, will she join you in your hunts?"

Klaus shook his head and said "Not now, I will be solo adventurer for long time, and on top of that if something happened to her than who will take care of kids?"

Klaus glanced back at kids, both twins were staring at Klaus with stars in their eyes, they have become Klaus's fan since the day he saved their mother

The women also made shocked face and said with panic "Then what will I do if not hunt monsters?"

Klaus smiled and answered with smile "You know that the guild takes 10% dismantling fees right, so instead of them you can dismantle my monsters,

you are former adventurer so it should be easy for you right, all monsters hunted by me are above B Rank and in some months I will start hunting S or SS rank monsters

So the commission from be will be higher than joining any S rank party, I'm solo Adventurer so I do the job of whole party alone so you will be getting pretty big share without any danger

You should also send your kids to school from now on, I have seen them both are quite talented!"

The women in front of him was absolutely silent and her face was lowered to ground suddenly a thought flashed through Klaus's mind

'Oh did I hurt her pride as high rank Adventurer by giving her odd job?'

But next moment the women's face was full of tears as she said "Thankyou so much, I never thought that we can return to normal life again, truly thank you!"

Klaus just scratched his face with embarrassment, and suddenly he said "Oh, I never thought, what is your name?"

The women and Sania both had shocked face as Sania said "You don't even know name of your party member?!"

The women just smiled and took out her adventurers card a handled it to Klaus

"Here! Zoya is my name!"

Klaus took the card and a shocked expression came to his face, as he saw the card of Zoya

(Name _ Zoya

Age _ 34

Job_ Tempest Blade master

Tier_ Late Tier 7

Titles _ Sword of Wind, Princess of Wind, Sword master, Green flash,

Completion rate _ 83% [28 S Rank, 153 A rank, 183 B Rank, 204 C Rank, 353 D rank,...]

Rank _ S)

'What's with the number of quests? She's lot younger than expected!' Klaus was amazed at the number of quests Zoya has taken and completion rate was amazing for ordinary adventurers

'4 titles as only a S rank adventurer, she's amazing, she may not be best but she's well above the average, and in this world where high Tier peoples can live hundreds of years

being S rank at only 33 is something amazing, no she has retired for year after her husbands death, so it's even before 32 amazing!'

Klaus didn't had words to describe her achievements, she wasn't the protagonist or any one that's famous but she was still a person to be admired

Klaus shook his head and said "You are just too much amazing, so young yet so strong, now I think that my previous decision was wrong, when I get promoted to higher rank let's do quests together then!"

Zoya felt proud, being strong was one of her things of pride, she nodded and just then Sania returned Klaus's card and said "Here, monsters are registered!"

Klaus had another thought on his mind 'Her job isn't swordmaster but Blade master on top of that with Wind element, System check!'


[Tempest Blade master_ Unique Grade

It's a job that allows a person use any kind of bladed weapon be it dagger, sword, axe, katana, etc with double proficiency

Job allows host to use wind element like part of body effective even when battle isn't going on]

'Goddamn amazing, just one step below legendary heroes job...'

Klaus wasn't paying attention so his card fell on the ground, Klaus immediately closed his system panel and bended down to ground to pick his card and said "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention!"

But during this moment Zoya was able to look at Klaus's card, and her mind was in absolute turmoil now

'100% completion rate? 15 Years old A rank adventurer? And those titles!?' Zoya was very shocked and Klaus left while saying "After this come to the inn I mentioned before, I already arranged for a room there!"

Zoya just stood their with stupified face nodding unconsciously, and like that Klaus left

Klaus arrived at his room and opened his window then sat on his bed "Arno, what's the situation after killing those Cultists?"

Arno appered from the window like a flash and said "The Cultists had been slaughtered as you expected the lord and the Guildmaster here is completely corrupted by cult,

they are trying to stop the news about the Cultists, but it will take some time in exposing the underground Chimera laboratory

No one goes there as the lord has completely sealed of the whole place, the job will be completed in some more minutes,

We will also start spreading the news about the Cultists after the laboratory is exposed!"

Klaus nodded and with a smile he threw a book at him "Good job! Take this and teach others, it's a Tier 8 technique called 'Thousand faced Shadow'

this will help you change your appearance and aura accordingly, use it spread news faster!"

Arno catched the book and with a big grin he disappeared after replying to Klaus "We won't disappoint you!"

Klaus just nodded and he went downwards and ordered a tea, today Brock was still there, Klaus started chatting with him as he sat near Brock

"Oh Brock, how are doing today?"

"Good as always, anyway did you heard? There were Cultists found dead near the city?"

'So news wasn't completely surpressed!' Klaus shook his head and said "No, but how did you know?"

"Well adventurers were talking about that, they recently came here after escort quest, I heard all of Cultists were slaughtered and some were even torchered mercilessly!"

"Well isn't it good?" Klaus said as he took a sip, Brock laughed and replied

"It's indeed good but I don't know why but some peoples are trying to supress the news"

"Hmm that's indeed a thing to worry about!" Klaus made thoughtful face while a smile appered inside his face

"Anyway, how did...."


Brock was about to say something when suddenly a loud explosion and earthquake got everyone's attention,

Brock and other adventurers immediately rushed out of the inn and saw huge mushroom like explosion coming from the city lord's mansion

"What the fuck!"

"Are they cultist"

"Is it an attack?"

"Let's go, there seems to be something wrong!"

All peoples present there immediately left towards the explosion while Klaus was still sitting there while sipping his tea

With a grin he thought 'Quite fast eh! Rewards are best for motivation!'