
Chapter 102: "Don't even think about using Leap Slash on me, damn it!

In Jingjiu City, even a dog earns the respectful address of "Capital Lord" when placed in another city.

The local tycoons of Fengtian City, when compared to Jingjiu City, could hardly make a splash—truly inconspicuous in every sense.

It's possible that even the head of their own family has a lower Player Level than the chauffeurs of those Jingjiu City tycoons.

This middle-aged man's words carried an even greater aggression. Fortunately, Sang Biao wasn't here, otherwise, such words would have grievously offended Sang Biao, making the already tense atmosphere at the scene even more rigid.

The others seated on both sides of the table also followed the principle "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil," pretending to have heard nothing.