
I'm Enrolled at Penderghast!?

In the bustling world of East View High School, Donny, a young student, struggles with social anxiety, finding solace in the world of a captivating visual novel called "The Elementalists." Frustrated by his Lack of a social life Donny's odd encounter with a mysterious pop-up offers him the chance to change the fate of the games world. In a moment of regretful impulsiveness he makes three wishes, unaware of the consequences.

UgandanWebKnovels · Videospiele
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4 Chs

3. Penn Square


I stumbled onto the pavement, feeling dizzy.

"Is the dizziness normal?" I asked.

"No. But you're a big kid; you'll get over it," she replied. She then turned towards me and spread her arms out in a showman-like way. "It's charming, isn't it?"

As the dizziness wore off, I took in my surroundings and saw a vibrant plaza bustling with activity. Mystical creatures and people alike moved through the area. I noticed a woman with deep blue skin and tusks dragging a kicking toddler with impish horns past a magical toy store. Further on, a pair of men with pointed elfish ears and webbed hands debated over a beaded bracelet at a stall marked charms.

"Is that a vendor selling an assortment of heads?" I pointed towards a nearby stall where a handful of shriveled human heads hung from the eaves. The vendor turned his head towards me and made a weird face.

Shreya grabbed my arm and started leading me away hurriedly. "Yes, but you'll want to stay away from those unless you want to end up with a nasty curse. Come on, there's no time to waste! We need to get you something to help with that whole 'no magic' thing."

"How exactly are we supposed to fix that?" I said flatly.

She stopped abruptly in front of a shop labeled 'Maison D'Yew.' The sign in the window described it as 'Your one-stop shop for one-stop shopping.' "Let's get inside and see if they have what we're looking for."

Inside, every square inch of the shop was packed with clothes, knick-knacks, and all manner of glowing, spinning, and rattling mystical objects. "How in the hell are we even supposed to find anything in here, Shreya Gilford Mistry?"

"Gilf-" Before she could question me, a soothing voice cut her off.

"That's where I come in! Oh, um, just a second, please."

Looking around for who just spoke, a rustling from the pile of lamps on my left made me jump. and mountain of rusted candelabras avalanched off a high shelf, heading straight towards me!

"O MA—"

I ducked, bracing for impact, but thankfully it never came. "Pfft," I heard Shreya stifle a laugh.

"Sorry about that! I was organizing some of the Fleghart's droppings, and it activated the floating candelabras," the girl said.

I lifted my head and saw the candelabras stopped in mid-air, hovering just over my head. The girl in front of me flicked a vine-wrapped hand, and the candelabras re-stacked themselves on the shelf.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to surprise you," she spoke genuinely. I stared at her for a little longer than intended, and she gave me a knowing smile. "First time meeting a wood nymph? I'm Aster; I run this shop."

She holds out her hand, and when I shake it, I'm shocked at how her skin feels like polished wood and warm flesh at the same time.

"I'm Tumashye, and I... I like your shop. It's, uhh... very diverse," I stammered.

"Thank you. My family has been running this shop for hundreds of years, so it's only natural," she spoke warmly.

She turned towards Shreya.

"Oh! It's you again! I was hoping you'd be back."

"I'd assume so. I spent a minor fortune the last time I was here," Shreya replied with a playful smirk.

"Listen, love, do you have any marbles? My friend here is worried about the first day of classes and wants a boost."

"Yeah, anything would help," I added, feeling a bit anxious.

Aster looked at me, her eyes shining brightly. "So you're a Penderghast Student too? You both are so lucky!"

She skipped off toward the counter and disappeared behind it.

"I've been begging Papa to let me go, but he's still bitter about all that wand business," Aster said, popping up from behind the counter, coughing and covered in dust. She slammed a polished wooden box down on the counter with "Mistry Miracle Marbles" written in gold curlicue handwriting on the lid.

I gave Shreya a look, and she responded with a coy wink before gingerly lifting the edges of the box, revealing four multi-colored orbs within.

"Whoa, cool! Are these some type of elemental orbs?" I asked, intrigued.

Shreya plucked a clear orb from the box. Opaque, white smoke began to curl inside the glass. "Yep, one of Mistry Inc.'s bestsellers. Each of these orbs contains enough magick to perform one spell per element."

"They may be small, but they pack quite a punch, like one very beautiful, very down-to-earth heiress we all know and love," Aster said with a smile as she placed the white orb into my palm, folding my fingers over it. "And this little guy is all yours."

"Why would attuned need something like this if they can just... perform the spell themselves?" I asked, puzzled.

"It's instant use instead of taking the time to build a spell, and it won't use any of your own magick, so you can cast again immediately!" Shreya explained.

"They're the very best on the market! Of course, they'll only work for the elements to which they correspond," Aster added.

I looked a little closer at the contents of the box, seeing a variety of colors and four orbs.

"How do you even use it?" I inquired, still feeling uncertain.

"Ah, Aster, do you have any singles?" Shreya asked.

Aster rummaged through a drawer before handing Shreya a dusty blue orb.

"It'll cost you, and I must insist that you go outside to--"

Shreya rolled the marble between her thumb and forefinger, raising it toward the ceiling, and a rain cloud appeared overhead. As the blue smoke dissipated from the marble, it began to pour.

"See? Easy," Shreya said with a grin.

"You Attuned never listen!" Aster exclaimed her face darkened and her branches started shaking, frustration evident in her voice. She flicked a finger, and a strong blast of wind blew the cloud and the rain away, leaving me completely dry.

"Oh, don't be such a tenacious toad, Aster. What do you think, Eli? These will surely come in handy."

"In that case... I'll take the whole set." I reach into my wallet and pull out a $20 bill, holding it out to Aster. She peered at it curiously.

"Is that enough?"

"Absolutely not. This money is worthless. Luckily, I can fetch a high price for it on the collector's market," Aster replied, shaking her head. giggling

After some more small talk and saying goodbye to Aster, Shreya and I headed back through the portal to our dorm. I lay back on the couch, and Shreya sat on top of me again.

"So, now that you've got a bit of magick to take into battle, do you think you're ready to face tomorrow?"

"I'm not too worried, besides the attunement placement. If it turns out that I really can't do magick, do you think it might cause an uproar or something?" I asked, feeling a bit anxious.

She put a tentative hand on my shoulder. "You're going to get through it because the beautiful Shreya Mistry is helping you, and I'm just too fabulous to fail."

I sized her up again. "Yeah, beautiful for sure," I mumbled, noticing a slight shade of pink appear on her face.

"Did you just blush? I didn't think you were capable of being shy, considering you sexually assaulted me in front of Griffin." She punches me in the gut with the strength of a female deuteragonist in a shounen anime. I wince in pain.

"I thought you were gonna let bygones be bygones!" I'm unable to hold my laughter, and soon Shreya's laughing too. After a while, I can't help but feel like I'm forgetting something.

I realize I've been staring into Shreya's soul Unintentionally, and she's looking at me with a hungry stare. I'm a little scared at what she might be thinking. Over her shoulder, something catches my eye in the mirror across the room. I see a smudge... or maybe a shadow?

"Shreya, do you see that?"

"No, but I do see a nice chunk of chocolate ready to be eaten," she speaks with a sultry tone.

I get goosebumps and hurriedly push Shreya off me, looking for the source of the reflection. I hear Shreya make an unsatisfied grumble as I step closer to the mirror. The shadow pulses, grows, and I tilt my head even closer.

I see what I've been forgetting this whole time.

"Wait, that's... my twin."

if i'm seeing him that means...

 i then realize the shadow is on my side of the glass!

"MASHYE!!" shreya screams 

The shadow monster turns crimson red as two openings appear below its two hollow eyes, making a hiss akin to steam releasing from a boiling pot.

I try to back away, but it launches itself at me, sending me flying across the room, landing in the kitchen.

"Shit!" I exclaimed, my body throbbing in pain. I try to get up and feel a sharp pain in my ankle, then I trip over my own feet and fall backwards. I use the counter to prop myself up as the shadow springs toward me again.

I should be scared, but instead, I feel like I'm burning, like the sun is beaming inside me. I cock my fist back and lean into a punch with all my might.

"Fuck off!" As I speak, my fist starts glowing, and a bright beam, golden as the sun, pierces the shadow monster, reducing it to nothing.

"Okay, since when the hell could I do that!" I should've expected this to happen, but I'm still a little shocked I just used 'Sun Magick.' Even though the light has faded, my palm still glows warmly. The shadow creature has been reduced to nothing.

I can feel the energy humming inside me, and instantly I know it's been there all along. Then, I hear a monotone robotic voice in my ear as a panel and lines of text appear in front of me.

[𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗: 𝙼𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚌𝚔 𝙰𝚠𝚊𝚔𝚎𝚗𝚎𝚍 - 𝙲𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚍] 

[𝚂𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚖 𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐] 


𝙉𝙖𝙢𝙚: 𝙏𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙨𝙝𝙮𝙚 𝙂𝙧𝙞𝙢𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧𝙣𝙚 

𝘾𝘾: 200 

𝙎𝙏𝙍: 8 

𝙈𝙂𝙆: 30 

𝘼𝙂𝙇: 7

𝙄𝙉𝙏: 11

𝗦𝗞𝗜𝗟𝗟𝗦: 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗱, 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗲𝗿𝘀 𝗕𝗼𝗱𝘆, 𝗦𝘂𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗪𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗔𝗶𝗿 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗕𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗱 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗘𝗮𝗿𝘁𝗵 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗠𝗼𝗼𝗻 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸, 𝗙𝗶𝗿𝗲 𝗠𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗰𝗸


"Mashye, are you okay? What was that thing?" She looks at me, worry evident in her eyes.

"I'm fine besides a sprain in my ankle. I don't know, but something tells me that this is just the beginning. Whoever sent that 'Thing' isn't going to stop there."

"Didn't you just enter the world of the attuned? Who did you make an enemy out of already?"

"Nobody to my knowledge, but there was a mishap when I came out of the lake. I might've trolled somebody by the name of Beckett Harrington, but I don't think he's capable of creating shadow creatures."

"We can't rule it out, but one thing's for sure, Mashye," she said, smiling.

"You can do Magick."

"Well yeah i kind of had some doubt after i just shot a beam of energy out my hands" i said sarcastically

she glared at me "Dickhead. That was definitely magick but i've never actually seen magick like that before" she said quizzically

"well i think we can talk more on this tomorrow, after being transported to a magickal world, sacked by a shadow creature, and sexually assaulted i deserve a little rest" she punched my arm after the last comment

i try walking to the door but wince in pain forgetting i sprained my ankle


"can you walk? just let me help you, ya goofball"

As Shreya helped me to the door, she steadied me, her touch gentle and reassuring. i wince in pain "im sorry did i-" "Chill You're good, It just hurts a little," I reassured her.

She nodded, her expression softening with concern. "Let's get you to bed, Mashye," she said, turning the knob labeled "Tumashyes Room" and helping me settle onto the bed. Her eyes held a mix of worry and determination as she made sure I was comfortable.

"Thanks," I mumbled, feeling a wave of exhaustion wash over me. 

"would you like a massage to ease the pain?" 

"yeah, that would be nice actually" not standing for ceremony

Without hesitation, she began undressing me to my drawels with a devilish smile on her face.

"wait wha-"

"what massage have you gotten fully clothed im just being professional" she said with a look not befitting her words about being 'professional'

i try to respond but i wince in pain as she begins massaging the area where i sprained my ankle shutting me up at first it hurt but after a while it bean feeling a lot better

"yeah i needed this" i groaned in satisfaction

As Shreya worked her way up from my ankle to my waist,

she teasingly touched and caressed me, trying to get a reaction out of me i can tell this is revenge for earlier, but I resisted as best as I could until a tent started forming,

she noticed and and said "oh mashye you naughty little man" she said with a sultry smile "little? i think my buddy down there would disagree" i remarked

still enjoying the pleasure she provided through her massage techniques. "oh how right he is" she said while grazing my dick with her finger making it throb

finally, she finished the massage with a sensual touch that left me feeling relaxed

yet aroused at the same time. we stared into eachothers eyes

The tension between us was palpable as we both knew what we desired but kept our actions in check

until i broke the silence.

"i think thats enough for tonight, we have a long day tomorrow for sure thanks for the massage even though you left me with a 'bigger' problem" 

"its the least i can do for a damsel in distress, and im happy to help with your 'problem' all you have to do is ask' she said with a hungry stare as if she wanted to devour me whole

"not this time shreya, i think i'll handle it myself" i chuckled

i could tell my words dissatisfied her a little but we both knew that if we went any further it wouldn't be right and may affect our relationship before we even really got to know eachother 

she turned around, and i smacked her ass holding it for a couple seconds "mmhm" arousing a moan out of her i let go and went to the door before she left she said

"Goodnight mashye i'll see you in the morning we'll talk about everything that happened at breakfast"

"sounds like a plan" she closed the door and i got inside my covers and i felt my eyes slowly drop until i finally fell asleep..

To be continued.

i've realized 4-5k a chapter is too much so im just gonna half it to 2K a chapter this one was like 400 words over but who's counting

no schedule but expect maybe like 3 chapters a week probably more but 3 is a lowball

UgandanWebKnovelscreators' thoughts