
I'm Dating an Idol III (Unusual Relationship)

Kang Eun Ja got an Unusual Relationship with her Classmate Lee Hyun and The one who will found out the true Story

CutieCat · Andere
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60 Chs

Episode 58

Brian: Trust me

Jake: You're not going anywhe-

Eunja: hoo! [Jumped] AHHH!

Brian: [catch her]

Jake: Ugh! Missed it!

Brian: Let's go!

[They both run away]

Woong: what are you doing?! Catch them!!!!

Jake: Yes Sir!!

[Bang! BANG!]

Eunja: Ah!!

Brian: Let's go this way

Jake: shit!

[Back in the old building]

Chang Ae: where is she?!

Jake: they got escaped

Chang Ae: WHAT?! STUPID! You don't even catch a girl!!

Woong: boss he fled with someone

Chang Ae: WHO!?

Jake: Brian

Chang Ae: What?! Brian!?

Jake: Yes Boss

Chang Ae: So He's Back

Woong: Boss Master called

Chang Ae: shit! [Take the phone] Master

Master: you let her escaped again

Chang Ae: Master were sorry so sorry please spare my life it will not happen again

Master: I'll give you chance to prove yourself if it's happen again, you know what will happen

Chang Ae: Yes Master I will find her soon

[Hang Up]


Woong: [Bow]

[Brian House]

Brian: Here water

Eunja: thank you

Brian: You okay?

Eunja: Yes, I'm okay, uhmm How did you find me?

Brian: [stand up] Here call your parents

Eunja: uh thanks [called alice]

[Alice House]

[Ring Ring]

Alice: [grab her phone] who is this? [Answer]

Eunja: Alice!

Alice: Eunja!?.. where are you?! Are you alright ?! Where did they took you?!

Eunja: alice Alice! I'm okay!

Alice: your okay?

Eunja: I escaped

Alice: what?! How

Vince: eunja where are you?

Eunja: [look at brian]

Brian: [look away]

Eunja: I'm here at Brian's House

Vince: WHAT?! Brian?!

Eunja: ye-s

Vince: Okay were going there now

Eunja: okay [hang up]

Vince: dad Eunja is in Brian's House

Christoff: What?!

Vince: were going there now

Christoff: I'm coming

Vince: okay let's go

[Brian's House]

Eunja: here thanks

Brian: do you want to eat ?

Eunja: uh No than- [Growl] uhmm ahem [Embarassed] may-be a little

Brian: [go to the kitchen] [smile]

Eunja: omg that was embarassing!

[After a few minutes]

Brian: here

Eunja:Wow~ [sparkling eyes]

Brian: [look at her]

Eunja: ah I mean thanks they looked delicous

Brian: [sit]

Eunja: [wow they look delicous] [take a bite]

Brian: [watching her]

Eunja: uhmm are you not gonna join me?

Brian: [look at her]

Eunja: o-okay [this is awkward] [eating]

[After a few minutes]

Eunja: [why he still looking at me?!] [Eating]

[Knock knock]

Eunja: oh! [Stand up] i think that's them! I'm gonna go open it

Brian: just sit there I'm going

Eunja: o-okay [SIT]

Brian: [slowly open the door]

Vince: Brian?

Brian: [open the door]

Alice: Eunja!

Eunja: Alice!

Alice: are you okay?!

Eunja: yes

Christoff: Bri- [Look at him]

Brian: [look away]

Vince: Let's go

Alice: okay lets go eunja

Eunja: okay... uh wait! Brian! Thank you for saving me

Brian: [nod]


Brian: [see them off]

[Door closed]

Brian: Eun Ja [smile]